Definition of Mind, Body and Spirit Complex & Their Basic Origins
The Law of One, Book II, Session 30
Questioner: Thank you.
Would you define mind, body, and spirit separately?
Ra: I am Ra. These terms are all simplistic descriptive terms which equal a complex of energy focuses;
the body, as you call it,
being the material of the density which you experience at a given space/time or time/space; this complex of materials being available for distortions of what you would call physical manifestation.
The mind
is a complex which reflects the in-pourings of the spirit and the up-pourings of the body complex.
It contains what you know as feelings, emotions, and intellectual thoughts in its more conscious complexities.
Moving further down the tree of mind
we see the intuition which is of the nature of the mind more in contact or in tune with the total being-ness complex.
Moving down to the roots of mind
we find the progression of consciousness which gradually turns from the personal to the racial memory, to the cosmic influxes, and thus becomes a direct contactor of that shuttle which we call the spirit complex.
This spirit complex
is the channel whereby the in-pourings from all of the various universal, planetary, and personal inpourings may be funneled into the roots of consciousness and whereby consciousness may be funneled to the gateway of intelligent infinity through the balanced intelligent energy of body and mind.
You will see by this series of definitive statements that mind, body, and spirit are inextricably intertwined and cannot continue, one without the other.
Thus we refer to the mind/body/spirit complex rather than attempting to deal with them separately, for the work, shall we say, that you do during your experiences is done through the interaction of these three components, not through any one.
Questioner: Upon our physical death, as we call it, from this particular density and this particular incarnative experience, we lose this chemical body.
Immediately after the loss of this chemical body do we maintain a different type of body?
Is there still a mind/body/spirit complex at that point?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
The mind/body/spirit complex is quite intact; the physical body complex you now associate with the term body being but manifestation of a more dense and intelligently informed and powerful body complex.
Questioner: Is there any loss to the mind or spirit after this transition which we call death or any impairment of either because of the loss of this chemical body which we now have?
Ra: I am Ra. In your terms there is a great loss of mind complex due to the fact that much of the activity of the mental nature of which you are aware during the experience of this space/time continuum is as much of a surface illusion as is the chemical body complex.
In other terms nothing whatever of importance is lost; the character or, shall we say, pure distortion of emotions and biases or distortions and wisdoms, if you will, becoming obvious for the first time, shall we say; these pure emotions and wisdoms and bias/distortions being, for the most part, either ignored or underestimated during physical life experience.
In terms of the spiritual, this channel is then much opened due to the lack of necessity for the forgetting characteristic of third density.
Questioner: I would like to know how the mind/body/spirit complexes originate, going as far back as necessary.
How does the origination occur?
Do they originate by spirit forming mind and mind forming body?
Can you tell me this?
Ra: I am Ra.
We ask you to consider that you are attempting to trace evolution.
This evolution is as we have previously described,
the consciousness
being first, in first density, without movement, a random thing.
Whether you may call this mind or body complex is a semantic problem.
We call it mind/body complex recognizing always that in the simplest iota of this complex exists in its entirety the one infinite Creator;
this mind/body complex
then in second density discovering the growing and turning towards the light, thus awakening what you may call the spirit complex, that which intensifies the upward spiraling towards the love and light of the infinite Creator.
The addition of this spirit complex, though apparent rather than real, it having existed potentially from the beginning of space/time, perfects itself by graduation into third density,
When the mind/body/spirit complex becomes aware of the possibility of service to self or other-self, then the mind/body/spirit complex is activated.