The Harvest is Now | The Rapture or The Day of Recompense is Here
The Law of One, Book I, Session 14
January 29, 1981
Questioner: George Van Tassel built a machine in our western desert called an integratron.
Will this machine work for that purpose, of increasing the life span?
Ra: I am Ra. The machine is incomplete and will not function for the above-mentioned purpose.
Questioner: Who gave George the information on how to build it?
Ra: I am Ra. There were two contacts which gave the entity with the vibratory sound complex, George, this information.
One was of the Confederation.
The second was of the Orion group.
The Confederation was caused to find the distortion towards non-contact due to the alteration of the vibrational mind complex patterns of the one called George.
Thus, the Orion group used this instrument; however, this instrument, though confused, was a mind/body/spirit complex devoted at the heart to service to others, so the, shall we say, worst that could be done was to discredit this source.
Questioner: Would there be any value to the people of this planet now to complete this machine?
Ra: I am Ra. The harvest is now.
There is not at this time any reason to include efforts along these distortions toward longevity, but rather to encourage distortions toward seeking the heart of self, for this which resides clearly in the violet-ray energy field will determine the harvesting of each mind/body/spirit complex.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 15
Questioner: Yesterday you stated that
“the harvest is now.
There is not at this time any reason to include efforts along this line of longevity, but rather to encourage efforts to seek the heart of self.
This which resides clearly in the violet-ray energy field will determine the harvest of the mind/body/spirit complex.”
Could you tell us the best way to seek the heart of self?
Ra: I am Ra. We have given you this information in several wordings.
However, we can only say the material for your understanding is the self: the mind/body/spirit complex.
You have been given information upon healing, as you call this distortion.
This information may be seen in a more general context as ways to understand the self.
The understanding,
experiencing, accepting, and merging of self with self and other-self, and finally with the Creator, is the path to the heart of self.
In each infinitesimal part of your self resides the One in all of Its power.
Therefore, we can only encourage these lines of contemplation or prayer as a means of subjectively/objectively using or combining various understandings to enhance the seeking process.
Without such a method of reversing the analytical process, one could not integrate into unity the many understandings gained in such seeking.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 6
Questioner: Is all of the Earth’s human population then originally from Maldek?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a new line of questioning, and deserves a place of its own.
The ones who were harvested to your sphere from the sphere known before its dissolution as other names, but to your peoples as Maldek, incarnated, many within your Earth’s surface rather than upon it.
The population of your planet contains many various groups harvested from other second-dimension and cycled third-dimension spheres.
You are not all one race or background of beginning.
The experience you share is unique to this time/space continuum.
Questioner: I think that it would be appropriate to discover how the Law of One acts in this transfer of beings to our planet and the action of harvest?
Ra: I am Ra. The Law of One states simply that all things are one, that all beings are one.
There are certain behaviors and thought-forms consonant with the understanding and practice of this law.
Those who, finishing a cycle of experience, demonstrate grades of distortion of that understanding of thought and action will be separated by their own choice into the vibratory distortion most comfortable to their mind/body/spirit complexes.
This process is guarded or watched by those nurturing beings who, being very close to the Law of One in their distortions, nevertheless, move towards active service.
Thus, the illusion is created of light, or more properly but less understandably, light/love.
This is in varying degrees of intensity.
The spirit complex of each harvested entity moves along the line of light until the light grows too glaring, at which time the entity stops.
This entity may have barely reached third density or may be very, very close to the ending of the third-density light/love distortion vibratory complex.
Nevertheless, those who fall within this octave of intensifying light/love then experience a major cycle during which there are opportunities for the discovery of the distortions which are inherent in each entity and, therefore, the lessening of these distortions.
Questioner: What is the length, in our years, of one of these cycles?
Ra: I am Ra. One major cycle is approximately 25,000 of your years.
There are three cycles of this nature during which those who have progressed may be harvested at the end of three major cycles.
That is, approximately between 75 and 76,000 of your years.
All are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density.
Questioner: What is the position of this planet with respect to the progression of cycles at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. This sphere is at this time in fourth-dimension vibration.
Its material is quite confused due to the society memory complexes embedded in its consciousness.
It has not made an easy transition to the vibrations which beckon.
Therefore, it will be fetched with some inconvenience.
Questioner: Is this inconvenience imminent within a few years?
Ra: I am Ra. This inconvenience, or disharmonious vibratory complex, has begun several of your years in your past.
It shall continue unabated for a period of approximately thirty of your years.
Questioner: After this period of thirty years I am assuming that this will be a fourth-density planet. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is so.
Questioner: Is it possible to estimate what percent of the present population will inhabit the fourth-density planet?
Ra: I am Ra. The harvesting is not yet, thus, estimation is meaningless.
Questioner: Does the fact that we are in this transition period now have anything to do with the reason that you have made your information available to the population?
Ra: I am Ra. We have walked among your people.
We remember.
We remember sorrow: have seen much.
We have searched for an instrument of the proper parameters of distortion in mind/body/spirit complex and supporting and understanding of mind/body/spirit complexes to accept this information with minimal distortion and maximal desire to serve for some of your years.
The answer, in short, is yes.
However, we wished you to know that in our memory we thank you.
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 3, Session 8
January 26, 1981
Questioner: Am I to understand then that the United States has these craft in undersea bases?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct.
Questioner: How did the United States learn the technology to build these craft?
Ra: I am Ra. There was a mind/body/spirit complex known to your people by the vibratory sound complex, Nikola.
This entity departed the illusion and the papers containing the necessary understandings were taken by mind/body/spirit complexes serving your security of national divisional complex.
Thus your people became privy to the basic technology.
In the case of those mind/body/spirit complexes which you call Russians, the technology was given from one of the Confederation in an attempt, approximately twenty seven of your years ago, to share information and bring about peace among your peoples.
The entities giving this information were in error, but we did many things at the end of this cycle in attempts to aid your harvest from which we learned the folly of certain types of aid.
That is a contributing factor to our more cautious approach at this date, even as the need is power upon power greater, and your peoples’ call is greater and greater.
Questioner: The most startling information that you have given me, which I must admit that I’m having difficulty believing, is that the United States has 573 craft of the type which you described.
How many people of United States designation are aware of these craft, including those who operate them?
Ra: I am Ra. The number of your peoples varies, for there are needs to communicate at this particular time/space nexus so that the number is expanding at this time.
The approximate number is 1,500.
It is only approximate for as your illusory time/space continuum moves from present to present at this nexus many are learning.
Questioner: Where are these craft constructed?
Ra: These craft are constructed one by one in two locations:
in the desert or arid regions of your so-called New Mexico and
in the desert or arid regions of your so-called Mexico,
both installations being under the ground.
Questioner: Am I to believe that the United States actually has a manufacturing plant in Mexico?
Ra: I am Ra. I spoke thusly.
May I, at this time, reiterate that this type of information is very shallow and of no particular consequence compared to the study of the Law of One.
However, we carefully watch these developments in hopes that your peoples are able to be harvested in peace.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 10
Questioner: Then our human race is formed of a few who originally came from Maldek and quite a few who came from Mars.
Are there entities here from other places?
Ra: I am Ra. There are entities experiencing your time/space continuum who have originated from many, many places, as you would call them, in the creation, for when there is a cycle change, those who must repeat then find a planetary sphere appropriate for this repetition.
It is somewhat unusual for a planetary mind/body/spirit complex to contain those from many, many various loci, but this explains much, for, you see, you are experiencing the third dimension occurrence with a large number of those who must repeat the cycle.
The orientation, thus, has been difficult to unify even with the aid of many of your teach/learners.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 20
Questioner: I make the assumption that if maximum efficiency had been achieved in this 25,000 year period the entities would have polarized either toward service to self or toward service to others, one or the other.
This would have made them harvestable at the end of that 25,000 year period in which case they would have had to move to another planet because this one would have been third density for 50,000 more years.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Let us untangle your assumption which is complex and correct in part.
The original desire is that entities seek and become one.
If entities can do this in a moment, they may go forward in a moment, and, thus, were this to occur in a major cycle, indeed, the third-density planet would be vacated at the end of that cycle.
It is, however, more towards the median or mean, shall we say, of third-density developments throughout the one infinite universe that there be a small harvest after the first cycle;
the remainder having significantly polarized,
the second cycle having a much larger harvest;
the remainder being even more significantly polarized,
the third cycle culminating the process and the harvest being completed.
Questioner: Was the Confederation watching to see and expecting to see a harvest at the end of the 25,000 year period in which a percentage would be harvestable fourth-density positive and a percentage harvestable fourth-density negative?
Ra: I am Ra. That is correct.
You may see our role in the first major cycle as that of the gardener who, knowing the season, is content to wait for the spring.
When the springtime does not occur, the seeds do not sprout; then it is that the gardener must work in the garden.
Questioner: Am I to understand, then, that there was neither a harvest of positive or negative entities at the end of that 25,000 years?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Those whom you call the Orion group made one attempt to offer information to those of third density during that cycle.
However, the information did not fall upon the ears of any who were concerned to follow this path to polarity.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 51
Questioner: As we begin Book Three of The Law of One there are a couple of questions of fairly non-transient importance that I have and one that I consider to be of a transient nature that I feel obligated to ask.
The first is clearing up the final point about harvest.
I was wondering if there is a supervision over the harvest and if so, why this supervision is necessary and how it works since an entity’s harvestability is determined by the violet ray?
Is it necessary for entities to supervise the harvest, or is it automatic?
Ra: I am Ra. In time of harvest there are always harvesters.
The fruit is formed as it will be, but there is some supervision necessary to ensure that this bounty is placed as it should be without the bruise or the blemish.
There are those of three levels watching over harvest.
The first level
is planetary and that which may be called angelic.
This type of guardian includes the mind/body/spirit complex totality or higher self of an entity and those inner plane entities which have been attracted to this entity through its inner seeking.
The second class
of those who ward this process are those of the Confederation who have the honor/duty of standing in the small places at the edge of the steps of light/love so that those entities being harvested will not, no matter how confused or unable to make contact with their higher self, stumble and fall away for any reason other than the strength of the light.
These Confederation entities catch those who stumble and set them aright so that they may continue into the light.
The third group
watching over this process is that group you call the Guardians.
This group is from the octave above our own and serves in this manner as light bringers.
These Guardians provide the precise emissions of light/love in exquisitely fastidious disseminations of discrimination so that the precise light/love vibration of each entity may be ascertained.
Thus the harvest is automatic in that those harvested will respond according to that which is unchangeable during harvest.
That is the violet ray emanation.
However, these helpers are around to ensure a proper harvesting so that each entity may have the fullest opportunity to express its violet ray selfhood.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 65
Questioner: How common in the universe is a mixed harvest from a planet of both positively and negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes?
Ra: I am Ra. Among planetary harvests which yield an harvest of mind/body/spirit complexes approximately 10% are negative; approximately 60% are positive; and approximately 30% are mixed with nearly all harvest being positive.
In the event of mixed harvest it is almost unknown for the majority of the harvest to be negative.
When a planet moves strongly towards the negative there is almost no opportunity for harvestable positive polarization.
Questioner: Can you tell me why there is almost no opportunity in that case?
Ra: The ability to polarize positively requires a certain degree of self determination.
Questioner: Then as these final days of the cycle transpire if the harvest were to occur now, today, it would have a certain number harvested positively and negatively and a certain number of repeaters.
I am going to assume that because of the catalyst that will be experienced between now and the actual harvesting time these numbers of harvestable entities will increase.
Generally speaking, not particularly with respect to this planet but with respect to general experience in harvesting, how big an increase in harvestable entities can you logically assume will occur because of the catalyst that occurs in the final period such as this one, or am I making a mistake in assuming that other planets have added catalyst at the end of a harvesting period when they have a mixed harvest?
Ra: I am Ra. In the event of mixed harvest there is nearly always disharmony and, therefore, added catalyst in the form of your so-called “Earth changes.”
In this assumption you are correct.
It is the Confederation’s desire to serve those who may indeed seek more intensely because of this added catalyst.
We do not choose to attempt to project the success of added numbers to the harvest for this would not be appropriate.
We are servants.
If we are called, we shall serve with all our strength.
To count the numbers is without virtue.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 13
Questioner: How does a third-density planet become a fourth density planet?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question.
The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularized in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour.
The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration.
This causes the planetary sphere to be able to be molded by these new distortions.
However, the thought-forms of your people during this transition period are such that the mind/body/spirit complexes of both individual and societies are scattered throughout the spectrum instead of becoming able to grasp the needle, shall we say, and point the compass in one direction.
Thus, the entry into the vibration of love, sometimes called by your people the vibration of understanding, is not effective with your present societal complex.
Thus, the harvest shall be such that many will repeat the third-density cycle.
The energies of your Wanderers, your teachers, and your adepts at this time are all bent upon increasing the harvest.
However, there are few to harvest.