The True Ways of An Adept and Wanderers
The Law of One, Book I, Session 3
Questioner: Does the shape of the pyramid have a function in the initiation process?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a large question.
We feel that we shall begin and ask you to re-evaluate and ask further at a later session, this somewhat, shall we say, informative point.
To begin.
There are two main functions of the pyramid in relation to the initiatory procedures.
One has to do with the body.
Before the body can be initiated, the mind must be initiated.
This is the point at which most adepts of your present cycle find their mind/body/spirit complexes distorted from.
When the character and personality that is the true identity of the mind has been discovered, the body then must be known in each and every way.
Thus, the various functions of the body need understanding and control with detachment.
The first use of the pyramid, then,
is the going down into the pyramid for purposes of deprivation of sensory input so that the body may, in a sense, be dead and another life begin.
We advise, at this time, any necessary questions and a fairly rapid ending of this session.
Have you any query at this time/space?
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 42
I had one experience in meditation (which I spoke of before),2 which was very profound, approximately twenty years ago, a little less.
What disciplines would be most applicable to re-create this situation and this type of experience?
RA I am Ra. Your experience would best be approached from the ceremonial magical stance.
However, the wanderer or adept shall have the far greater potential for this type of experience which, as you have undoubtedly analyzed to be the case, is one of an archetypal nature, one belonging to the roots of cosmic consciousness.
2 In 34.3.
Was that in any way related to the Golden Dawn in ceremonial magic?
RA I am Ra. The relationship was congruency.
Then in attempting to reproduce this experience would I then best follow practices for the Order of the Golden Dawn in reproducing this?
RA I am Ra. To attempt to reproduce an initiatory experience is to move, shall we say, backwards.
However, the practice of this form of service to others is appropriate in your case, working with your associates.
It is not well for positively polarized entities to work singly.
The reasons for this are obvious.
Then this experience was a form of initiation? Is this correct?
RA I am Ra. Yes.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 47
Questioner: In our esoteric literature numerous bodies are listed.
I have listed here the physical body, the etheric, the emotional, the astral.
Can you tell me if this listing is the proper number, and can you tell me the uses and purposes and effects etc. of each of these and any other bodies that may be in our mind/body/spirit complex?
Ra: I am Ra. To answer your query fully would be the work of many sessions such as this one, for the interrelationships of the various bodies and each body’s effects in various situations is an enormous study.
However, we shall begin by referring your minds back to the spectrum of true colors and the usage of this understanding in grasping the various densities of your octave.
We have the number seven repeated from the macrocosm to the microcosm in structure and experience.
Therefore, it would only be expected that there would be seven basic bodies which we would perhaps be most lucid by stating as red-ray body, etc.
However, we are aware that you wish to correspond these bodies mentioned with the color rays.
This will be confusing, for various teachers have offered their teach/learning understanding in various terms.
Thus one may name a subtle body one thing and another find a different name.
The red-ray body
is your chemical body.
However, it is not the body which you have as clothing in the physical.
It is the unconstructed material of the body, the elemental body without form.
This basic unformed material body is important to understand for there are healings which may be carried out by the simple understanding of the elements present in the physical vehicle.
The orange-ray body
is the physical body complex.
This body complex is still not the body you inhabit but rather the body formed without self-awareness, the body in the womb before the spirit/mind complex enters.
This body may live without the inhabitation of the mind and spirit complexes.
However, it seldom does so.
The yellow-ray body
is your physical vehicle which you know of at this time and in which you experience catalyst.
This body has the mind/body/spirit characteristics and is equal to the physical illusion, as you have called it.
The green-ray body
is that body which may be seen in séance when what you call ectoplasm is furnished.
This is a lighter body packed more densely with life.
You may call this the astral body following some other teachings.
Others have called this same body the etheric body.
However, this is not correct in the sense that the etheric body is that body of gateway wherein intelligent energy is able to mold the mind/body/spirit complex.
The light body or blue-ray body
may be called the devachanic body.
There are many other names for this body especially in your so-called Indian Sutras or writings, for there are those among these peoples which have explored these regions and understand the various types of devachanic bodies.
There are many, many types of bodies in each density, much like your own.
The indigo-ray body
which we choose to call the etheric body is, as we have said, the gateway body.
In this body form is substance and you may only see this body as that of light as it may mold itself as it desires.
The violet-ray body
may perhaps be understood as what you might call the Buddha body or that body which is complete.
Each of these bodies has an effect upon your mind/body/spirit complex in your life being-ness.
The interrelationships, as we have said, are many and complex
Perhaps one suggestion that may be indicated is this:
The indigo-ray body
may be used by the healer once the healer becomes able to place its consciousness in this etheric state.
The violet-ray or Buddhic body
is of equal efficacy to the healer for within it lies a sense of wholeness which is extremely close to unity with all that there is.
These bodies are part of each entity and the proper use of them and understanding of them is, though far advanced from the standpoint of third-density harvest, nevertheless useful to the adept.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 49
Questioner: Is it better, or shall I say, does it produce more useable results in meditation to leave the mind as blank as possible and let it run down, so to speak, or is it better to focus in meditation on some object or some thing for concentration?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this work time.
Each of the two types of meditation is useful for a particular reason.
The passive meditation
involving the clearing of the mind, the emptying of the mental jumble which is characteristic of mind complex activity among your peoples, is efficacious for those whose goal is to achieve an inner silence as a base from which to listen to the Creator.
This is an useful and helpful tool and is by far the most generally useful type of meditation as opposed to contemplation or prayer.
The type of meditation which may be called visualization
has as its goal not that which is contained in the meditation itself.
Visualization is the tool of the adept.
Those who learn to hold visual images in mind are developing an inner concentrative power that can transcend boredom and discomfort.
When this ability has become crystallized in an adept the adept may then do polarizing in consciousness without external action which can effect the planetary consciousness.
This is the reason for the existence of the so-called White Magician.
Only those wishing to pursue the conscious raising of planetary vibration will find visualization to be a particularly satisfying type of meditation.
Contemplation or the consideration in a meditative state of an inspiring image or text is extremely useful also among your peoples,
and the faculty of will called praying is also of a potentially helpful nature.
Whether it is indeed an helpful activity depends quite totally upon the intentions and objects of the one who prays.
May we ask if there are any brief queries at this time?
The Law of One, Book II, Session 50
Questioner: Thank you.
How does the ability to hold visual images in mind allow the adept to do polarization in consciousness without external action?
Ra: I am Ra. This is not a simple query, for the adept is one which will go beyond the green-ray which signals entry into harvestability.
The adept will not simply be tapping into intelligent energy as a means of readiness for harvest but tapping into both intelligent energy and intelligent infinity for the purpose of transmuting planetary harvestability and consciousness.
The means of this working lie within.
The key is first, silence, and secondly, singleness of thought.
Thusly a visualization which can be held steady to the inward eye for several of your minutes, as you measure time, will signal the adept’s increase in singleness of thought.
This singleness of thought then can be used by the
positive adept to work in group ritual visualizations for the raising of positive energy,
by negative adepts for the increase in personal power.
Questioner: Can you tell me what the adept, after being able to hold the image for several minutes, does to affect planetary consciousness or affect positive polarity?
Ra: I am Ra.
When the positive adept touches intelligent infinity from within,
this is the most powerful of connections for it is the connection of the whole mind/body/spirit complex microcosm with the macrocosm.
This connection enables the, shall we say, green-ray true color in time/space to manifest in your space/time.
In green ray thoughts are beings.
In your illusion this is normally not so.
The adepts then become living channels for love and light and are able to channel this radiance directly into the planetary web of energy nexi.
The ritual will always end by the grounding of this energy in praise and thanksgiving and the release of this energy into the planetary whole.
Questioner: Each of us feels, in meditation, energy upon the head in various places.
Could you tell me what this is, what it signifies, and what the various places in which we feel it signify?
Ra: I am Ra. Forgetting the pyramid will be of aid to you in the study of these experiences.
The in-streamings of energy are felt by the energy centers which need, and are prepared for, activation.
Thus those who feel the stimulation at violet-ray level
are getting just that.
Those feeling it within the forehead between the brows
are experiencing indigo ray and so forth.
Those experiencing tingling and visual images
are having some blockage in the energy center being activated and thus the electrical body spreads this energy out and its effect is diffused.
Those not truly sincerely requesting this energy
may yet feel it if the entities are not well-trained in psychic defense.
Those not desirous of experiencing these sensations and activations and changes even upon the subconscious level
will not experience anything due to their abilities at defense and armoring against change.
Questioner: Is it normal to get two simultaneous stimulations at once?
Ra: I am Ra.
The most normal for the adept is the following:
the indigo stimulation
activating that great gateway into healing,
magical work,
prayerful attention, and
the radiance of being;
the stimulation of the violet ray
which is the spiritual giving and taking from and to Creator, from Creator to Creator.
This is a desirable configuration.
Please ask one more full query at this working.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 54
Questioner: Thank you.
It bears weight to my own way of thinking also. I appreciate what you have told me.
Now, I would like to then consider the origin of catalyst.
First we have the condition of mind/body/spirit complex which, as a function of the first distortion, has reached a condition of blockage or partial blockage of one or more energy centers.
I will assume that catalyst is necessary only if there is at least partial blockage of one energy center.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
Questioner: Could you tell me why?
Ra: I am Ra. While it is a primary priority to activate or unblock each energy center, it is also a primary priority at that point to begin to refine the balances between the energies so that each tone of the chord of total vibratory being-ness resonates in clarity, tune, and harmony with each other energy.
This balancing, tuning, and harmonizing of the self is most central to the more advanced or adept mind/body/spirit complex.
Each energy may be activated without
the beauty that is possible through the disciplines and appreciations of personal energies or what you might call the deeper personality or soul identity.
Questioner: Let me make an analogy that I have just thought of.
A sevenstringed musical instrument may be played by deflecting each string a full deflection and releasing it producing notes. instead of producing the notes this way the individual creative personality could deflect each string the proper amount in the proper sequence producing music. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
In the balanced individual the energies lie waiting for the hand of the Creator to pluck harmony.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 73
Questioner: It seems to me that the primary thing of importance for those on the service-to-others path is the development of an attitude which I can only describe as a vibration.
This attitude would be developed through meditation, ritual, and the developing appreciation for the creation or Creator which results in a state of mind that can only be expressed by me as an increase in vibration or oneness with all.
Could you expand and correct that statement?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall not correct this statement but shall expand upon it by suggesting that to those qualities you may add the living day by day and moment by moment, for the true adept lives more and more as it is.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 74
Questioner: I have a statement here that I am going to make and let you correct.
I see that the disciplines of the personality feed the indigo-ray energy center and affect the power of the white magician by unblocking the lower energy centers allowing for the free flow of the upward spiraling light to reach the indigo center.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
Questioner: Will you please correct me?
Ra: I am Ra. The indigo center is indeed most important for the work of the adept.
However, it cannot, no matter how crystallized, correct to any extent whatsoever imbalances or blockages in other energy centers.
They must needs be cleared seriatim from red upwards.
Questioner: I’m not sure exactly if I understand this.
The question is how do disciplines of the personality feed the indigo-ray energy center and affect the power of the white magician?
Does that question make sense?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
Questioner: Would you answer it please?
Ra: I am Ra. We would be happy to answer this query.
We understood the previous query as being of other import.
The indigo ray is the ray of the adept.
There is an identification between the crystallization of that energy center and the improvement of the working of the mind/body/spirit as it begins to transcend space/time balancing and to enter the combined realms of space/time and time/space.
Questioner: Let me see if I have a wrong opinion here of the effect of disciplines of the personality.
I was assuming that the discipline of the personality to, shall we say, have a balanced attitude toward a single fellow entity would properly clear and balance, to some extent, the orange-ray energy center.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We cannot say that you speak incorrectly but merely less than completely.
The disciplined personality,
when faced with an other-self, has all centers balanced according to its unique balance.
Thusly the other-self looks in a mirror seeing its self.
Questioner: The disciplines of the personality are the paramount work of any who have become consciously aware of the process of evolution.
Am I correct on that statement?
Ra: I am Ra. Quite.
Questioner: What I am trying to get at is how these disciplines affect the energy centers and the power of the white magician.
Will you tell me how that works?
Ra: I am Ra.
The heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold.
One, know your self.
Two, accept your self.
Three, become the Creator.
The third step is that step
which, when accomplished, renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality and completely able to know and accept other-selves.
In relation to the pursuit of the magical working the continuing discipline of the personality involves the adept in knowing its self, accepting its self, and thus clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the Creator.
To become the Creator is to become all that there is.
There is, then, no personality in the sense with which the adept begins its learn/teaching.
As the consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more crystalline, more work may be done; more may be expressed from intelligent infinity.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 75
Questioner: I am sorry for my confusion.
Sometimes, as you say, sound vibration complexes are not very adequate.
The answer to this next question probably has to do with our distorted view of time, but as I see it, Wanderers in this density who come from the fifth-density or sixth-density should already be of a relatively high degree of adeptness and they must follow a slightly different path back to the adeptness that they once had in a higher density and get as close to it as they can in the third-density.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Your query is less than perfectly focused.
We shall address the subject in general.
There are many Wanderers whom you may call adepts who do no conscious work in the present incarnation.
It is a matter of attention.
One may be a fine catcher of your game sphere, but if the eye is not turned as this sphere is tossed then perchance it will pass the entity by.
If it turned its eyes upon the sphere, catching would be easy.
In the case of Wanderers which seek to recapitulate the degree of adeptness which each had acquired previous to this life experience, we may note that even after the forgetting process has been penetrated there is still the yellow activated body which does not respond as does the adept which is of a green- or blue-ray activated body.
Thusly, you may see the inevitability of frustrations and confusion due to the inherent difficulties of manipulating the finer forces of consciousness through the chemical apparatus of the yellow-ray activated body.
Questioner: You made the statement in a previous session that the true adept lives more and more as it is.
Will you explain and expand more upon that statement?
Ra: I am Ra. Each entity is the Creator.
The entity, as it becomes more and more conscious of its self,
gradually comes to the turning point at which it determines to seek either in service to others or in service to self.
The seeker becomes the adept when it has balanced with minimal adequacy the energy centers red, orange, yellow, and blue with the addition of the green for the positive, thus moving into indigo work.
The adept then
begins to do less of the preliminary or outer work, having to do with function, and begins to effect the inner work which has to do with being.
As the adept becomes a more and more consciously crystallized entity
it gradually manifests more and more of that which it always has been since before time; that is, the one infinite Creator.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 76
Questioner: Has our use of the Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram been of any value and what is its effect?
Ra: I am Ra. This group’s use of the Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram has been increasingly efficacious.
Its effect is purification, cleansing, and protection of the place of working.
The efficacy of this ritual is only beginning to be, shall we say, at the lower limits of the truly magical.
In doing the working those aspiring to adepthood have done the equivalent of beginning the schoolwork, many grades ahead.
For the intelligent student this is not to be discouraged; rather to be encouraged is the homework, the reading, the writing, the arithmetic, as you might metaphorically call the elementary steps towards the study of being.
It is the being that informs the working, not the working that informs the being.
Therefore, we may leave you to the work you have begun.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 80
Questioner: I am sorry for my lack of penetration of these mechanisms and I apologize for some rather stupid questions, but I think we have here a point that is somewhat central to what we are presently attempting to understand.
Some of my next questions may be almost unacceptably stupid, but I will attempt to try to understand what this power that our visitor seeks is and how he uses it.
It seems to me that this is central to the mind and its evolution.
As our visitor increases his power through these works, what is the power that he increases?
Can you describe it?
Ra: I am Ra. The power of which you speak is a spiritual power.
The powers of the mind, as such, do not encompass such works as these.
You may, with some fruitfulness, consider the possibilities of moonlight.
You are aware that we have described the Matrix of the Spirit as a Night.
The moonlight,
then, offers either a true picture seen in shadow or chimera and falsity.
The power of falsity
is deep as is the power to discern truth from shadow.
The shadow of hidden things
is an infinite depth in which is stored the power of the one infinite Creator.
The adept, then, is working
with the power of hidden things illuminated by that which can be false or true.
To embrace falsity,
to know it, and
to seek it, and
to use it gives a power that is most great.
This is the nature of the power of your visitor and may shed some light upon the power of one who seeks in order to serve others as well, for the missteps in the night are oh! so easy.
Questioner: Are you saying, then, that this power is of the spirit and not of the mind or of the body?
Ra: I am Ra. The work of the adept is based upon previous work with the mind and the body, else work with the spirit would not be possible on a dependable basis.
With this comment we may assert the correctness of your assumption.
Questioner: The fifteenth archetype is the Matrix of the Spirit and has been called the Devil.
Can you tell me why that is so?
Ra: I am Ra. We do not wish to be facile in such a central query, but we may note that the nature of the spirit is so infinitely subtle that the fructifying influence of light upon the great darkness of the spirit is very often not as apparent as the darkness itself.
The progress chosen by many adepts becomes a confused path as each adept attempts to use the Catalyst of the Spirit.
Few there are which are successful in grasping the light of the sun.
By far, the majority of adepts remain groping in the moonlight and, as we have said, this light can deceive as well as uncover hidden mystery.
Therefore, the melody, shall we say, of this matrix often seems to be of a negative and evil, as you would call it, nature.
It is also to be noted that an adept is one which has freed itself more and more from the constraints of the thoughts, opinions, and bonds of otherselves.
Whether this is done for service to others or service to self, it is a necessary part of the awakening of the adept.
This freedom is seen by those not free as what you would call evil or black.
The magic is recognized; the nature is often not.
Questioner: Could I say, then, that implicit in the process of becoming adept is the seeming polarization towards service to self because the adept becomes disassociated with many of his kind?
Ra: I am Ra. This is likely to occur.
The apparent happening is disassociation whether the truth is service to self and thus true disassociation from other-selves
service-to-others and thus true association with the heart of all other-selves and disassociation only from the illusory husks which prevent the adept from correctly perceiving the self and other-self as one.
Questioner: Then you say that this effect of disassociation on the service-to-others adept is a stumbling block or slowing process in reaching that goal to which he aspires? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
This disassociation from the miasma of illusion and misrepresentation of each and every distortion is a quite necessary portion of an adept’s path.
It may be seen by others to be unfortunate.
Questioner: Then is this, from the point of view of the fifteenth archetype, somewhat of an excursion into the Matrix of the Spirit in this process?
Does that make any sense?
Ra: I am Ra. The excursion of which you speak and the process of disassociation is most usually linked with that archetype you call Hope which we would prefer to call Faith.
This archetype is the Catalyst of the Spirit and, because of the illuminations of the Potentiator of the Spirit, will begin to cause these changes in the adept’s viewpoint.
Questioner: I didn’t intend to get too far ahead of my questioning process here.
The positively or negatively polarized adept, then, is building a potential to draw directly on the spirit for power.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. It would be more proper to say that the adept is calling directly through the spirit to the universe for its power, for the spirit is a shuttle.
Questioner: The only obvious significant difference, I believe, between the positive and negative adepts in using this shuttle is the way they polarize.
Is there a relationship between the archetypes of the spirit and whether the polarization is either positive or negative?
Is, for instance, the positive calling through the sixteenth archetype and the negative calling through the fifteenth archetype?
I am very confused about this and I imagine that that question is either poor or meaningless.
Can you answer that?
Ra: I am Ra. It is a challenge to answer such a query, for there is some confusion in its construction.
However, we shall attempt to speak upon the subject.
The adept, whether positive or negative, has the same Matrix.
The Potentiator is also identical.
Due to the Catalyst of each adept
the adept may begin to pick and choose that into which it shall look further.
The Experience of the Spirit,
that which you have called the Moon, is then, by far, the more manifest of influences upon the polarity of the adept.
Even the most unhappy of experiences, shall we say, which seem to occur in the Catalyst of the adept, seen from the viewpoint of the spirit, may, with the discrimination possible in shadow, be worked with until light equaling the light of brightest noon descends upon the adept and positive or service-to-others illumination has occurred.
The service-to-self adept
will satisfy itself with the shadows and, grasping the light of day, will toss back the head in grim laughter, preferring the darkness.
Questioner: Then for the twentieth archetype I’m guessing that this is the Transformation of the Spirit, possibly analogous to the sixth-density merging of the paths.
Is this in any way correct?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
Questioner: Sorry about that.
Can you tell me what the twentieth archetype would be?
Ra: I am Ra. That which you call the Sarcophagus in your system may be seen to be the material world, if you will.
This material world is transformed by the spirit into that which is infinite and eternal.
The infinity of the spirit is an even greater realization than the infinity of consciousness, for consciousness which has been disciplined by will and faith is that consciousness which may contact intelligent infinity directly.
There are many things which fall away in the many, many steps of adepthood.
We, of Ra, still walk these steps and praise the one infinite Creator at each transformation.
Questioner: Then I would guess that the twenty-first archetype would represent contact with intelligent infinity.
Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, although one may also see the reflection of this contact as well as the contact with intelligent energy which is the Universe or, as you have called it somewhat provincially, the World.
Questioner: Then by this contact also with intelligent energy can you give me an example of what this would be for both the contact with intelligent infinity and the contact with intelligent energy?
Could you give me an example of what type of experience this would result in, if that is at all possible?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last query of this working of full length.
We have discussed the possibilities of contact with intelligent energy,
for this energy is the energy of the Logos, and thus it is the energy which heals, builds, removes, destroys, and transforms all other-selves as well as the self.
The contact with intelligent infinity
is most likely to produce an unspeakable joy in the entity experiencing such contact.
If you wish to query in more detail upon this subject, we invite you to do so in another working.
Is there a brief query before we close this working?
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 82
Questioner: You have stated in a much earlier session that it is necessary to polarize more than 50% service-to-others to be harvestable fourth-density positive.
Was this condition the same at the time before the veil?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working.
The query is not answered easily, for the concept of service to self did not hold sway previous to what we have been calling the veiling process.
The necessity for graduation to fourth density is an ability to use, welcome, and enjoy a certain intensity of the white light of the one infinite Creator.
In your own terms at your space/time nexus this ability may be measured by your previously stated percentages of service.
Prior to the veiling process
the measurement would be that of an entity walking up a set of your stairs, each of which was imbued with a certain quality of light.
The stair upon which an entity stopped would be either third-density light or fourth-density light.
Between the two stairs lies the threshold.
To cross that threshold is difficult.
There is resistance at the edge, shall we say, of each density.
The faculty of faith or will needs to be understood, nourished, and developed in order to have an entity which seeks past the boundary of third density.
Those entities which do not do their homework, be they ever so amiable, shall not cross.
It was this situation which faced the Logoi prior to the veiling process being introduced into the experiential continuum of third density.
May we ask if there are any brief queries at this working?
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 83
Questioner: Is the veil supposed to be what I would call semi-permeable?
Ra: I am Ra. The veil is indeed so.
Questioner: What techniques and methods of penetration of the veil were planned and are there any others that have occurred other that those planned?
Ra: I am Ra. There were none planned by the first great experiment.
As all experiments, this rested upon the nakedness of hypothesis.
The outcome was unknown.
It was discovered, experientially and empirically, that there were as many ways to penetrate the veil as the imagination of mind/body/spirit complexes could provide.
The desire of mind/body/spirit complexes to know that which was unknown drew to them the dreaming and the gradual opening to the seeker of all of the balancing mechanisms leading to adepthood and communication with teach/learners which could pierce this veil.
The various unmanifested activities of the self were found to be productive in some degree of penetration of the veil.
In general, we may say that by far the most vivid and even extravagant opportunities for the piercing of the veil are a result of the interaction of polarized entities.
Questioner: Could you expand on what you mean by that interaction of polarized entities in piercing the veil?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall state two items of note.
The first
is the extreme potential for polarization in the relationship of two polarized entities which have embarked upon the service-to-others path or, in some few cases, the service-to-self path.
we would note that effect which we have learned to call the doubling effect.
Those of like mind which together seek shall far more surely find.
Questioner: Specifically, by what process would, in the first case, two polarized entities attempt to penetrate the veil, whether they be positively or negatively polarized?
By what technique would they penetrate the veil?
Ra: I am Ra. The penetration of the veil may be seen to begin to have its roots in the gestation of green-ray activity, that all-compassionate love which demands no return.
If this path is followed the higher energy centers shall be activated and crystallized until the adept is born.
Within the adept is the potential for dismantling the veil to a greater or lesser extent that all may be seen again as one.
The other-self is primary catalyst in this particular path to the piercing of the veil, if you would call it that.
Questioner: What was the mechanism of the very first veiling process?
I don’t know if you can answer that.
Would you try to answer that?
Ra: I am Ra. The mechanism of the veiling between the conscious and unconscious portions of the mind was a declaration that the mind was complex.
This, in turn, caused the body and the spirit to become complex.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 90
Questioner: That’s OK. I don’t think that was too good a question anyway.
When Ra initially planned for helping the Egyptians with their evolution, what was the primary concept, and also secondary and tertiary if you can name those, that Ra wished to impart to the Egyptians?
In other words, what was Ra’s training plan or schedule for making the Egyptians aware of what was necessary for their evolution?
Ra: I am Ra. We came to your peoples to enunciate the Law of One.
We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity
that in unity all paradoxes are resolved;
all that is broken is healed;
all that is forgotten is brought to light.
We had no teaching plan, as you have called it, in that our intention when we walked among your peoples was to manifest that which was requested by those learn/teachers to which we had come.
We are aware that this particular line of querying; that is, the nature and architecture of the archetypical mind, has caused the questioner to attempt, to its own mind unsuccessfully, to determine the relative importance of these concepts.
We cannot learn/teach for any, nor would we take this opportunity from the questioner.
However, we shall comment.
The adept has already worked much, not only within the red, orange, yellow, and green energy centers but also in the opening of blue and indigo.
Up through this point the archetypes function as the great base or plinth of a builded structure or statue keeping the mind complex viable, level, and available as a resource whenever it may be evoked.
There is a point at which the adept takes up its work.
This is the point at which a clear and conscious consideration of the archetypical mind is useful.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 91
Questioner: Are these all of the components, then, of this first archetype?
Ra: I am Ra. These are all you, the student, see.
Thusly the complement is complete for you.
Each student may see some other nuance.
We, as we have said, did not offer these images with boundaries but only as guidelines intending to aid the adept and to establish the architecture of the deep, or archetypical, portion of the deep mind.
Questioner: How is the knowledge of the facets of the archetypical mind used by the individual to accelerate his evolution?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall offer an example based upon this first explored archetype or concept complex.
The conscious mind of the adept may be full to bursting of the most abstruse and unimaginable of ideas, so that further ideation becomes impossible and work in blue ray or indigo is blocked through over-activation.
It is then that the adept would call upon the new mind, untouched and virgin, and dwell within the archetype of the new and unblemished mind without bias, without polarity, full of the magic of the Logos.
Questioner: Then you are saying, if I am correct in understanding what you have just said, that the conscious mind may be filled with an almost infinite number of concepts but there is a set of basic concepts which are what I would call important simply because they are the foundations for the evolution of consciousness, and will, if carefully applied, accelerate the evolution of consciousness, whereas the vast array of concepts, ideas, and experiences that we meet in our daily lives may have little or no bearing upon the evolution of consciousness except in a very indirect way.
In other words, what we are attempting to do here is find the motivators of evolution and utilize them to move through our evolutionary track.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Not entirely.
The archetypes are not the foundation for spiritual evolution but rather are the tool for grasping in an undistorted manner the nature of this evolution.
Questioner: So for an individual who wished to consciously augment his own evolution, an ability to recognize and utilize the archetypes would be beneficial in sorting out that which he wishes to seek from that which would be not as efficient a seeking tool.
Would this be a good statement?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a fairly adequate statement.
The term “efficient” might also fruitfully be replaced by the term “undistorted.”
The archetypical mind, when penetrated lucidly, is a blueprint of the builded structure of all energy expenditures and all seeking without distortion.
This, as a resource within the deep mind, is of great potential aid to the adept.
We would ask for one more query at this space/time as this instrument is experiencing continuous surges of the distortion you call pain and we wish to take our leave of the working while the instrument still possesses a sufficient amount of transferred energy to ease the transition to the waking state, if you would call it that.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 92
Questioner: In the last session we discussed the first tarot card of the Egyptian type.
Are there any distortions in the cards that we have that Ra did not originally intend or any additions that Ra did intend in this particular tarot?
Ra: The distortions remaining after the removal of astrological material are those having to do with the mythos of the culture to which Ra offered this teach/learning tool.
This is why we have suggested approaching the images looking for the heart of the image rather than being involved overmuch by the costumes and creatures of a culture not familiar to your present incarnation.
We have no wish to add to an already distorted group of images, feeling that although distortion is inevitable there is the least amount which can be procured in the present arrangement.
Questioner: Then you are saying that the cards that we have here are the best available cards.
Ra: I am Ra. Your statement is correct in that we consider the so-called Egyptian tarot the most undistorted version of the images which Ra offered.
This is not to intimate that other systems may not, in their own way, form an helpful architecture for the adept’s consideration of the archetypical mind.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 93
Questioner: Then the adept, in becoming familiar with the Logos’s archetype in each case, would be able to most efficiently use the Logos’s plan for evolution. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. In the archetypical mind one has the resource of not specifically a plan for evolution but rather a blueprint or architecture of the nature of evolution.
This may seem to be a small distinction, but it has significance in perceiving more clearly the use of this resource of the deep mind.
Questioner: Then Ra presented the images which we know now as the tarot so that the Egyptian adepts of the time could accelerate their personal evolution.
Is this correct, and was there any other reason for the presentation of these images by Ra?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct.
Questioner: Are there any other uses at all of tarot cards other than the one I just named?
Ra: I am Ra.
To the student
the tarot images offer a resource for learn/teaching the processes of evolution.
To any other entity these images are pictures and no more.
Session 94, August 26, 1982
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 45
Questioner: Thank you.
I didn’t mean to go over previous material.
I should have phrased my question more carefully.
That is what I expected.
I was trying to get a confirmation of my suspicion.
I suspected that.
I will try to be more careful in questioning.
The second question from the instrument says,
“While on vacation I uncovered a lot about myself not consciously known before.
It seems to me that I have coasted a lot on the spiritual gifts given at birth and never have spent any time getting to know my human self which seems to be a child, immature and irrational.
Is this so?”
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.
Questioner: Then she says,
“If this is so, this seems to be part of the riddle about the manner of my beingness that Ra spoke of.
I fear that if I do not work successfully on my human distortions I shall be responsible for losing the contact.
Yet also Ra suggests the over-dedication to any outcome is unwise.
Could Ra comment on these thoughts?”
Ra: I am Ra. We comment in general first upon the query about the contact which indicates once again that the instrument views the mind/body/spirit complex with jaundiced eye.
Each mind/body/spirit complex that is seeking shall almost certainly have the immature and irrational behaviors.
It is also the case that this entity, as well as almost all seekers, has done substantial work within the framework of the incarnative experience and has indeed developed maturity and rationality.
That this instrument should fail to see that which has been accomplished and see only that which remains to be accomplished may well be noted.
Indeed, any seeker discovering in itself this complex of mental and mental/emotional distortions shall ponder the possible non-efficacy of judgment.
As we approach the second portion of the query we view the possibility of infringement upon free will.
However, we believe we may make reply within the boundaries of the Law of Confusion.
This particular instrument was not trained, nor did it study, nor worked it at any discipline in order to contact Ra.
We were able, as we have said many times, to contact this group using this instrument because of the purity of this instrument’s dedication to the service of the one infinite Creator and also because of the great amount of harmony and acceptance enjoyed each by each within the group; this situation making it possible for the support group to function without significant distortion.
We are humble messengers.
How can any thought be taken by an instrument as to the will of the Creator?
We thank this group that we may speak through it, but the future is mazed.
We cannot know whether our geste may, after one final working, be complete.
Can the instrument, then, think for a moment that it shall cease in the service of the one infinite Creator?
We ask the instrument to ponder these queries and observations.
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 55
Session 105, October 19, 1983
Questioner: Could you please tell me what caused Jim’s kidney problem to return, and what can be done to heal it?
Ra: I am Ra. The entity, Jim, determined that it would cleanse itself and thus would spend time/space and space/time in pursuit and contemplation of perfection.
The dedication to this working was intensified until the mind/body/spirit complex rang in harmony with this intention.
The entity did not grasp the literal way in which metaphysical intentions are translated by the body complex of one working in utter unity of purpose.
The entity began the period of prayer, fasting, penitence, and rejoicing.
The body complex, which was not yet fully recovered from the nephrotic syndrome, began to systematically cleanse each organ, sending all the detritus that was not perfect through kidneys which were not given enough liquid to dilute the toxins being released.
The toxins stayed with the body complex and reactivated a purely physical illness.
There is no metaphysical portion in this relapse.
The healing is taking place in manifestation of an affirmation of body complex health which, barring untoward circumstance, shall be completely efficacious.