Allopathic Healers and The Seeking of Allopathic Aid to Alleviate Bodily Distortions
The Law of One, Book III, Session 64
Questioner: Thank you.
Ra mentioned the ones (name) and (name) in a previous session.
These are members of what we call our medical profession.
What is the value of modem medical techniques in alleviating bodily distortions with respect to the purpose for these distortions and what we might call karma?
Ra: I am Ra. This query is convoluted.
However, we shall make some observations in lieu of attempting one coherent answer, for that which is allopathic among your healing practices is somewhat two-sided.
Firstly, you must see the possibility/probability that each and every allopathic healer is in fact an healer.
Within your cultural nexus this training is considered the appropriate means of perfecting the healing ability.
In the most basic sense any allopathic healer
may be seen to, perhaps, be one whose desire is service-to-others in alleviation of bodily complex and mental/emotional complex distortions so that the entity to be healed may experience further catalyst over a longer period of what you call the life.
This is a great service-to-others when appropriate due to the accumulation of distortions toward wisdom and love which can be created through the use of the space/time continuum of your illusion.
In observing the allopathic concept of the body complex as a machine
we may note the symptomology of a societal complex seemingly dedicated to the most intransigent desire for the distortions of distraction, anonymity, and sleep.
This is the result rather than the cause of societal thinking upon your plane.
In turn this mechanical concept of the body complex has created the continuing proliferation of distortions towards what you would call illhealth due to the strong chemicals used to control and hide bodily distortions.
There is a realization among many of your peoples that there are more efficacious systems of healing not excluding the allopathic but also including the many other avenues of healing.
Questioner: Let us assume that a bodily distortion occurs within a particular entity who then has a choice of seeking allopathic aid or experiencing the catalyst of the distortion and not seeking correction of the distortion.
Can you comment on the two possibilities for this entity and his analysis of each path?
Ra: I am Ra.
If the entity is polarized towards service-to-others,
analysis properly proceeds along the lines of consideration of which path offers the most opportunity for service-to-others.
For the negatively polarized entity
the antithesis is the case.
For the unpolarized entity
the considerations are random and most likely in the direction of the distortion towards comfort.