The Harvesting Criteria and Mechanisms for Graduation into 4th and 5th Density Vibration (Negative & Positive)
The Law of One, Book I, Session 17
Questioner: I don’t wish to take up extra time asking questions over again.
Some areas I consider important enough in relation to the Law of One to ask questions in a different way in order to get another perspective in the answer.
In the book Oahspe it states that if an entity goes over fifty one percent service to others and is less than fifty percent service to self, then that entity is harvestable. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct if the harvesting is to be for the positive fourth dimensional level.
Questioner: What is to be the entity’s percentage if he is to be harvested for the negative?
Ra: I am Ra. The entity who wishes to pursue the path of service to self must attain a grade of five, that is five percent service to others, ninety-five percent service to self.
It must approach totality.
The negative path is quite difficult to attain harvestability upon and requires great dedication.
Questioner: Why is the negative path so much more difficult to attain harvestability upon than the positive?
Ra: I am Ra. This is due to a distortion of the Law of One which indicates that the gateway to intelligent infinity be a gateway at the end of a straight and narrow path as you may call it.
To attain fifty-one percent dedication to the welfare of other-selves is as difficult as attaining a grade of five percent dedication to otherselves.
The, shall we say, sinkhole of indifference is between those two.
Questioner: Then if an entity is harvested into the fourth density with a grade of fifty-one percent for others and forty-nine percent for self, what level of the fourth density would he go into?
I am assuming that there are different levels of the fourth density.
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Each enters that sub-density which vibrates in accordance with the entity’s understanding.
Questioner: How many levels do we have here in the third density at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. The third density has an infinite number of levels.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 34
Questioner: You just used the term third ray in that statement.
Was that the term you meant to use?
Ra: I am Ra. We intended the green ray.
Our difficulty lies in our perception of red ray and violet ray as fixed; thus the inner rays are those which are varying and are to be observed as those indications of seniority in the attempts to form an harvest.
Questioner: Would the red ray, an intense red ray, then be used as an index for seniority in incarnation as well as an intense violet ray?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.
In the graduation or harvesting to fourth-density positive,
the red ray is seen only as that, which being activated, is the basis for all that occurs in vibratory levels, the sum of this being violet ray energy.
This violet ray
is the only consideration for fourth-density positive.
In assessing the harvestable fourth-density negative,
the intensity of the red as well as the orange and the yellow rays is looked upon quite carefully as a great deal of stamina and energy of this type is necessary for the negative progression, it being extremely difficult to open the gateway to intelligent infinity from the solar plexus center.
This is necessary for harvest in fourth-density negative.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 43
Questioner: Then the big difference in harvestability between third and fourth density is that at the end of the third density the individual is harvested as a function of individual violet ray, but it is the violet-ray for the entire social memory complex that must be of a harvestable nature to graduate to the fifth density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct
although in fifth density entities may choose to learn as a social memory complex or as mind/body/spirit complexes and may graduate to sixth density under these conditions, for the wisdom density is an extremely free density whereas the lessons of compassion leading to wisdom necessarily have to do with other-selves.
Questioner: Then is sixth-density harvest strictly of a social memory complex nature because again we have wisdom and compassion blended back using wisdom?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.
Questioner: The physical vehicle that is used in fourth-density space/time is, I am assuming, quite similar to the one that is now used in third density.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The chemical elements used are not the same.
However, the appearance is similar.
Questioner: On this planet after the harvest is complete, will fourth-density beings be incarnate on the surface as we know it now?
Ra: I am Ra. The probability/possibility vortices indicate this to be most likely.
Questioner: Then will there be at that time any fifth-density or sixth-density beings on the surface of the planet?
Ra: I am Ra. Not for a fairly long measure of your time as fourth-density beings need to spend their learn/teaching space/time with their own density’s entities.
Questioner: Then basically what you are saying is that at that point the teachings of fifth or sixth-density beings would not be too well understood by the new fourth-density beings?
Ra: I am Ra. Do you wish to query us upon this point?
Questioner: I guess I didn’t state that correctly.
Would the new fourth-density beings then need to evolve in their thinking to reach a point where fifth-density lessons would be of value?
Ra: I am Ra. We grasp the thrust of your query.
Although it is true that as fourth-density beings progress they have more and more need for other density teachings, it is also true that just as we speak to you due to the calling, so the information called is always available.
It is simply that fifth-density beings will not live upon the surface of the planetary sphere until the planet reaches fifth-density vibratory level.
Questioner: I was wondering, then, if the mechanism of teach/learning was the same relatively then in fourth density.
From what you say, it is necessary first for a call to exist for the teach/learning of fifth density to be given to fourth just as a call must exist here before fourth-density lessons are given to third density.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This query is misguided, for experience in fourth density is emphatically not the same as third-density experience.
However, it is correct that the same mechanism of calling predisposes the information received in a way consonant with free will.
You may ask one more full question at this working.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 47
Questioner: You gave the values of better than 50% service-to-others for fourth-density positive and better than 95% service-to-self for fourth-density negative social memory complexes.
Do these two values correspond to the same rate, shall I say, of vibration?
Ra: I am Ra. I perceive you have difficulty in expressing your query.
We shall respond in an attempt to clarify your query.
The vibratory rates are not to be understood as the same in positive and negative orientations.
They are to be understood as having the power to accept and work with intelligent infinity to a certain degree or intensity.
Due to the fact that the primary color, shall we say, or energy blue is missing from the negatively oriented system of power, the green/blue vibratory energies are not seen in the vibratory schedules or patterns of negative fourth and fifth rates of vibration.
The positive on the other hand,
shall we say, has the full spectrum of true color time/space vibratory patterns and thus contains a variant vibratory pattern or schedule.
Each is capable of doing fourth-density work.
This is the criterion for harvest.
Questioner: Did you say that blue was missing from fourth-density negative?
Ra: I am Ra. Let us clarify further.
As we have previously stated, all beings have the potential for all possible vibratory rates.
Thus the potential of the green and blue energy center activation is, of course, precisely where it must be in a creation of Love.
However, the
negatively polarized entity
will have achieved harvest due to extremely efficient use of red and yellow/orange, moving directly to the gateway indigo bringing through this intelligent energy channel the in-streamings of intelligent infinity.
Questioner: Then at fourth-density graduation into fifth is there anything like that which you gave as the percentages necessary for third-density graduation into fourth in polarization?
Ra: I am Ra. There are, in your modes of thinking, responses we can make, which we shall make.
However, the important point is that the graduations from density to density do occur.
The positive/negative polarity is a thing which will, at the sixth level, simply become history.
Therefore, we speak in an illusory time continuum when we discuss statistics of positive versus negative harvest into fifth.
A large percentage of fourth-density negative entities
continue the negative path from fourth to fifth-density experience, for without wisdom the compassion and desire to aid other-self is not extremely well informed.
Thus though one loses approximately two percent moving from negative to positive during the fourth-density experience we find approximately eight percent of graduations into fifth density those of the negative.
Questioner: What I was actually asking was if 50% is required for graduation from third to fourth in the positive sense and 95% was required for graduation in the negative sense, does this have to more closely approach 100% for graduation in both cases for graduation from fourth to fifth density?
Does an entity have to be 99% polarized for negative and maybe 80% polarized positive for graduation?
Ra: I am Ra. We perceive the query now.
To give this in your terms is misleading for there are, shall we say, visual aids or training aids available in fourth density which automatically aid the entity in polarization while cutting down extremely upon the quick effect of catalyst.
Thus the density above yours must take up more space/time.
The percentage of service-to-others of positively oriented entities will harmoniously approach 98% in intention.
The qualifications for fifth density, however, involve understanding.
This then, becomes the primary qualification for graduation from fourth to fifth density.
To achieve this graduation the entity must be able to understand the actions, the movements, and the dance.
There is no percentage describable which measures this understanding.
It is a measure of efficiency of perception.
It may be measured by light.
The ability to love, accept, and use a certain intensity of light thus creates the requirement for both positive and negative fourth to fifth harvesting.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 52
Questioner: Is there any difference close to the end of fifth-density in the disciplines of personality between positive and negative orientation?
Ra: I am Ra. There are patent differences between the polarities but no difference whatsoever in the completion of the knowledge of the self necessary to accomplish this discipline.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 71
Questioner: In this session I hope to ask several different questions to establish a point of entry into an investigation that will be fruitful.
I would first ask if it is possible to increase polarity without increasing harvestability?
Ra: I am Ra. The connection between polarization and harvestability is most important in third-density harvest.
In this density an increase in the serving of others or the serving of self will almost inevitably increase the ability of an entity to enjoy an higher intensity of light.
Thus in this density, we may say, it is hardly possible to polarize without increasing in harvestability.
Questioner: This would probably be possible in the higher densities such as the fifth-density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. In fifth-density harvest, polarization has very little do to with harvestability.