Definition of Dreams and How it can Aid in Spiritual Growth, Polarization or Adepthood
The Law of One, Book I, Session 14
Questioner: How do you normally perform your service of giving the Law of One?
How have you done this over the last 2,300 years?
How have you normally given this to Earth people?
Ra: I am Ra. We have used channels such as this one, but in most cases the channels feel inspired by dreams and visions without being aware, consciously, of our identity or existence.
This particular group has been accentuatedly trained to recognize such contact.
This makes this group able to be aware of a focal or vibrational source of information.
Questioner: When you contact the entities in their dreams and otherwise, these entities first have to be seeking in the direction of the Law of One. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
For example, the entities of the nation Egypt were in a state of pantheism, as you may call the distortion toward separate worship of various portions of the Creator.
We were able to contact one whose orientation was toward the One.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 83
Questioner: Thank you.
I’m going to ask a rather long, complex question and I would request that the answer to each portion of this question be given if there was a significant difference prior to the veil than following the veil so that I can get an idea of how what we experience now is used for better polarization.
What was the difference before the veil in the following while incarnate in third density:
physical pain,
mental pain,
catalyst programming,
random catalyst,
relationships, and
communication with the higher self or
with the mind/body/spirit totality or
any other mind, body, or
spirit functions
before the veil that would be significant with respect to their difference after the veil?
Ra: I am Ra.
let us establish that both before and after the veil the same conditions existed in time/space; that is, the veiling process is a space/time phenomenon.
the character of experience was altered drastically by the veiling process.
In some cases such as
the dreaming and the contact with the higher self,
the experience was quantitatively different due to the fact that the veiling is a primary cause of the value of dreams and is also the single door against which the higher self must stand awaiting entry.
Before veiling,
dreams were not for the purpose of using the so-called unconscious to further utilize catalyst but were used to learn/teach from teach/learners within the inner planes as well as those of outer origins of higher density.
As you deal with each subject of which you spoke you may observe, during the veiling process, not a quantitative change in the experience but a qualitative one.
Questioner: Is the veil supposed to be what I would call semi-permeable?
Ra: I am Ra. The veil is indeed so.
Questioner: What techniques and methods of penetration of the veil were planned and are there any others that have occurred other that those planned?
Ra: I am Ra. There were none planned by the first great experiment.
As all experiments, this rested upon the nakedness of hypothesis.
The outcome was unknown.
It was discovered, experientially and empirically, that there were as many ways to penetrate the veil as the imagination of mind/body/spirit complexes could provide.
The desire of mind/body/spirit complexes to know that which was unknown drew to them the dreaming and the gradual opening to the seeker of all of the balancing mechanisms leading to adepthood and communication with teach/learners which could pierce this veil.
The various unmanifested activities of the self were found to be productive in some degree of penetration of the veil.
In general, we may say that by far the most vivid and even extravagant opportunities for the piercing of the veil are a result of the interaction of polarized entities.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 85
Questioner: After the veiling process certain veiled functions or activities must have been paramount in creating evolution in the desired polarized directions.
I was just wondering which of these had the greatest effect on polarization?
Ra: I am Ra. The most effectual veiling was that of the mind.
Questioner: I would like to carry that on to find out what specific functions of the mind were most effectual and the three or four most effective changes brought about to create the polarization.
Ra: I am Ra. This is an interesting query.
The primary veiling was of such significance that it may be seen to be analogous to the mantling of the Earth over all the jewels within the Earth’s crust; whereas previously all facets of the Creator were consciously known.
After the veiling, almost no facets of the Creator were known to the mind.
Almost all was buried beneath the veil.
If one were to attempt to list those functions of mind most significant in that they might be of aid in polarization, one would need to begin with the faculty of visioning, envisioning, or far-seeing.
Without the veil the mind was not caught in your illusory time.
With the veil space/time is the only obvious possibility for experience.
Also upon the list of significant veiled functions of the mind would be that of dreaming.
The so-called dreaming contains a great deal which, if made available to the conscious mind and used, shall aid it in polarization to a great extent.
The third function of the mind which is significant and which has been veiled is that of the knowing of the body.
The knowledge of and control over the body, having been lost to a great extent in the veiling process, is thusly lost from the experience of the seeker.
Its knowledge before the veiling is of small use.
Its knowledge after the veiling, and in the face of what is now a dense illusion of separation of body complex from mind complex, is quite significant.
Perhaps the most important and significant function that occurred due to the veiling of the mind from itself is not in itself a function of mind but rather is a product of the potential created by this veiling.
This is the faculty of will or pure desire.
We may ask for brief queries at this time.
Although there is energy remaining for this working, we are reluctant to continue this contact, experiencing continual variations due to pain flares, as you call this distortion.
Although we are unaware of any misgiven material we are aware that there have been several points during which our channel was less than optimal.
This instrument is most faithful but we do not wish to misuse this instrument.
Please query as you will.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 86
Questioner: In the last session you had mentioned the properties precipitating from the veiling of the mind; the first being envisioning or farseeing.
Would you explain the meaning of that?
Ra: I am Ra. Your language is not overstrewn with non-emotional terms for the functional qualities of what is now termed unconscious mind.
The nature of mind is something which we have requested that you ponder.
However, it is, shall we say, clear enough to the casual observer that we may share some thoughts with you without infringing upon your free learn/teaching experiences.
The nature of the unconscious is of the nature of concept rather than word.
Consequently, before the veiling the use of the deeper mind was that of the use of unspoken concept.
You may consider the emotive and connotative aspects of a melody.
One could call out, in some stylized fashion, the terms for the notes of the melody.
One could say, quarter note A, quarter note A, quarter note A, whole note F.
This bears little resemblance to the beginning of the melody of one of your composer’s most influential melodies, that known to you as a symbol of victory.
This is the nature of the deeper mind.
There are only stylized methods with which to discuss its functions.
Thusly our descriptions of this portion of the mind, as well as the same portions of body and spirit, were given terms such as “far-seeing,” indicating that the nature of penetration of the veiled portion of the mind may be likened unto the journey too rich and exotic to contemplate adequate describing thereof.
Questioner: You have stated that dreaming, if made available to the conscious mind, will aid greatly in polarization.
Could you define dreaming or tell us what it is and how it aids polarization?
Ra: I am Ra. Dreaming is an activity of communication through the veil of the unconscious mind and the conscious mind.
The nature of this activity is wholly dependent upon the situation regarding the energy center blockages, activations, and crystallizations of a given mind/body/spirit complex.
In one who is blocked at two of the three lower energy centers
dreaming will be of value in the polarization process in that there will be a repetition of those portions of recent catalyst as well as deeper held blockages, thereby giving the waking mind clues as to the nature of these blockages and hints as to possible changes in perception which may lead to the unblocking.
This type of dreaming or communication through the veiled portions of the mind occurs also with those mind/body/spirit complexes which are functioning with far less blockage and enjoying the green-ray activation or higher activation at those times at which the mind/body/spirit complex experiences catalyst, momentarily reblocking or baffling or otherwise distorting the flow of energy influx.
Therefore, in all cases it is useful to a mind/body/spirit complex to ponder the content and emotive resonance of dreams.
For those whose green-ray energy centers have been activated as well as for those whose green-ray energy centers are offered an unusual unblockage due to extreme catalyst, such as what is termed the physical death of the self or one which is beloved occurring in what you may call your near future, dreaming takes on another activity.
This is what may loosely be termed precognition or a knowing which is prior to that which shall occur in physical manifestation in your yellow-ray third-density space/time.
This property of the mind depends upon its placement, to a great extent, in time/space so that the terms of present and future and past have no meaning.
This will, if made proper use of by the mind/body/spirit complex, enable this entity to enter more fully into the all-compassionate love of each and every circumstance including those circumstances against which an entity may have a strong distortion towards what you may call unhappiness.
As a mind/body/spirit complex consciously chooses the path of the adept and, with each energy balanced to a minimal degree, begins to open the indigo-ray energy center the so-called dreaming becomes the most efficient tool for polarization, for, if it is known by the adept that work may be done in consciousness while the so-called conscious mind rests, this adept may call upon those which guide it, those presences which surround it, and, most of all, the magical personality which is the higher self in space/time analog as it moves into the sleeping mode of consciousness.
With these affirmations attended to, the activity of dreaming reaches that potential of learn/teaching which is most helpful to increasing the distortions of the adept towards its chosen polarity.
There are other possibilities of the dreaming not so closely aligned with the increase in polarity which we do not cover at this particular space/time.
Questioner: How is the dream designed or programmed?
Is it done by the higher self, or who is responsible for this?
Ra: I am Ra. In all cases the mind/body/spirit complex makes what use it can of the faculty of the dreaming.
It, itself, is responsible for this activity.
Questioner: Then you are saying that the subconscious is responsible for what I will call the design or scriptwriter for the dream. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Is the memory that the individual has upon waking from the dream usually reasonably accurate?
Is the dream easily remembered?
Ra: I am Ra. You must realize that we are over-generalizing in order to answer your queries as there are several sorts of dreams.
However, in general, it may be noted that it is only for a trained and disciplined observer to have reasonably good recall of the dreaming.
This faculty may be learned by virtue of a discipline of the recording immediately upon awakening of each and every detail which can be recalled.
This training sharpens one’s ability to recall the dream.
The most common perception of a mind/body/spirit complex of dreams is muddied, muddled, and quickly lost.
Questioner: In remembering dreams, then, you are saying that the individual can find specific clues to current energy center blockages and may, thereby, reduce or eliminate those blockages. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is so.
Questioner: Is there any other function of dreaming that is of value in the evolutionary process?
Ra: I am Ra. Although there are many which are of some value we would choose two to note, since these two, though not of value in polarization, may be of value in a more generalized sense.
The activity of dreaming is an activity in which there is made a finely wrought and excellently fashioned bridge from conscious to unconscious.
In this state the various distortions which have occurred in the energy web of the body complex, due to the misprision with which energy influxes have been received, are healed.
With the proper amount of dreaming comes the healing of these distortions.
Continued lack of this possibility can cause seriously distorted mind/body/spirit complexes.
The other function of the dreaming which is of aid is that type of dream which is visionary and which prophets and mystics have experienced from days of old.
Their visions come through the roots of mind and speak to a hungry world.
Thus the dream is of service without being of a personally polarizing nature.
However, in that mystic or prophet who desires to serve, such service will increase the entity’s polarity.
Questioner: There is a portion of sleep that has been called REM.
Is this the state of dreaming?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: It was noticed that this occurs in small units during the night with gaps in between.
Is there any particular reason for this?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
Questioner: If it is of any value to know that would you tell me why the dreaming process works like that?
Ra: I am Ra. The portions of the dreaming process which are helpful for polarization and also for the vision of the mystic take place in time/space and, consequently, use the bridge from metaphysical to physical for what seems to be a brief period of your space/time.
The time/space equivalent is far greater.
The bridge remains, however, and traduces each distortion of mind, body, and spirit as it has received the distortions of energy influxes so that healing may take place.
This healing process does not occur with the incidence of rapid eye movement but rather occurs largely in the space/time portion of the mind/body/spirit complex using the bridge to time/space for the process of healing to be enabled.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 95
Questioner: Thank you.
A question has been asked which I will ask at this time.
In processing the catalyst of dreams is there a universal language of the unconscious mind which may be used to interpret dreams, or does each entity have a unique language in its own unconscious mind which it may use to interpret the meaning of dreams?
Ra: I am Ra. There is what might be called a partial vocabulary of the dreams due to the common heritage of all mind/body/spirit complexes.
Due to each entity’s unique incarnational experiences there is an overlay which grows to be a larger and larger proportion of the dream vocabulary as the entity gains experience.