The Origin of Humans on Earth
The Law of One, Book I, Session 9
Questioner: The original, first entities on this planet—what was their origin?
Where were they before they were on this planet?
Ra: I am Ra. The first entities upon this planet were water, fire, air and earth.
Questioner: Where did the people who are like us who were the first ones here, where did they come from?
From where did they evolve?
Ra: I am Ra. You speak of third-density experience.
The first of those to come here were brought from another planet in your solar system called by you the Red Planet, Mars.
This planet’s environment became inhospitable to third density beings.
The first entities, therefore, were of this race, as you may call it, manipulated somewhat by those who were guardians at that time.
Questioner: What race is that, and how did they get from Mars to here?
Ra: I am Ra. The race is a combination of the mind/body/spirit complexes of those of your so-called Red Planet and a careful series of genetical adjustments made by the guardians of that time.
These entities arrived, or were preserved, for the experience upon your sphere by a type of birthing which is non-reproductive, but consists of preparing genetic material for the incarnation of the mind/body/spirit complexes of those entities from the Red Planet.
Questioner: I assume from what you are saying that the guardians transferred the race here after the race had died from the physical as we know it on Mars. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: The guardians were obviously acting within an understanding of the Law of One in doing this.
Can you explain the application of the Law of One in this process?
Ra: I am Ra. The Law of One was named by these guardians as the bringing of the wisdom of the guardians in contact with the entities from the Red Planet, thus melding the social memory complex of the guardian race and the Red Planet race.
It, however, took an increasing amount of distortion into the application of the Law of One from the viewpoint of other guardians and it is from this beginning action that the quarantine of this planet was instituted, for it was felt that the free will of those of the Red Planet had been abridged.
Questioner: Were the entities of the Red Planet following the Law of One prior to leaving the Red Planet?
Ra: I am Ra. The entities of the Red Planet were attempting to learn the Laws of Love which form one of the primal distortions of the Law of One.
However, the tendencies of these people towards bellicose actions caused such difficulties in the atmospheric environment of their planet that it became inhospitable for third-density experience before the end of its cycle.
Thus, the Red Planet entities were unharvested and continued in your illusion to attempt to learn the Law of Love.
Questioner: How long ago did this transfer occur from the Red Planet to Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. In your time this transfer occurred approximately 75,000 years ago.
Questioner: 75,000 years ago?
Ra: I am Ra. This is approximately correct.
Questioner: Were there any entities of the form that I am now—two arms, two legs—on this planet before this transfer occurred?
Ra: I am Ra. There have been visitors to your sphere at various times for the last four million of your years, speaking approximately.
These visitors do not affect the cycling of the planetary sphere.
It was not third-density in its environment until the time previously mentioned.
Questioner: Then there were second-density entities here prior to approximately 75,000 years ago.
What type of entities were these?
Ra: I am Ra. The second density is the density of the higher plant life and animal life which exists without the upward drive towards the infinite.
These second-density beings are of an octave of consciousness just as you find various orientations of consciousness among the conscious entities of your vibration.
Questioner: Did any of these second-density entities have shapes like ours—two arms, two legs, head, and walk upright on two feet?
Ra: I am Ra. The two higher of the sub-vibrational levels of second-density beings had the configuration of the biped, as you mentioned.
However, the erectile movement which you experience was not totally effected in these beings who were tending towards the leaning forward, barely leaving the quadrupedal position.
Questioner: Where did these beings come from?
Were they a product of evolution as understood by our scientists?
Were they evolved from the original material of the earth that you spoke of?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Do these beings then evolve from second density to third density?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, although no guarantee can be made of the number of cycles it will take an entity to learn the lessons of consciousness of self which are the prerequisite for transition to third density.
Questioner: Is there any particular race of people on our planet now who were incarnated here from second density?
Ra: I am Ra. There are no second-density consciousness complexes here on your sphere at this time.
However, there are two races which use the second-density form.
One is the entities from the planetary sphere you call Maldek.
These entities are working their understanding complexes through a series of what you would call karmic restitutions.
They dwell within your deeper underground passageways and are known to you as “Bigfoot.”
The other race is that being offered a dwelling in this density by guardians who wish to give the mind/body/spirit complexes of those who are of this density at this time appropriately engineered physical vehicles, as you would call these chemical complexes, in the event that there is what you call nuclear war.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 14
Questioner: After going over this morning’s work, I thought it might be helpful to fill in a few things.
You said that the second density strives towards the third density which is the density of self-consciousness, or selfawareness.
The striving takes place through higher second-density forms being invested by third-density beings.
Could you explain what you mean by this?
Ra: I am Ra. Much as you would put on a vestment, so do your third-density beings invest or clothe some second-density beings with self-awareness.
This is often done through the opportunity of what you call pets.
It has also been done by various other means of investiture.
These include many so-called religious practice complexes which personify and send love to various natural second-density beings in their group form.
Questioner: When this Earth was second-density, how did the seconddensity beings on it become so invested?
Ra: I am Ra. There was not this type of investment as spoken but the simple third-density investment which is the line of spiraling light calling distortion upward from density to density.
The process takes longer when there is no investment made by incarnate third-density beings.
Questioner: Then what was the second-density form—what did it look like—that became Earth-man in the third density?
What did he look like in the second density?
Ra: I am Ra. The difference between second- and third-density bodily forms would in many cases have been more like one to the other.
In the case of your planetary sphere the process was interrupted by those who incarnated here from the planetary sphere you call Mars.
They were adjusted by genetic changing and, therefore, there was some difference which was of a very noticeable variety rather than the gradual raising of the bipedal forms upon your second-density level to third-density level.
This has nothing to do with the so-called placement of the soul.
This has only to do with the circumstances of the influx of those from that culture.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 19
Questioner: When this transition from second to third density takes place, how does the entity, whether it be animal, [vegetable] tree, or mineral, become enspirited?
Ra: I am Ra. Entities do not become enspirited.
They become aware of the intelligent energy within each portion, cell, or atom, as you may call it, of its beingness.
This awareness is that which is awareness of that already given.
From the infinite come all densities.
The self-awareness comes from within given the catalyst of certain experiences understanding, as we may call this particular energy, the upward spiraling of the cell or atom or consciousness.
You may then see that there is an inevitable pull toward the, what you may call, eventual realization of self.
Questioner: Then after the transition into the third density, am I correct in assuming—we’ll take Earth as an example—the entities would then look like us?
They would be in human form? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, taking your planetary sphere as an example.
Questioner: When the first second-density entities became third-density on this planet, was this with the help of the transfer of beings from Mars, or were there second-density beings who transferred into third density with no outside influence?
Ra: I am Ra. There were some second-density entities which made the graduation into third density with no outside stimulus but only the efficient use of experience.
Others of your planetary second density joined the third-density cycle due to harvesting efforts by the same sort of sending of vibratory aid as those of the Confederation send you now.
This communication was, however, telepathic rather than telepathic/vocal or telepathic/written due to the nature of second-density beings.
Questioner: Who sent the aid to the second-density beings?
Ra: I am Ra. We call ourselves the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.
This is a simplification in order to ease the difficulty of understanding among your people.
We hesitate to use the term, sound vibration, understanding, but it is closest to our meaning.
Questioner: Then did this second-density to third-density transition take place 75,000 years ago?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Where did the second-density beings get physical vehicles of third-density type to incarnate into?
Ra: I am Ra. There were among those upon this second-density plane those forms which when exposed to third-density vibrations became the third-density, as you would call the sound vibration, human entities.
That is, there was loss of body hair, as you would call it,
the clothing of the body to protect it,
the changing of the structure of the neck, jaw, and forehead in order to allow the easier vocalization, and
the larger cranial development characteristic of third-density needs.
This was a normal transfiguration.
Questioner: Over how long a period of time was this transfiguration?
It must have been very short.
Ra: I am Ra. The assumption is correct, in our terms at least—within a generation and one-half, as you know these things.
Those who had been harvested of this planet were able to use the newly created physical complex of chemical elements suitable for third-density lessons.
Questioner: Can you tell me how this newly created physical complex was suited to third-density lessons and what those lessons were?
Ra: I am Ra. There is one necessity for third density.
That necessity is self-awareness, or self-consciousness.
In order to be capable of such, this chemical complex of body must be capable of abstract thought.
Thus, the fundamental necessity is the combination of rational and intuitive thinking.
This was transitory in the second-density forms
operating largely upon intuition which proved through practice to yield results.
The third-density mind
was capable of processing information in such a way as to think abstractly and in what could be termed “useless” ways, in the sense of survival.
This is the primary requisite.
There are other important ingredients:
the necessity for a weaker physical vehicle to encourage the use of the mind,
the development of the already present awareness of the social complex.
These also being necessary:
the further development of physical dexterity in the sense of the hand, as you call this portion of your body complex.
Questioner: This seems to be a carefully planned or engineered stage of development.
Can you tell me anything of the origin of this plan or its development?
Ra: I am Ra. We go back to previous information.
Consider and remember the discussion of the Logos.
With the primal distortion of free will, each galaxy developed its own Logos.
This Logos has complete free will in determining the paths of intelligent energy which promote the lessons of each of the densities given the conditions of the planetary spheres and the sun bodies.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 20
Questioner: The way I understand it, at the beginning of this 75,000 year cycle, then, we had a mixture of entities—those who had graduated from second density on Earth to become third-density and then a group of entities transferred from the planet Mars to continue third density here.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
You must remember that those transferred to this sphere were in the middle of their third density so that this third density was an adaptation rather than a beginning.
Questioner: What percentage of the entities who were here in third density at that time were Martian and what percentage were harvested from Earth’s second density?
Ra: I am Ra.
There were perhaps one-half
of the third-density population being entities from the Red Planet, Mars, as you call it.
Perhaps one-quarter
from second density of your planetary sphere.
Approximately one-quarter
from other sources, other planetary spheres whose entities chose this planetary sphere for third-density work.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 21
Questioner: Thank you.
During this first 25,000 year cycle was there any industrial development at all, any machinery available to the people?
Ra: I am Ra. Using the term “machine” to the meaning which you ascribe, the answer is no.
However, there were, shall we say, various implements of wood and rock which were used in order to obtain food and for use in aggression.
Questioner: At the end of this first 25,000 year cycle was there any physical change that occurred rapidly like that which occurs at the end of a 75,000 year cycle or is this just an indexing time for harvesting period?
Ra: I am Ra. There was no change except that which according to intelligent energy, or what you may term physical evolution, suited physical complexes to their environment, this being of the color of the skin due to the area of the sphere upon which entities lived; the gradual growth of peoples due to improved intake of foodstuffs.