Beneficial Uses of Pyramid Shapes
The Law of One, Book II, Session 50
Questioner: Could you give me more information on the energy fields of the body as related to the right and left brain and if this is somehow related to the pyramid shape as far as energy focusing goes?
I am at a loss as to how to get into this line of questioning, so I will ask that question.
Ra: I am Ra. We are similarly at a loss at this line of answering.
We may say that the pyramid shape is but one which focuses the in-streamings of energy for use by entities which may become aware of these in-streamings.
We may say further that the shape of your physical brain is not significant as a shape for concentrating in-streamings of energy.
Please ask more specifically if you may that which you seek.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 57
Questioner: Is there currently any use for the pyramid shape at all that is beneficial?
Ra: I am Ra. This is in the affirmative if carefully used.
The pyramid may be used for the improvement of the meditative state
as long as the shape is such that the entity is in Queen’s Chamber position or entities are in balanced configuration about this central point.
The small pyramid shape,
placed beneath a portion of the body complex may energize this body complex.
This should be done for brief periods only, not to exceed 30 of your minutes.
The use of the pyramid to balance planetary energies
still functions to a slight extent, but due to earth changes, the pyramids are no longer aligned properly for this work.
Questioner: What is the aid or the mechanism of the aid received for meditation by an entity who would be positioned in the so-called Queen’s Chamber position?
Ra: I am Ra. Consider the polarity of mind/body/spirit complexes.
The inner light is that which is your heart of being.
Its strength equals your strength of will to seek the light.
The position or balanced position of a group intensifies the amount of this will, the amount of awareness of the inner light necessary to attract the in-streaming light upward spiraling from the south magnetic pole of being.
Thus this is the place of the initiate, for many extraneous items or distortions will leave the entity as it intensifies its seeking, so that it may become one with this centralized and purified in-coming light.
Questioner: You also mentioned that the pyramid was used for learning.
Was this the same process or is there a difference?
Ra: I am Ra. There is a difference.
Questioner: What is the difference?
Ra: I am Ra. The difference is the presence of other-selves manifesting in space/time and after some study, in time/space, for the purpose of teach/learning.
In the system created by us, schools were apart from the pyramid, the experiences being solitary.
Questioner: I didn’t quite understand what you meant by that.
Could you tell me more of what you are talking about?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a wide subject.
Please restate for specificity.
Questioner: Did you mean that teachers from your vibration or density were manifest in the Queen’s Chamber to teach those initiates, or did you mean something else?
Ra: I am Ra.
In our system experiences
in the Queen’s Chamber position were solitary.
In Atlantis and in South America
teachers shared the pyramid experiences.
Questioner: How did this learning process take place—learning or teaching—in the pyramid?
Ra: I am Ra. How does teach/learning and learn/teaching ever take place?