Brief Analysis of The 1st Archetype: Matrix of The Mind
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 89
Questioner: In Archetype One, represented by tarot card number one, the Matrix of the Mind seems to have four basic parts to the complex.
Looking at the card we have, first and most obvious, the Magician and what seems to be an approaching star.
A stork or similar bird seems to be in a cage.
On top of the cage seems to be something that seems to be very difficult at (?) discern.
Am I in any way correct in this analysis?
Ra: I am Ra. You are competent at viewing pictures.
You have not yet grasped the nature of the Matrix of the Mind as fully as is reliably possible upon contemplation.
We would note that the representations drawn by priests were somewhat distorted by acquaintance with and dependence upon the astrologically based teachings of the Chaldees.
Questioner: I have an observation on Archetype Number One made by (name) and I request comment on it by Ra.
I will read it, “The Matrix of the Mind is the conscious mind and is sustained by the power of the spirit as symbolized by the star which flows to it through the subconscious mind.
It contains the will which is signified by the scepter of power in the Magician’s hand.
All of creation is made through the power of the will directed by the conscious mind of the Magician, and the bird in the cage represents the illusion in which the self seems trapped.
The Magician represents maleness or the radiance of being manifested as the creation through which each entity moves.”
Ra: I am Ra. As this instrument is becoming somewhat weary we shall not begin this considerable discussion.
We would request that this series of observations be repeated at the outset of the next working. We would suggest that each concept be discussed separately or, if appropriate, a pair of concepts be related one to the other within the concept complex.
This is slow work but shall make the eventual building of the concept complexes more smoothly accomplished.
Were we to have answered the observations as read by you at this space/time, as much space/time would have been given to the untangling of various concepts as to the building up of what were very thoughtful perceptions.
May we ask if there are any brief queries at this time?
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 90
Questioner: I have an observation on Archetype Number One made by (name) and I request comment on it by Ra.
I will read it, “The Matrix of the Mind is the conscious mind and is sustained by the power of the spirit as symbolized by the star which flows to it through the subconscious mind.
It contains the will which is signified by the scepter of power in the Magician’s hand.
All of creation is made through the power of the will directed by the conscious mind of the Magician, and the bird in the cage represents the illusion in which the self seems trapped.
The Magician represents maleness or the radiance of being manifested as the creation through which each entity moves.”
Ra: I am Ra. As this instrument is becoming somewhat weary we shall not begin this considerable discussion.
We would request that this series of observations be repeated at the outset of the next working.
We would suggest that each concept be discussed separately or, if appropriate, a pair of concepts be related one to the other within the concept complex.
This is slow work but shall make the eventual building of the concept complexes more smoothly accomplished.
Were we to have answered the observations as read by you at this space/time, as much space/time would have been given to the untangling of various concepts as to the building up of what were very thoughtful perceptions.
May we ask if there are any brief queries at this time?