How 'The Confederation' Contact and Awaken Wanderers
The Law of One, Book I, Session 26
Questioner: Then I am assuming all of the groups getting telepathic contact from the Confederation are high-priority targets for the Orion crusaders, and I would assume that a large percentage of them are having their messages polluted by the Orion group.
Can you tell me what percentage of them had their information polluted by the Orion group and if any of them were able to remain purely a Confederation channel?
Ra: I am Ra. To give you this information would be to infringe upon the free will or confusion of some living.
We can only ask each group to consider the relative effect of philosophy and your so-called specific information.
It is not the specificity of the information which attracts negative influences.
It is the importance placed upon it.
This is why we iterate quite often, when asked for specific information, that it pales to insignificance, just as the grass withers and dies while the love and the light of the one infinite Creator redounds to the very infinite realms of creation forever and ever, creating and creating itself in perpetuity.
Why then be concerned with the grass that blooms, withers and dies in its season only to grow once again due to the infinite love and light of the one Creator?
This is the message we bring.
Each entity is only superficially that which blooms and dies.
In the deeper sense there is no end to being-ness.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 53
Questioner: Thank you. During my trip to Laramie certain things became apparent to me with respect to dissemination of the first book of the Law of One to those who have had experiences with UFOs and other Wanderers, and I will have to ask some questions now that I may have to include in Book One to eliminate a misunderstanding that I am perceiving as a possibility in Book One.
Therefore, these questions, although for the most part transient, are aimed at eliminating certain distortions with respect to the understanding of the material in Book One.
I hope that I am using the correct approach here.
You may not be able to answer some of them, but that’s all right.
We’ll just go on to others then if you can’t answer the ones I ask.
Questioner: Can you tell me of the various techniques used by the service-to- others positively oriented Confederation contacts with the people of this planet, the various forms and techniques of making contact?
Ra: I am Ra. We could.
Questioner: Would you do this, please?
Ra: I am Ra. The most efficient mode of contact is that which you experience at this space/time.
The infringement upon free will is greatly undesired.
Therefore, those entities which are Wanderers upon your plane of illusion will be the only subjects for the thought projections which make up the so-called “Close Encounters” and meetings between positively oriented social memory complexes and Wanderers.
Questioner: Could you give me an example of one of these meetings between a social memory complex and a Wanderer as to what the Wanderer would experience?
Ra: I am Ra. One such example of which you are familiar is that of the one known as Morris3.
In this case the previous contact which other entities in this entity’s circle of friends experienced was negatively oriented.
However, you will recall that the entity, Morris, was impervious to this contact and could not see with the physical optical apparatus, this contact.
However, the inner voice alerted the one known as Morris to go by itself to another place and there an entity with the thought-form shape and appearance of the other contact appeared and gazed at this entity, thus awakening in it the desire to seek the truth of this occurrence and of the experiences of its incarnation in general.
The feeling of being awakened or activated is the goal of this type of contact.
The duration and imagery used varies depending upon the subconscious expectations of the Wanderer which is experiencing this opportunity for activation.
3This refers to CASE #1 in Secrets of the UFO by D. T. Elkins with Carla L. Rueckert, Louisville, L/L Research, 1976, pp 10-11.
Questioner: In a “Close Encounter” by a Confederation type of craft I am assuming that this “Close Encounter” is with a thought-form type of craft.
Do Wanderers within the past few years have “Close Encounters” with landed thought-form type of craft?
Ra: I am Ra. This has occurred although it is much less common than the Orion type of so-called “Close Encounter.”
We may note that in a universe of unending unity the concept of a “Close Encounter” is humorous, for are not all encounters of a nature of self with self?
Therefore, how can any encounter be less than very, very close?
Questioner: Well, talking about this type of encounter of self to self, do any Wanderers of a positive polarization ever have a so-called “Close Encounter” with the Orion or negatively oriented polarization?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Why does this occur?
Ra: I am Ra. When it occurs it is quite rare and occurs either due to the Orion entities’ lack of perception of the depth of positivity to be encountered or due to the Orion entities’ desire to, shall we say, attempt to remove this positivity from this plane of existence.
Orion tactics normally are those which choose the simple distortions of mind which indicate less mental and spiritual complex activity.
Questioner: I have become aware of a very large variation in the contact with individuals.
Could you give me general examples of the methods used by the Confederation to awaken or partially awaken the Wanderers they contact?
Ra: I am Ra. The methods used to awaken Wanderers are varied.
The center of each approach is the entrance into the conscious and subconscious in such a way as to avoid causing fear and to maximize the potential for an understandable subjective experience which has meaning for the entity.
Many such occur in sleep, others in the midst of many activities during the waking hours.
The approach is flexible and does not necessarily include the “Close Encounter” syndrome, as you are aware.
Questioner: What about the physical examination syndrome?
How does that relate to Wanderers and Confederation and Orion contacts?
Ra: I am Ra. The subconscious expectations of entities cause the nature and detail of thought-form experience offered by Confederation thought-form entities.
Thus, if a Wanderer expects a physical examination, it will, perforce, be experienced with as little distortion towards alarm or discomfort as is allowable by the nature of the expectations of the subconscious distortions of the Wanderer.
Questioner: Well, are those who are taken on both Confederation and Orion craft then experiencing a seeming physical examination?
Ra: I am Ra. Your query indicates incorrect thinking.
The Orion group
uses the physical examination as a means of terrifying the individual and causing it to feel the feelings of an advanced second-density being such as a laboratory animal.
The sexual experiences of some are a sub-type of this experience.
The intent is to demonstrate the control of the Orion entities over the Terran inhabitant.
The thought-form experiences are subjective and, for the most part, do not occur in this density.
Questioner: Then both Confederation and Orion contacts are being made and “Close Encounters” are of a dual nature as I understand it.
They can either be of the Confederation or of the Orion type of contact. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, although the preponderance of contacts is Orion-oriented.
Questioner: Then in general we could say that if an individual has a “close encounter” with a UFO or any other type experience that seems to be UFO-related, he must look to the heart of the encounter and the effect upon him to determine whether it was Orion or Confederation contact.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
If there is fear and doom,
the contact was quite likely of a negative nature.
If the result is hope, friendly feelings, and the awakening of a positive feeling of purposeful service-to-others,
the marks of Confederation contact are evident.
Session 53, May 25, 1981
Questioner: First I will ask if you could tell me the affiliation of the entities who contacted (name).
Ra: I am Ra. This query is marginal.
We will make the concession towards information with some loss of polarity due to free will being abridged.
We request that questions of this nature be kept to a minimum.
The entities in this and some other vividly remembered cases are those who, feeling the need to plant Confederation imagery in such a way as not to abrogate free will, use the symbols of death, resurrection, love, and peace as a means of creating, upon the thought level, the time/space illusion of a systematic train of events which give the message of love and hope.
This type of contact is chosen by careful consideration of Confederation members which are contacting an entity of like home vibration, if you will.
This project then goes before the Council of Saturn and, if approved, is completed.
The characteristics of this type of contact include the nonpainful nature of thoughts experienced and the message content which speaks not of doom but of the new dawning age.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 60
Questioner: What are these bases used for by those from elsewhere?
Ra: I am Ra. These bases are used for the work of materialization of needed equipment for communication with third-density entities and for resting places for some equipment which you might call small craft.
These are used for surveillance when it is requested by entities.
Thus some of the, shall we say, teachers of the Confederation speak partially through these surveillance instruments along computerized lines, and when information is desired and those requesting it are of the proper vibratory level the Confederation entity itself will then speak.
Questioner: I understand then that the Confederation entity needs communication equipment and craft to communicate with the thirddensity incarnate entity requesting the information?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
However, many of your peoples request the same basic information in enormous repetition, and for a social memory complex to speak ad infinitum about the need to meditate is a waste of the considerable abilities of such social memory complexes.
Thus some entities have had approved by the Council of Saturn the placement and maintenance of these message givers for those whose needs are simple, thus reserving the abilities of the Confederation members for those already meditating and absorbing information which are then ready for additional information.