Why Ra Visited Egypt in Particular and When?
The Law of One, Book I, Session 6
January 24, 1981
Questioner: The disc-shaped craft that we call UFOs—some have been said to have come from the planet Venus.
Would any of these be your craft?
Ra: I am Ra. We have used crystals for many purposes.
The craft of which you speak have not been used by us in your space/time present memory complex.
However, we have used crystals and the bell-shape in the past of your illusion.
Questioner: How many years in the past did you use the bell-shaped craft to come to earth?
Ra: I am Ra. We visited your peoples 18,000 of your years ago and did not land; again, 11,000 years ago.
Questioner: Photographs of bell-shaped craft and reports of contact of such from Venus exist from less than thirty years ago.
Do you have any knowledge of these reports?
Ra: I am Ra. We have knowledge of Oneness with these forays of your time/space present.
We are no longer of Venus.
However, there are thought-forms created among your peoples from our time of walking among you.
The memory and thought-forms created, therefore, are a part of your society-memory complex.
This mass consciousness, as you may call it,
creates the experience once more for those who request such experience.
The present Venus population is no longer sixth-density.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 14
Questioner: Was the Egyptian visit of 11,000 years ago the only one where you actually walked the Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. I understand your question distorted in the direction of selves rather than other-selves.
We of the vibratory sound complex, Ra, have walked among you only at that time.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 10
Questioner: I was wondering about the advent of the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria, when these civilizations occurred, and where did they come from?
The Atlantean race
was a very conglomerate social complex which began to form approximately 31,000 years in the past of your space/time continuum illusion.
It was a slow growing and very agrarian one until approximately 15,000 of your years ago.
It reached quickly a high technological understanding which caused it to be able to use intelligent infinity in an informative manner.
We may add that they used intelligent energy as well, manipulating greatly the natural influxes of the indigo or pineal ray from divine or infinite energy.
Thus, they were able to create life forms.
This they began to do instead of healing and perfecting their own mind/body/spirit complexes, turning their distortions towards what you may call negative.
Approximately 11,000 of your years ago,
the first of the, what you call, wars, caused approximately forty percent of this population to leave the density by means of disintegration of the body.
The second and most devastating of the conflicts occurred approximately 10,821 years in the past according to your illusion.
This created an earth-changing configuration and the large part of Atlantis was no more, having been inundated.
Three of the positively-oriented of the Atlantean groups left this geographical locus before that devastation, placing themselves in the mountain areas of what you call Tibet, what you call Peru, and what you call Turkey.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 22
Questioner: Then did the technological advancement of Atlantis come because of this call?
I am assuming that the call was answered to bring them the Law of One and the Law of Love as a distortion of the Law of One, but did they also then get technological information that caused them to grow into such a highly advanced technological society?
Ra: I am Ra. Not at first.
At about the same time as we first appeared in the skies over Egypt and continuing thereafter, other entities of the Confederation appeared unto Atlanteans who had reached a level of philosophical understanding, shall we misuse this word, which was consonant with communication, to encourage and inspire studies in the mystery of unity.
However, requests being made for healing and other understanding, information was passed having to do with crystals and the building of pyramids as well as temples, as you would call them, which were associated with training.
Questioner: Was this training the same sort of initiatory training that was done with Egyptians?
Ra: I am Ra. This training was different in that the social complex was more, shall we say, sophisticated and less contradictory and barbarous in its ways of thinking.
Therefore the temples were temples of learning rather than the attempt being made to totally separate and put upon a pedestal the healers.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 23
Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator.
We communicate now.
Questioner: You were speaking yesterday of the first contact made by the Confederation which occurred during our third major cycle.
You stated that you appeared in the skies over Egypt at approximately the same time that aid was given to Atlantis.
Can you tell me why you went to Egypt and your orientation of attitude and thinking when you first went to Egypt?
Ra: I am Ra. At the time of which you speak there were those who chose to worship the hawk-headed sun god which you know as vibrational sound complex, “Horus.”
This vibrational sound complex has taken other vibrational sound complexes, the object of worship being the sun disc represented in some distortion.
We were drawn to spend some time, as you would call it, scanning the peoples for a serious interest amounting to a seeking with which we might help without infringement.
We found that at that time the social complex was quite self-contradictory in its so called religious beliefs and, therefore, there was not an appropriate calling for our vibration.
Thus, at that time, which you know of as approximately 18,000 of your years in the past, we departed without taking action.
Questioner: You stated yesterday that you appeared in the skies over Egypt at that time.
Were the Egyptian entities able to see you in their skies?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: What did they see, and how did this affect their attitudes?
Ra: I am Ra. They saw what you would speak of as crystal powered bell-shaped craft.
This did not affect them due to their firm conviction that many wondrous things occurred as a normal part of a world, as you would call it, in which many, many deities had powerful control over supernatural events.
Questioner: Did you have a reason for being visible to them rather than being invisible?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Can you tell me your reason for being visible to them?
Ra: I am Ra. We allowed visibility because it did not make any difference.
Questioner: Then at this time you did not contact them.
Can you answer the same question that I just asked with respect to your next attempt to contact the Egyptians?
Ra: I am Ra. The next attempt was prolonged.
It occurred over a period of time.
The nexus, or center, of our efforts was a decision upon our parts that there was a sufficient calling to attempt to walk among your peoples as brothers.
We laid this plan before the Council of Saturn,
offering ourselves as service-oriented Wanderers of the type which land directly upon the inner planes without incarnative processes.
Thus we emerged, or materialized, in physical-chemical complexes representing as closely as possible our natures, this effort being to appear as brothers and spend a limited amount of time as teachers of the Law of One, for there was an ever-stronger interest in the sun body, and this vibrates in concordance with our particular distortions.
We discovered that for each word we could utter, there were thirty impressions we gave by our very being, which confused those entities we had come to serve.
After a short period we removed ourselves from these entities and spent much time attempting to understand how best to serve those to whom we had offered ourselves in love/light.
The ones who were in contact with that geographical entity, which you know of as Atlantis, had conceived of the potentials for healing by use of the pyramid-shape entities.
In considering this and making adjustments for the difference as in the distortion complexes of the two geographical cultures, as you would call them, we went before the Council again, offering this plan to the Council as an aid to the healing and the longevity of those in the area you know of as Egypt.
In this way we hoped to facilitate the learning process as well as offer philosophy articulating the Law of One.
Again the Council approved.
Approximately 11,000 of your years ago we entered, by thought-form, your—we correct this instrument.
We sometimes have difficulty due to low vitality.
Approximately 8,500 years ago, having considered these concepts carefully, we returned, never having left in thought, to the thought-form areas of your vibrational planetary complex and considered for some of your years, as you measure time, how to appropriately build these structures.
The first, the Great Pyramid, was formed approximately 6,000 of your years ago.
Then, in sequence, after this performing by thought of the building or architecture of the Great Pyramid using the more, shall we say, local or earthly material rather than thought-form material to build other pyramidal structures.
This continued for approximately 1,500 of your years.
Meanwhile, the information concerning initiation and healing by crystal was being given.
The one known as “Ikhnaton”
was able to perceive this information without significant distortion and for a time, moved, shall we say, heaven and earth in order to invoke the Law of One and to order the priesthood of these structures in accordance with the distortions of initiation and true compassionate healing.
This was not to be long-lasting.
At this entity’s physical dissolution from your third-density physical plane,
as we have said before, our teachings became quickly perverted, our structures once again went to the use of the so-called “royal” or those with distortions towards power.
Questioner: When you spoke of pyramid healing, I am assuming that the primary healing was for the mind. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.
The healing, if it is to be effectuated, must be a funneling without significant distortion of the in-streamings through the spiritual complex into the tree of mind.
There are parts of this mind which block energies flowing to the body complex.
In each case, in each entity, the blockage may well differ.
However, it is necessary to activate the sense of the spiritual channel or shuttle.
Then whether the blockage is from spiritual to mental or from mental to physical, or whether it may simply be a random and purely physical trauma, healing may then be carried out.
Questioner: When you started building the pyramid at Giza using thought, were you at that time in contact with incarnate Egyptians and did they observe this building?
Ra: I am Ra. At that time we were not in close contact with incarnate entities upon your plane.
We were responding to a general calling of sufficient energy in that particular location to merit action.
We sent thoughts to all who were seeking our information.
The appearance of the pyramid was a matter of tremendous surprise.
However, it was carefully designed to coincide with the incarnation of one known as a great architect.
This entity was later made into a deity, in part due to this occurrence.
Questioner: What name did they give this deity?
Ra: I am Ra. This deity had the sound vibration complex, “Imhotep.”
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 90
Questioner: That’s OK. I don’t think that was too good a question anyway.
When Ra initially planned for helping the Egyptians with their evolution, what was the primary concept, and also secondary and tertiary if you can name those, that Ra wished to impart to the Egyptians?
In other words, what was Ra’s training plan or schedule for making the Egyptians aware of what was necessary for their evolution?
Ra: I am Ra. We came to your peoples to enunciate the Law of One.
We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity
that in unity all paradoxes are resolved;
all that is broken is healed;
all that is forgotten is brought to light.
We had no teaching plan, as you have called it, in that our intention when we walked among your peoples was to manifest that which was requested by those learn/teachers to which we had come.
We are aware that this particular line of querying; that is, the nature and architecture of the archetypical mind, has caused the questioner to attempt, to its own mind unsuccessfully, to determine the relative importance of these concepts.
We cannot learn/teach for any, nor would we take this opportunity from the questioner.
However, we shall comment.
The adept has already worked much, not only within the red, orange, yellow, and green energy centers but also in the opening of blue and indigo.
Up through this point the archetypes function as the great base or plinth of a builded structure or statue keeping the mind complex viable, level, and available as a resource whenever it may be evoked.
There is a point at which the adept takes up its work.
This is the point at which a clear and conscious consideration of the archetypical mind is useful.