The Awakening of Self During Wars & Tumultuous Periods
The Law of One, Book I, Session 10
Questioner: When Maldek was destroyed, did all the people of Maldek have the fear problem or were some advanced enough to transfer to other planets?
Ra: I am Ra. In the occurrence of planetary dissolution none escaped, for this is an action which redounds to the social complex of the planetary complex itself.
None escaped the knot or tangle.
Questioner: Is there any danger of this happening to Earth at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. We feel this evaluation of your planetary mind/body/spirit complexes’ so-called future may be less than harmless.
We say only the conditions of mind exist for such development of technology and such deployment.
It is the distortion of our vision/understanding that the mind and spirit complexes of those of your people need orientation rather than the “toys” needing dismantlement, for are not all things that exist part of the Creator?
Therefore, freely to choose is your own duty.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 33
Questioner: What I would like for you to do is list all the major mechanisms designed to provide catalytic experience that do not include interaction with other-self.
That is the first part.
Ra: I am Ra. We grasp from this question that you realize that the primary mechanism for catalytic experience in third-density is other-self.
The list of other catalytic influences:
firstly, the Creator’s universe;
secondly, the self.
Questioner: Can you list any sub-headings under self or ways the self is acted upon catalytically which would produce experience?
Ra: I am Ra.
the self unmanifested.
the self in relation to the societal self created by self and other-self.
the interaction between self and the gadgets, toys, and amusements of the self, other-self invention.
the self relationship with those attributes which you may call war and rumors of war.
Questioner: I was thinking possibly of the catalyst of physical pain.
Does this go under this heading?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, it going under the heading of the unmanifested self; that is, the self which does not need other-self in order to manifest or act.
Questioner: Do we have enough time left to ask the second part of this question which is to list all major mechanisms designed to provide the catalyst that include action with other-self?
Ra: I am Ra. You have much time for this, for we may express this list in one of two ways.
We could speak infinitely, or we could simply state that any interaction betwixt self and other-self has whatever potential for catalyst that there exists in the potential difference between self and other-self, this moderated and undergirded by the constant fact of the Creator as self and as other-self.
You may ask to this question further if you wish specific information.
Questioner: I believe that this is sufficient for the time being.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 34
Questioner: Can you give me the same type of information that we are working on now with respect to war and rumors of war?
Ra: I am Ra. You may see this in relationship to your gadgets.
This war and self relationship is a fundamental perception of the maturing entity.
There is a great chance to accelerate in whatever direction is desired.
One may polarize negatively by assuming bellicose attitudes for whatever reason.
One may find oneself in the situation of war and polarize somewhat towards the positive activating orange, yellow, and then green rays by heroic, if you may call them this, actions taken to preserve the mind/body/spirit complexes of other-selves.
Finally, one may polarize very strongly third ray by expressing the principle of universal love at the total expense of any distortion towards involvement in bellicose actions.
In this way the entity may become a conscious being in a very brief span of your time/space.
This may be seen to be what you would call a traumatic progression.
It is to be noted that among your entities a large percentage of all progression has as catalyst, trauma.
Questioner: You just used the term third ray in that statement.
Was that the term you meant to use?
Ra: I am Ra. We intended the green ray.
Our difficulty lies in our perception of red ray and violet ray as fixed; thus the inner rays are those which are varying and are to be observed as those indications of seniority in the attempts to form an harvest.
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 36
Questioner: Are you saying then that this possible condition of war would be much more greatly spread across the surface of the globe than anything we have experienced in the past and therefore touch a larger percentage of the population in this form of catalyst?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
There are those now experimenting with one of the major weapons of this scenario, that is the so-called psychotronic group of devices which are being experimentally used to cause such alterations in wind and weather as will result in eventual famine.
If this program is not countered and proves experimentally satisfactory, the methods in this scenario would be made public.
There would then be what those whom you call Russians hope to be a bloodless invasion of their personnel in this and every land deemed valuable.
However, the peoples of your culture have little propensity for bloodless surrender.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 65
Questioner: Would the coming changes as we progress into fourth-density such as changes in the physical third-density planet due to the heating effect and changes such as the ability of people to perform what we term paranormal activities act as catalyst to create a greater seeking?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.
The paranormal events occurring are not designed to increase seeking but are manifestations of those whose vibratory configuration enables these entities to contact the gateway to intelligent infinity.
These entities capable of paranormal service may determine to be of such service on a conscious level.
This, however, is a function of the entity and its free will and not the paranormal ability.
The correct portion of your statements is the greater opportunity for service due to the many changes which will offer many challenges, difficulties, and seeming distresses within your illusion to many who then will seek to understand, if we may use this misnomer, the reason for the malfunctioning of the physical rhythms of their planet.
Moreover, there exists probability/possibility vortices which spiral towards your bellicose actions.
Many of these vortices are not of the nuclear war but of the less annihilatory but more lengthy so-called “conventional” war.
This situation, if formed in your illusion, would offer many opportunities for seeking and for service.
Questioner: How would conventional warfare offer the opportunities for seeking and service?
Ra: I am Ra. The possibility/probabilities exist for situations in which great portions of your continent and the globe in general might be involved in the type of warfare which you might liken to guerrilla warfare.
The ideal of freedom from the so-called invading force of either the controlled fascism or the equally controlled social common ownership of all things would stimulate great quantities of contemplation upon the great polarization implicit in the contrast between freedom and control.
In this scenario which is being considered at this time/space nexus the idea of obliterating valuable sites and personnel would not be considered an useful one.
Other weapons would be used which do not destroy as your nuclear arms would.
In this ongoing struggle the light of freedom would burn within the mind/body/spirit complexes capable of such polarization.
Lacking the opportunity for overt expression of the love of freedom, the seeking for inner knowledge would take root aided by those of the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow which remember their calling upon this sphere.
Questioner: Are you saying then that this possible condition of war would be much more greatly spread across the surface of the globe than anything we have experienced in the past and therefore touch a larger percentage of the population in this form of catalyst?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
There are those now experimenting with one of the major weapons of this scenario, that is the so-called psychotronic group of devices which are being experimentally used to cause such alterations in wind and weather as will result in eventual famine.
If this program is not countered and proves experimentally satisfactory, the methods in this scenario would be made public.
There would then be what those whom you call Russians hope to be a bloodless invasion of their personnel in this and every land deemed valuable.
However, the peoples of your culture have little propensity for bloodless surrender.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 66
Questioner: In a transition from third to fourth-density we have two other possibilities other than the type that we are experiencing now.
We have the possibility of a totally positively polarized harvest and the possibility of a totally negatively polarized harvest that I understand have occurred elsewhere in the universe many times.
When there is a totally negatively polarized harvest, the whole planet that has negatively polarized makes the transition from third to fourth-density.
Does the planet have the experience of the distortion of disease that this planet now experiences prior to that transition?
Ra: I am Ra. You are perceptive.
The negative harvest is one of intense disharmony and the planet will express this.
Questioner: I was concerned about the amount of physical distortions, disease, and that sort of thing in third-density negative just before harvesting and in fourth-density negative just after harvesting or in transition.
What are the conditions of the physical problems, disease, etc. in late third-density negative?
Ra: I am Ra. Each planetary experience is unique.
The problems, shall we say, of bellicose actions are more likely to be of pressing concern to late third-density negative entities than the earth’s reactions to negativity of the planetary mind, for it is often by such warlike attitudes on a global scale that the necessary negative polarization is achieved.
As fourth-density occurs there is a new planet and new physical vehicle system gradually expressing itself and the parameters of bellicose actions become those of thought rather than manifested weapons.
Questioner: Well then is physical disease and illness as we know it on this planet rather widespread on a third-density negative planet before harvest into fourth-density negative?
Ra: I am Ra. Physical complex distortions of which you speak are likely to be less found as fourth-density negative begins to be a probable choice of harvest due to the extreme interest in the self which characterizes the harvestable third-density negative entity.
Much more care is taken of the physical body as well as much more discipline being offered to the self mentally.
This is an orientation of great self-interest and self-discipline.
There are still instances of the types of disease which are associated with the mind complex distortions of negative emotions such as anger.
However, in an harvestable entity these emotional distortions are much more likely to be used as catalyst in an expressive and destructive sense as regards the object of anger.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 90
Questioner: There seems to have been created by this Logos, to me anyway, a large percentage of entities whose distortion was towards warfare.
There have been the Maldek and Mars experiences and now Earth.
It seems that Venus was the exception to what we could almost call the rule of warfare.
Is this correct and was this envisioned and planned into the construction of the archetypical mind, possibly not with respect to warfare as we have experienced it but as to the extreme action of polarization in consciousness?
Ra: I am Ra. It is correct that the Logos designed Its experiment to attempt to achieve the greatest possible opportunities for polarization in third density.
It is incorrect that warfare of the types specific to your experiences was planned by the Logos.
This form of expression of hostility is an interesting result which is apparently concomitant with the tool-making ability.
The choice of the Logos to use the life-form with the grasping thumb is the decision to which this type of warfare may be traced.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 95
Questioner: I have often wondered about the action of random and programmed catalyst with respect to the entity with the very strong positive or negative polarization.
Would either polarity be free to a great extent from random catalyst such as great natural catastrophes or warfare or something like that which generates a lot of random catalyst in the physical vicinity of a highly polarized entity?
Does this great cat, then, have an effect on such random catalyst on the right-hand path?
Ra: I am Ra. In two circumstances this is so.
if there has been the preincarnative choice that, for instance, one shall not take life in the service of the cultural group, events shall fall in a protective manner.
if any entity is able to dwell completely in unity the only harm that may occur to it is the changing of the outward physical, yellow-ray vehicle into the more light-filled mind/body/spirit complex’s vehicle by the process of death.
All other suffering and pain is as nothing to one such as this.
We may note that this perfect configuration of the mind, body, and spirit complexes, while within the third-density vehicle, is extraordinarily rare.
Questioner: Am I to understand, then, that there is no protection at all if the Experience of the Mind has chosen the left-hand path and that path is traveled?
All random catalyst may affect the negatively polarized individual as a function of the statistical nature of the random catalyst.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
You may note some of those of your peoples which, at this space/time nexus, seek places of survival.
This is due to the lack of protection when service to self is invoked.