The Cause of Cancer, its Mechanisms and Possible Cure
The Law of One, Book II, Session 40
March 18, 1981
Questioner: How long was the time of transition from second to third-density?
A generation and a half I believe you said. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, the time measured in your years being approximately 1,350.
Questioner: Then what will be the time of transition on this planet from third to fourth-density?
Ra: I am Ra. This is difficult to estimate due to the uncharacteristic anomalies of this transition.
There are at this space/time nexus beings incarnate which have begun fourth-density work.
However, the third-density climate of planetary consciousness is retarding the process.
At this particular nexus the possibility/probability vortices indicate somewhere between 100 and 700 of your years as transition period.
This cannot be accurate due to the volatility of your peoples at this space/time.
Questioner: Has the vibration of the photon increased in frequency already?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
It is this influence which has begun to cause thoughts to become things.
As an example you may observe the thoughts of anger becoming those cells of the physical bodily complex going out of control to become what you call the cancer.
Questioner: I am assuming that this vibratory increase began about twenty to thirty years ago. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The first harbingers of this were approximately forty-five of your years ago, the energies vibrating more intensely through the forty year period preceding the final movement of vibratory matter, shall we say, through the quantum leap, as you would call it.
Questioner: Starting then, forty-five years ago, and taking the entire increase of vibration that we will experience in this density change, approximately what percentage through this increase in vibrational change are we right now?
Ra: I am Ra.
The vibratory nature of your environment is true color, green.
This is at this time heavily over-woven with the orange ray of planetary consciousness.
However, the nature of quanta is such that the movement over the boundary is that of discrete placement of vibratory level.
Questioner: You mentioned that the thoughts of anger now are causing cancer.
Can you expand on this mechanism as it acts as a catalyst or its complete purpose?
Ra: I am Ra. The fourth-density is one of revealed information.
Selves are not hidden to self or other-selves.
The imbalances or distortions which are of a destructive nature show, therefore, in more obvious ways, the vehicle of the mind/body/spirit complex thus acting as a teaching resource for self revelation.
These illnesses such as cancer are correspondingly very amenable to self-healing once the mechanism of the destructive influence has been grasped by the individual.
Questioner: Then you are saying that cancer is quite easily healed mentally and is a good teaching tool because it is easily healed mentally and once the entity forgives the other-self at whom he is angry the cancer will disappear. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.
The other portion of healing has to do with forgiveness of self and a greatly heightened respect for the self.
This may conveniently be expressed by taking care in dietary matters.
This is quite frequently a part of the healing and forgiving process.
Your basic premise is correct.
Questioner: In dietary matters, what would be the foods that one would include and what would be the foods that one would exclude in a general way for the greatest care of one’s bodily complex?
Ra: I am Ra.
Firstly, we underline and emphasize that this information is not to be understood literally but as a link or psychological nudge for the body and the mind and spirit.
Thus it is the care and respect for the self that is the true thing of importance.
In this light we may iterate the basic information given for this instrument’s diet.
The vegetables,
the fruits,
the grains, and
to the extent necessary for the individual metabolism, the animal products.
These are those substances showing respect for the self.
In addition, though this has not been mentioned for this instrument is not in need of purification, those entities in need of purging the self of a poison thought-form or emotion complex do well to take care in following a program of careful fasting until the destructive thought-form has been purged analogously with the by-products of ridding the physical vehicle of excess material.
Again you see the value not to the body complex but used as a link for the mind and spirit.
Thus self reveals self to self.
Questioner: Thank you.
A very important concept.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 46
Questioner: If an entity polarizes toward the service-to-self path, would anger have the same physical effect that it would have on the entity polarizing on the service-to-others path?
Would it also cause cancer, or is it just a catalytic effect working in the positively polarizing entity?
Ra: I am Ra. The catalytic mechanisms are dependent, not upon the chosen polarity of a mind/body/spirit complex, but upon the use or purpose to which this catalyst is put.
Thus the entity which uses the experience of anger to polarize consciously positively or negatively does not experience the bodily catalyst but rather uses the catalyst in mental configuration.
Questioner: I am not sure that I understand that.
Let’s take some examples:
an entity polarizing toward the negative path becomes angry.
Let’s take the condition where he develops a cancer.
What is the principle that is at work for him?
Ra: I am Ra. We see the thrust of your query and will respond at variance with the specific query if that meets with your approval.
Questioner: Certainly.
Ra: The entity polarizing positively perceives the anger.
This entity, if using this catalyst mentally, blesses and loves this anger in itself.
It then intensifies this anger consciously in mind alone until the folly of this red-ray energy is perceived not as folly in itself but as energy subject to spiritual entropy due to the randomness of energy being used.
Positive orientation
then provides the will and faith to continue this mentally intense experience of letting the anger be understood, accepted, and integrated with the mind/body/spirit complex.
The other-self which is the object of anger is thus transformed into an object of acceptance, understanding, and accommodation, all being reintegrated using the great energy which anger began.
The negatively oriented
mind/body/spirit complex will use this anger in a similarly conscious fashion, refusing to accept the undirected or random energy of anger and instead, through will and faith, funneling this energy into a practical means of venting the negative aspect of this emotion so as to obtain control over other-self, or otherwise control the situation causing anger.
Control is the key to negatively polarized use of catalyst.
Acceptance is the key to positively polarized use of catalyst.
Between these polarities lies the potential for this random and undirected energy creating a bodily complex analog of what you call the cancerous growth of tissue.
Questioner: Then as I understand it you are saying that if the positively polarizing entity fails to accept the other-self or if the negatively polarizing entity fails to control the other-self, either of these conditions will cause cancer, possibly. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.
The first acceptance, or control depending upon polarity, is of the self.
Anger is one of many things to be accepted and loved as a part of self or controlled as a part of self, if the entity is to do work.
Questioner: Then are you saying that if a negatively polarizing entity is unable to control his own anger or unable to control himself in anger that he may cause cancer? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.
The negative polarization contains a great requirement for control and repression.
Questioner: A repression of what?
Ra: I am Ra. Any mind complex distortion which you may call emotional which is of itself disorganized, needs, in order to be useful to the negatively oriented entity, to be repressed and then brought to the surface in an organized use.
Thus you may find for instance, negatively polarized entities controlling and repressing such basic bodily complex needs as the sexual desire in order that in the practice thereof the will may be used to enforce itself upon the other-self with greater efficiency when the sexual behavior is allowed.
Questioner: Then the positively oriented entity, rather than attempting repression of emotion, would balance the emotion as stated in an earlier contact. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and illustrates the path of unity.
Questioner: Then cancer is a training catalyst operating for both polarities in approximately the same way but creating or attempting to create polarization in both directions, positive and negative, depending upon the orientation of the entity experiencing the catalyst. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect in that catalyst is unconscious and does not work with intelligence but rather is part of the, shall we say, mechanism of learn/teaching set up by the sub-Logos before the beginning of your space/time.
Questioner: How does cancer do this learn/teaching when the entity developing cancer has no conscious idea of what is happening to him when he develops cancer?
Ra: I am Ra. In many cases catalyst is not used.
Questioner: What is the plan for use of the catalyst of cancer?
Ra: I am Ra. The catalyst, and all catalyst, is designed to offer experience.
This experience in your density may be loved and accepted or it may be controlled.
These are the two paths.
When neither path is chosen the catalyst fails in its design and the entity proceeds until catalyst strikes it which causes it to form a bias towards acceptance and love or separation and control.
There is no lack of space/time in which this catalyst may work.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 60
Questioner: In trying to understand the creative energies, it has occurred to me that I really do not understand why unusable heat is generated as our Earth moves from third into fourth density.
I know it has to do with disharmony between the vibrations of third and fourth density but why this would show up as a physical heating within the Earth is beyond me.
Can you enlighten me on that?
Ra: I am Ra. The concepts are somewhat difficult to penetrate in your language.
However, we shall attempt to speak to the subject.
If an entity is not in harmony with its circumstances it feels a burning within.
The temperature of the physical vehicle does not yet rise, only the heat of the temper or the tears, as we may describe this disharmony.
However, if an entity persists for a long period of your space/time in feeling this emotive heat and disharmony, the entire body complex will begin to resonate to this disharmony, and the disharmony will then show up as the cancer or other degenerative distortions from what you call health.
When an entire planetary system of peoples and cultures repeatedly experiences disharmony on a great scale the earth under the feet of these entities shall begin to resonate with this disharmony.
Due to the nature of the physical vehicle, disharmony shows up as a blockage of growth or an uncontrolled growth since the primary function of a mind/body/spirit complex’s bodily complex is growth and maintenance.
In the case of your planet the purpose of the planet is the maintenance of orbit and the proper location or orientation with regards to other cosmic influences.
In order to have this occurring properly the interior of your sphere is hot in your physical terms.
Thus instead of uncontrolled growth you begin to experience uncontrolled heat and its expansive consequences.
Session 98, September 24, 1982
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 48
Questioner: Thank you.
The second question is: “Our oldest cat, Gandalf, has a growth near his spine.
Is there anything that makes the surgical removal of this growth less appropriate than the surgical removal of the growth that we had performed a year ago last April, and would the most appropriate action on our part to aid his recovery be the visualization of light surrounding him during the surgery and the repeating of ritual phrases periodically while he is at the veterinarians’?”
Ra: I am Ra. No.
There is no greater cause for caution than previously and, yes, the phrases of which you speak shall aid the entity.
Although this entity is, in body complex, old and, therefore, liable to danger from what you call your anesthetic, its mental, emotional, and spiritual distortions are such that it is strongly motivated to recover that it might once again rejoin the loved one.
Keep in mind that this entity is harvestable third density.
Questioner: Would you explain why you said “Keep in mind that this entity is harvestable third density” and tell me if you have any other specific recommendations with respect to the proposed operation on the growth?
Ra: I am Ra. We stated this in order to elucidate our use of the term “spirit complex” as applied to what might be considered a second-density entity.
The implications are that this entity shall have far more cause to abide and heal that it may seek the presence of the loved ones.
Questioner: Is there any additional recommendation that Ra could make with respect to the proposed operation?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
Questioner: I was wondering if I was correct in my assumption for the reason for the growth was a state of anger in the cat, Gandalf, because of the addition of the newer cats in his environment? Was I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The original cause of what you call cancer was the distortion caused by this event.
The proximate cause of this growth is the nature of the distortion of the body cells which you call cancer.
Questioner: Are there any other cancerous growths at this time in Gandalf?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
Questioner: Can we alleviate those and, if so, how and where are they?
Ra: I am Ra. None can be alleviated at this space/time nexus.
One is located within the juncture of the right hip.
Another which is very small is near the organ you call the liver.
There are also small cell distortions under the, we may call it, arm, to distinguish the upper appendages, on both sides.
Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to alleviate these problems that are other than surgical to help Gandalf?
Ra: I am Ra. Continue in praise and thanksgiving, asking for the removal of these distortions.
There are two possible outcomes.
Firstly, the entity shall dwell with you in contentment until its physical vehicle holds it no more due to distortions caused by the cancerous cells.
Secondly, the life path may become that which allows the healing.
We do not infringe upon free will by examining this life path although we may note the preponderance of life paths which use some distortion such as this to leave the physical body which in this case is the orange-ray body.
Questioner: Does the cat, Fairchild, have any of these same type of problems?
Ra: I am Ra. Not at this space/time nexus.
Questioner: Was it necessary for the cat Gandalf to be a mind/body/spirit complex and harvestable third density to have the anger result in cancer?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
Questioner: Then any mind/body complex can develop cancer. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.