The Heart of 'White Magic'
The Law of One, Book III, Session 64
Questioner: Then we won’t question on it.
Could you explain the basic principles behind the ritual which we perform to initiate the contact and what I would call the basic white magical principles of protection?
Ra: I am Ra. Due to your avenue of question we perceive the appropriateness of inclusion of the cause of this instrument’s transitory vital energy distortion.
The cause is a bias towards the yearning for expression of devotion to the one Creator in group worship.
This entity was yearning for this protection both consciously in that it responds to the accoutrements of this expression, the ritual, the colors and their meanings as given by the distortion system of what you call the church, the song of praise, and the combined prayers of thanksgiving and, most of all, that which may be seen to be most centrally magical, the intake of that food which is not of this dimension but has been transmuted into metaphysical nourishment in what this distortion of expression calls the holy communion.
The subconscious reason, it being the stronger for this yearning was the awareness that such expression is, when appreciated by an entity as the transmutation into the presence of the one Creator, a great protection of the entity as it moves in the path of service-to-others.
The principle behind any ritual of the white magical nature is to so
configure the stimuli which reach down into the trunk of mind that this arrangement causes the generation of disciplined and purified emotion or love which then may be both protection and the key to the gateway to intelligent infinity.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 68
Questioner: Could you tell me what the plan of the fifth-density negatively oriented entity was and how it would have accomplished it and what the results would have been if it had worked?
Ra: I am Ra. The plan, which is on-going, was to take the mind/body/spirit complex while it was separated from its yellow body physical complex shell, to then place this mind/body/spirit complex within the negative portions of your time/space.
The shell would then become that of the unknowing, unconscious entity and could be, shall we say, worked upon to cause malfunction which would end in coma and then in what you call the death of the body.
At this point the higher self of the instrument would have the choice of leaving the mind/body/spirit complex in negative sp—we correct—time/space or of allowing incarnation in space/time of equivalent vibration and polarity distortions.
Thus this entity would become a negatively polarized entity without the advantage of native negative polarization.
It would find a long path to the Creator under these circumstances although the path would inevitably end well.
Questioner: Then you are saying that if this fifth-density negative entity is successful in its attempts to transfer the mind/body/spirit complex when that complex is in what we call the trance state to negatively polarized time/space, then the higher self has no choice but to allow incarnation in negatively polarized space/time?
Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
The higher self could allow the mind/body/spirit complex to remain in time/space.
However, it is unlikely that the higher self would do so indefinitely due to its distortion towards the belief that the function of the mind/body/spirit complex is to experience and learn from other-selves thus experiencing the Creator.
A highly polarized positive mind/body/spirit complex surrounded by negative portions of space/time will experience only darkness, for like the magnet, there is no, shall we say, likeness.
Thus a barrier is automatically formed.
Questioner: Let me be sure that I understand you.
Is that darkness experienced in negative space/time or in negative time/space?
Ra: I am Ra. Negative time/space.
Questioner: Incarnation in negative space/time then in a condition like that would result in incarnation into which density level for, let us take as an example, the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. The answer to this query violates the first distortion.
Questioner: OK then, let’s not take the instrument as an example.
Let’s assume that this was done to a Wanderer of sixth-density.
If this answer violates the first distortion, don’t answer. But let’s say a sixth-density Wanderer had this happen and went into negative time/space.
Would that be a sixth-density negative time/space, and would he incarnate into sixthdensity negative space/time?
Ra: I am Ra. Your assumption is correct.
The strength of the polarization would be matched as far as possible.
In some positive sixth-density Wanderers the approximation would not quite be complete due to the paucity of negative sixth-density energy fields of the equivalent strength.
Questioner: Is the reason that this could be done the fact that the Wanderer’s mind/body/spirit complex extracted in what we call the trance state, leaving the third-density physical, in this state the Wanderer does not have the full capability to magically defend itself? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. In the case of this instrument, this is correct.
This is also correct when applied almost without exception to those instruments working in trance which have not consciously experienced magical training in time/space in the, shall we say, present incarnation.
The entities of your density capable of magical defense in this situation are extremely rare.
Questioner: It would seem to me that since I can’t imagine anything worse than this particular result it would be very advisable to seek the magical training and defense for this situation.
Could Ra and would Ra instruct us in this type of magical defense?
Ra: I am Ra. This request lies beyond the first distortion.
The entity seeking magical ability must do so in a certain manner.
We may give instructions of a general nature.
This we have already done.
The instrument has begun the process of balancing the self.
This is a lengthy process.
To take an entity before it is ready and offer it the scepter of magical power is to infringe in an unbalanced manner.
We may suggest with some asperity that the instrument never call upon Ra in any way while unprotected by the configuration which is at this time present.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 69
Questioner: There are many techniques and ways of practicing so-called white magical arts.
Are rituals designed by a particular group for their own particular use just as good or possibly better than those that have been practiced by groups such as the Order of the Golden Dawn and other magical groups?
Ra: I am Ra. Although we are unable to speak with precision on this query, we may note some gratification that the questioner has penetrated some of the gist of a formidable system of service and discipline.
I am Ra.
May we thank you again, my friends, for your conscientiousness.
All is well.
We leave you rejoicing in the power and the peace of the one infinite Creator.
Go forth with joy.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 71
Questioner: You have made the statement that pure negativity acts as a gravity well pulling all into it.
I was wondering first if pure positivity has precisely the same effect?
Could you answer that please?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
Positivity has a much weaker effect due to the strong element of recognition of free will in any positivity approaching purity.
Thus although the negatively oriented entity may find it difficult to polarize negatively in the midst of such resounding harmony it will not find it impossible.
Upon the other hand, the negative polarization is one which does not accept the concept of the free will of other-selves.
Thusly in a social complex whose negativity approaches purity the pull upon other-selves is constant.
A positively oriented entity in such a situation would desire for other-selves to have their free will and thusly would find itself removed from its ability to exercise its own free will, for the free will of negatively oriented entities is bent upon conquest.
Questioner: Could you please comment on the accuracy of these statements.
I am going to talk in general about the concept of magic and first define it as the ability to create changes in consciousness at will.
Is this an acceptable definition?
Ra: I am Ra. This definition is acceptable in that it places upon the adept the burden it shall bear.
It may be better understood by referring back to an earlier query, in your measurement, within this working having to do with the unmanifested self.
In magic one is working with one’s unmanifested self in body, in mind, and in spirit; the mixture depending upon the nature of the working.
These workings are facilitated by the enhancement of the activation of the indigo-ray energy center.
The indigo-ray energy center
is fed, as are all energy centers, by experience but far more than the others is fed by what we have called the disciplines of the personality.
Questioner: I will state that the objective of the white magical ritual is to create a change in consciousness of a group. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Not necessarily.
It is possible for what you term white magic to be worked for the purpose of altering only the self or the place of working.
This is done in the knowledge that to aid the self in polarization towards love and light is to aid the planetary vibration.
Questioner: The change in consciousness should result in a greater distortion towards service-to-others, towards unity with all, and towards knowing in order to serve.
Is this correct, and are there any other desired results?
Ra: I am Ra. These are commendable phrases.
The heart of white magic is the experience of the joy of union with the Creator.
This joy will of necessity radiate throughout the life experience of the positive adept.
It is for this reason that sexual magic is not restricted solely to the negatively oriented polarizing adepts but when most carefully used has its place in high magic as it, when correctly pursued, joins body, mind, and spirit with the one infinite Creator.
Any purpose which you may frame should, we suggest, take into consideration this basic union with the one infinite Creator, for this union will result in service-to-others of necessity.
Questioner: There are, shall I say, certain rules of white magic.
I will read these few and I would like you to comment on the philosophical content or basis of these and add to this list any of importance that I have neglected.
First, a special place of working preferably constructed by the practitioners;
second, a special signal or key such as a ring to summon the magical personality;
third, special clothing worn only for the workings;
fourth, a specific time of day;
fifth, a series of ritual sound vibratory complexes designed to create the desired mental distortion;
sixth, a group objective for each session.
Could you comment on this list please?
Ra: I am Ra. To comment upon this list is to play the mechanic which views the instruments of the orchestra and adjusts and tunes the instruments.
You will note these are mechanical details.
The art does not lie herein.
The one item of least import is what you call the time of day.
This is important in those experiential nexi wherein the entities search for the metaphysical experience without conscious control over the search.
The repetition of workings gives this search structure.
In this particular group the structure is available without the need for inevitable sameness of times of working.
We may note that this regularity is always helpful.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 74
Questioner: I have a statement here that I am going to make and let you correct.
I see that the disciplines of the personality feed the indigo-ray energy center and affect the power of the white magician by unblocking the lower energy centers allowing for the free flow of the upward spiraling light to reach the indigo center.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
Questioner: Will you please correct me?
Ra: I am Ra. The indigo center is indeed most important for the work of the adept.
However, it cannot, no matter how crystallized, correct to any extent whatsoever imbalances or blockages in other energy centers.
They must needs be cleared seriatim from red upwards.
Questioner: I’m not sure exactly if I understand this.
The question is how do disciplines of the personality feed the indigo-ray energy center and affect the power of the white magician?
Does that question make sense?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
Questioner: Would you answer it please?
Ra: I am Ra. We would be happy to answer this query.
We understood the previous query as being of other import.
The indigo ray is the ray of the adept.
There is an identification between the crystallization of that energy center and the improvement of the working of the mind/body/spirit as it begins to transcend space/time balancing and to enter the combined realms of space/time and time/space.
Questioner: Let me see if I have a wrong opinion here of the effect of disciplines of the personality.
I was assuming that the discipline of the personality to, shall we say, have a balanced attitude toward a single fellow entity would properly clear and balance, to some extent, the orange-ray energy center.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We cannot say that you speak incorrectly but merely less than completely.
The disciplined personality,
when faced with an other-self, has all centers balanced according to its unique balance.
Thusly the other-self looks in a mirror seeing its self.
Questioner: The disciplines of the personality are the paramount work of any who have become consciously aware of the process of evolution.
Am I correct on that statement?
Ra: I am Ra. Quite.
Questioner: What I am trying to get at is how these disciplines affect the energy centers and the power of the white magician.
Will you tell me how that works?
Ra: I am Ra.
The heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold.
One, know your self.
Two, accept your self.
Three, become the Creator.
The third step is that step
which, when accomplished, renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality and completely able to know and accept other-selves.
In relation to the pursuit of the magical working the continuing discipline of the personality involves the adept in knowing its self, accepting its self, and thus clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the Creator.
To become the Creator is to become all that there is.
There is, then, no personality in the sense with which the adept begins its learn/teaching.
As the consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more crystalline, more work may be done; more may be expressed from intelligent infinity.
Questioner: You stated that a working of service to others has the potential of alerting a great mass of light strength.
Could you describe just exactly how this works and what the uses of this would be?
Ra: I am Ra. There are sound vibratory complexes which act much like the dialing of your telephone.
When they are appropriately vibrated with accompanying will and concentration it is as though many upon your metaphysical or inner planes received a telephone call.
This call they answer by their attention to your working.
Questioner: There are many of these.
The ones most obvious in our society are those used in the church rather than those used by the magical adept.
What is the difference in the effect in those used in our various churches and those specifically magical incantations used by the adept?
Ra: I am Ra.
If all in your churches were adepts consciously full
of will,
of seeking,
of concentration,
of conscious knowledge of the calling,
there would be no difference.
The efficacy of the calling is a function of the magical qualities of those who call; that is, their desire to seek the altered state of consciousness desired.
Questioner: In selecting the protective ritual we finally agreed upon the Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram.
I assume that these sound vibratory complexes are of the type of which you speak for the alerting of those on the inner planes. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: If we had constructed a ritual of our own with words used for the first time in this sequence of protection what would have been the relative merit of this with respect to the ritual that we chose?
Ra: I am Ra. It would be less.
In constructing ritual it is well to study the body of written work which is available for names of positive or service to others power are available.
Questioner: I will make an analogy to the loudness of the ringing of the telephone in using the ritual as the efficiency of the practitioners using the ritual.
I see several things affecting the efficiency of the ritual:
first, the desire of the practitioners to serve,
their ability to invoke the magical personality,
their ability to visualize while performing the ritual,
and let me ask you as to the relative importance of those items and how each may be intensified?
Ra: I am Ra. This query borders upon over-specificity.
It is most important for the adept to feel its own growth as teach/learner.
We may only say that you correctly surmise the paramount import of the magical personality.
This is a study in itself.
With the appropriate emotional will, polarity, and purity, work may be done with or without proper sound vibration complexes.
However, there is no need for the blunt instrument when the scalpel is available.
Questioner: I assume that the reason that the rituals that have been used previously are of effect is that these words have built a bias in consciousness of those who have worked in these areas so that those who are of a distortion of mind that we seek will respond to imprint in consciousness of this series of words. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is, to a great extent, correct.
The exception is the sounding of some of what you call your Hebrew and some of what you call you Sanskrit vowels.
These sound vibration complexes have power before time and space and represent configurations of light which built all that there is.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 79
Questioner: Now, to be sure that I understand you:
prior to the change and the extension of free will, let’s take specifically the end of fourth density, magical potential for the condition when there was only service-to-others polarization was much greater at the end of fourth density than at the end of fourth density immediately after the split of polarization and the extension of free will.
Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Magical ability is the ability to consciously use the so-called unconscious.
Therefore, there was maximal ability prior to the innovation of sub-Logoi’s free will.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 85
Questioner: I am totally aware of the lack of necessity or rational need for naming of entities or things, but I was wondering if this particular entity had a name just so that we could increase our efficiency of communicating with respect to him.
Does he have a name?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
Questioner: Would it be magically bad for us to know that name, or would it make no difference?
Ra: I am Ra. It would make a difference.
Questioner: What would the difference be?
Ra: I am Ra. If one wishes to have power over an entity it is an aid to know that entity’s name.
If one wishes no power over an entity but wishes to collect that entity into the very heart of one’s own being it is well to forget the naming.
Both processes are magically viable.
Each is polarized in a specific way.
It is your choice.