The Usefulness & Reasons for 'Incarnation' of 'Mind/Body/Spirit Complex' for 3rd Density Development
The Law of One, Book I, Session 21
Questioner: When the 75,000 year cycle started, the life span was approximately nine hundred years, average.
What was the process and scheduling mechanism, shall I say, of reincarnation at that time, and how did the time in between incarnations into third-density physical apply to the growth of the mind/body/spirit complex?
Ra: I am Ra. This query is more complex than most.
We shall begin.
The incarnation pattern of the beginning third-density mind/body/spirit complex begins in darkness, for you may think or consider of your density as one of, as you may say, a sleep and a forgetting.
This is the only plane of forgetting.
It is necessary for the third-density entity to forget so that the mechanisms of confusion or free will may operate upon the newly individuated consciousness complex.
Thus, the beginning entity is one in all innocence oriented towards animalistic behavior using other-selves only as extensions of self for the preservation of the all-self.
The entity becomes slowly aware that it has needs, shall we say, that are not animalistic; that is, that are useless for survival.
These needs include:
the need for companionship,
the need for laughter,
the need for beauty,
the need to know the universe about it.
These are the beginning needs.
As the incarnations begin to accumulate, other needs are discovered:
the need to trade,
the need to love,
the need to be loved,
the need to elevate animalistic behaviors to a more universal perspective.
During the first portion of third-density cycles, incarnations are automatic and occur rapidly upon the cessation of energy complex of the physical vehicle.
There is small need to review or to heal the experiences of the incarnation.
As, what you would call, the energy centers begin to be activated to a higher extent, more of the content of experience during incarnation deals with the lessons of love.
Thus the time, as you may understand it, between incarnations is lengthened to give appropriate attention to the review and the healing of experiences of the previous incarnation.
At some point in third density, the green-ray energy center becomes activated and at that point incarnation ceases to be automatic.
Questioner: When incarnation ceases to be automatic I am assuming that the entity can decide when he needs to incarnate for the benefit of his own learning.
Does he also select his parents?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: At this time in our cycle, near the end, what percentage of the entities incarnating are making their own choices?
Ra: I am Ra. The approximate percentage is fifty-four percent.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 30
Questioner: Upon our physical death, as we call it, from this particular density and this particular incarnative experience, we lose this chemical body.
Immediately after the loss of this chemical body do we maintain a different type of body?
Is there still a mind/body/spirit complex at that point?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
The mind/body/spirit complex is quite intact; the physical body complex you now associate with the term body being but manifestation of a more dense and intelligently informed and powerful body complex.
Questioner: Is there any loss to the mind or spirit after this transition which we call death or any impairment of either because of the loss of this chemical body which we now have?
Ra: I am Ra. In your terms there is a great loss of mind complex due to the fact that much of the activity of the mental nature of which you are aware during the experience of this space/time continuum is as much of a surface illusion as is the chemical body complex.
In other terms nothing whatever of importance is lost; the character or, shall we say, pure distortion of emotions and biases or distortions and wisdoms, if you will, becoming obvious for the first time, shall we say; these pure emotions and wisdoms and bias/distortions being, for the most part, either ignored or underestimated during physical life experience.
In terms of the spiritual, this channel is then much opened due to the lack of necessity for the forgetting characteristic of third density.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 36
Questioner: Is the higher self of every entity of a sixth-density nature?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
This is an honor/duty of self to self as one approaches seventh density.
Questioner: Let me be sure that I understand this then.
We have spoken of certain particular individuals.
For instance we were speaking of George Patton in a previous communication.
Then his higher self at the time of his incarnation here as George Patton about forty years ago was of sixth-density? is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
We make note at this time that each entity has several beings upon which to call for inner support.
Any of these may be taken by an entity to be the mind/body/spirit complex totality.
However, this is not the case.
The mind/body/spirit complex totality
is a nebulous collection of all that may occur held in understanding;
the higher self itself
a projection or manifestation of mind/body/spirit complex totality which then may communicate with the mind/body/spirit during the discarnate part of a cycle of rebirth or during the incarnation; may communicate if the proper pathways or channels through the roots of mind are opened.
Questioner: These channels would then be opened by meditation and I am assuming that the intense polarization would help in this. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.
Intense polarization does not necessarily develop, in the mind/body/spirit complex, the will or need to contact the Oversoul.
Each path of life experience is unique.
However, given the polarization, the will is greatly enhanced and visa-versa.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 47
Questioner: What does the large percentage of the Earth’s population, as they pass through the physical, activate?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working.
The normal procedure, given an harmonious passage from yellow-ray bodily manifestation, is for the mind and spirit complex to rest in the etheric or indigo body until such time as the entity begins its preparation for experience in an incarnated place which has a manifestation formed by the etheric energy molding it into activation and manifestation.
This indigo body, being intelligent energy, is able to offer the newly dead, as you would term it, soul a perspective and a place from which to view the experience most recently manifested.
Is there a short query we may answer at this time?
The Law of One, Book II, Session 50
Questioner: Can you expand on the concept which is that it is necessary for an entity, during incarnation in the physical as we know it, to become polarized or interact properly with other entities and why this isn’t possible in between incarnations when the entity is aware of what he wants to do.
Why must he come into an incarnation and lose conscious memory of what he wants to do and then act in a way in which he hopes to act?
Ra: I am Ra. Let us give the example of the man who sees all the poker hands. He then knows the game.
It is but child’s play to gamble, for it is no risk.
The other hands are known.
The possibilities are known and the hand will be played correctly but with no interest.
In time/space and in the true color green density, the hands of all are open to the eye. The thoughts, the feelings, the troubles, all these may be seen.
There is no deception and no desire for deception.
Thus much may be accomplished in harmony but the mind/body/spirit gains little polarity from this interaction.
Let us re-examine this metaphor and multiply it into the longest poker game you can imagine, a lifetime.
The cards are love, dislike, limitation, unhappiness, pleasure, etc.
They are dealt and re-dealt and re-dealt continuously.
You may, during this incarnation begin—and we stress begin—to know your own cards.
You may begin to find the love within you.
You may begin to balance your pleasure, your limitations, etc.
However, your only indication of other-selves’ cards is to look into the eyes.
You cannot remember your hand, their hands, perhaps even the rules of this game.
This game can only be won by those who lose their cards in the melting influence of love, can only be won by those who lay their pleasures, their limitations, their all upon the table face up and say inwardly:
“All, all of you players, each other-self, whatever your hand, I love you.”
This is the game:
to know,
to accept,
to forgive,
to balance, and
to open the self in love.
This cannot be done without the forgetting, for it would carry no weight in the life of the mind/body/spirit being-ness totality.
Is there a brief query before we leave this instrument?
The Law of One, Book III, Session 54
Questioner: Would a negatively oriented entity do anything like this?
Could you give me an example?
Ra: I am Ra.
A negatively oriented individual mind/body/spirit complex
will ordinarily program for wealth, ease of existence, and the utmost opportunity for power. Thus many negative entities burst with the physical complex distortion you call health.
However, a negatively oriented entity may choose a painful condition in order to improve the distortion toward the so-called negative emotive mentations such as anger, hatred, and frustration.
Such an entity may use an entire incarnative experience honing a blunt edge of hatred or anger so that it may polarize more towards the negative or separated pole.
Questioner: Prior to incarnation, as an entity becomes more aware of the process of evolution and has selected a path whether it be positive or negative, at some point the entity becomes aware of what it wants to do with respect to unblocking and balancing its energy centers.
At that point it is able to program for the life experience those catalytic experiences that will aid it in its process of unblocking and balancing.
Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. That is correct.
Questioner: The purpose then, of what we call the incarnate physical state, seems to be wholly or almost wholly that of experiencing the programmed catalyst and then evolving as a function of that catalyst. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall restate for clarity the purpose of incarnative existence is evolution of mind, body, and spirit.
In order to do this it is not strictly necessary to have catalyst.
However, without catalyst the desire to evolve and the faith in the process do not normally manifest and thus evolution occurs not.
Therefore, catalyst is programmed and the program is designed for the mind/body/spirit complex for its unique requirements.
Thus it is desirable that a mind/body/spirit complex be aware of and hearken to the voice of its experiential catalyst, gleaning from it that which it incarnated to glean.
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 55
Session 105, October 19, 1983
Questioner: We have been, you might say, experimentally determining a lot of things about the body, the next portion of the tarot, and have been experiencing some of the feedback effects, you might say, between the mind and the body.
From everything that we have done so far with respect to these effects the great value of the third-density, yellow-ray body at this time is as a device that feeds back catalyst to create the polarization, I would say.
I would ask Ra, if initially when they were designed for third-density experience the mind/body/spirits—not the mind/body/spirit complexes— had as the major use of the yellow-ray body, the feeding back of catalyst and if not, what was the purpose of the yellow-ray body?
Ra: I am Ra. The description which began your query is suitable for the function of the mind/body/spirit or the mind/body/spirit complex.
The position in creation of physical manifestation changed not one whit when the veil of forgetting was dropped.
Questioner: Then the yellow-ray body, from the very beginning, was designed as what Ra has called an athanor for the mind, a device to accelerate the evolution of the mind. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. It is perhaps more accurate to note that the yellow-ray, physical vehicle is a necessity without which the mind/body/spirit complex cannot pursue evolution at any pace.
Questioner: Then you are saying that the evolution of that portion of the individual that is not yellow-ray is not possible without the clothing at intervals in the yellow-ray body. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
Questioner: Would you clear up my thinking on that?
I didn’t quite understand your statement.
Ra: I am Ra. Each mind/body/spirit or mind/body/spirit complex has an existence simultaneous with that of creation.
It is not dependent upon any physical vehicle.
However, in order to evolve, change, learn, and manifest the Creator the physical vehicles appropriate to each density are necessary.
Your query implied that physical vehicles accelerated growth.
The more accurate description is that they permit growth.
Questioner: As an example I would like to take the distortion of a disease or bodily malfunction prior to the veil and compare it to that after the veil.
Let us assume that the conditions that Jim experienced with respect to his kidney malfunction had been an experience that occurred prior to the veil.
Would this experience have occurred prior to the veil?
Would it have been different?
And if so, how?
Ra: I am Ra. The anger of separation is impossible without the veil.
The lack of awareness of the body’s need for liquid is unlikely without the veil.
The decision to contemplate perfection in discipline is quite improbable without the veil.
Questioner: I would like to examine a sample, shall we say, bodily distortion prior to the veil and how it would affect the mind.
Could Ra give an example of that, please?
Ra: I am Ra. This general area has been covered.
We shall recapitulate here.
The patterns of illness, diseases, and death are a benignant demesne5 within the plan of incarnational experience.
As such, some healing would occur by decision of mind/body/spirits, and incarnations were experienced with the normal ending of illness to death, accepted as such since without the veil it is clear that the mind/body/spirit continues.
Thusly, the experiences, both good and bad, or joyful and sad, of the mind/body/spirit before veiling would be pale, without vibrancy or the keen edge of interest that such brings in the post-veiling mind/body/spirit complex.
5 demesne: In feudal law, lands held in one’s own power; A manor house and the adjoining lands in the immediate use and occupation of the owner of the estate;
The grounds belonging to any residence, or any landed estate; Any region over which sovereignty is exercised; domain. [< AF demeyne, OF demeine, demaine. Doublet of DOMAIN.]
Questioner: At the end of an incarnation, before veiling, did the entity appear physically to have aged like entities at the end of their incarnation in our present illusion?
Did the Significator look like that?
Ra: I am Ra. The Significator of Mind, Body, or Spirit is a portion of the archetypical mind and looks as each envisions such to appear.
The body of mind/body/spirits before veiling showed all the signs of aging which acquaint you now with the process leading to the removal from third-density incarnation of the mind/body/spirit complex.
It is well to recall that the difference betwixt mind/body/spirits and mind/body/spirit complexes is a forgetting within the deeper mind.
Physical appearances and surface and instinctual activities are much the same.
Questioner: Then I was wondering what was the root reason for the change in appearance that we see as the aging process?
I am trying to uncover the basic philosophical premise here, but I may be shooting in the dark and not questioning on it correctly.
I am trying to get at the reason behind the design in this change in appearance when it seems to me that it would be just as possible for the mind/body/spirit or mind/body/spirit complex to look the same throughout an incarnation.
Could Ra explain the reason for this change?
Ra: I am Ra. When the discipline of the personality has led the mind/body/spirit complex into the fifth and especially the sixth level of study it is no longer necessary to build destruction of the physical vehicle into its design, for the spirit complex is so experienced as a shuttle that it is aware when the appropriate degree of intensity of learning and increment of lesson have been achieved.
Within third-density,
not to build into the physical vehicle its ending would be counterproductive to the mind/body/spirit complexes therein residing, for within the illusion it seems more lovely to be within the illusion than to drop the garment which has carried the mind/body/ spirit complex and move on.
Questioner: I see, then, that it is, shall we say, when an individual reaches a very old age it becomes apparent to him in third density that he is worn out.
Therefore, be is not attached to this vehicle as firmly as he would be with a good-looking, well-functioning one.
After the veil, the body is definitely an athanor for the mind.
Prior to the veiling did the body serve as an athanor for the mind at all?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
You may ask one more full query.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 71
Questioner: As an entity goes through the death process in third-density it finds itself in time/space.
It finds itself in a different set of circumstances.
Would you please describe the circumstances or properties of time/space and then the process of healing of incarnative experiences that some entities encounter?
Ra: I am Ra. Although this query is difficult to answer adequately, due to the limitations of your space/time sound vibration complexes, we shall respond to the best of our ability.
The hallmark of time/space is the inequity between time and space.
In your space/time
the spatial orientation of material causes a tangible framework for illusion.
In time/space
the inequity is upon the shoulders of that property known to you as time.
This property renders entities and experiences intangible in a relative sense.
In your framework each particle or core vibration moves at a velocity which approaches what you call the speed of light from the direction of supraluminal velocities.
Thus the time/space or metaphysical experience is that which is very finely tuned and, although an analog of space/time, lacking in its tangible characteristics.
In these metaphysical planes
there is a great deal of what you call time which is used to review and re-review the biases and learn/teachings of a prior, as you would call it, space/time incarnation.
The extreme fluidity of these regions makes it possible for much to be penetrated which must needs be absorbed before the process of healing of an entity may be accomplished.
Each entity is located in a somewhat immobile state much as you are located in space/time in a somewhat immobile state in time.
In this immobile space the entity has been placed by the form-maker and higher self so that it may be in the proper configuration for learn/teaching that which it has received in the space/time incarnation.
Depending upon this time/space locus there will be certain helpers which assist in this healing process.
The process involves
seeing in full the experience,
seeing it against the backdrop of the mind/body/spirit complex total experience,
forgiving the self for all missteps as regards the missed guideposts during the incarnation and, finally,
the careful assessment of the next necessities for learning.
This is done entirely by the higher self until an entity has become conscious in space/time of the process and means of spiritual evolution at which time the entity will consciously take part in all decisions.
Questioner: Is the process in positive time/space identical with the process in negative time/space for this healing?
Ra: I am Ra. The process in space/time of the forgiveness and acceptance is much like that in time/space in that the qualities of the process are analogous.
while in space/time
it is not possible to determine the course of events beyond the incarnation but only to correct present imbalances.
In time/space, upon the other hand,
it is not possible to correct any unbalanced actions but rather to perceive the imbalances and thusly forgive the self for that which is.
The decisions then are made to set up the possibility/probabilities of correcting these imbalances in what you call future space/time experiences.
The advantage of time/space
is that of the fluidity of the grand overview.
The advantage of space/time
is that, working in darkness with a tiny candle, one may correct imbalances.
Questioner: If an entity has chosen the negative polarization are the processes of healing and review similar for the negative path?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Are the processes that we are talking about processes that occur on many planets in our Milky Way Galaxy, or do they occur on all planets, or what percentage?
Ra: I am Ra. These processes occur upon all planets which have given birth to sub-Logoi such as yourselves.
The percentage of inhabited planets is approximately 10%.