How to Use Crystals for Healing
The Law of One, Book I, Session 2
Questioner: We are very interested in the entire story that you have to tell and getting in to the Law of One in quite some detail.
There will be several questions that I’ll ask as we go along that may or may not be related directly to understanding the Law of One.
However, I believe that the proper way of presenting this as a teach/learning vehicle is to investigate different facets of what you tell us.
You spoke of crystal healing. (One other thing I want to mention is that when the instrument becomes fatigued we want to cut off communication and continue questions at a later time when the instrument is recharged.)
If the instrument is suitable at this time we would like a little information about the crystal healing that you mentioned.
Ra: I am Ra. The principle of crystal healing is based upon an understanding of the hierarchical nature of the structure of the illusion which is the physical body, as you would call it.
There are crystals which work upon the energies coming into the spiritual body;
there are crystals which work upon the distortions from spirit to mind;
there are crystals which balance the distortions between the mind and the body.
All of these crystal healings are charged through purified channels.
Without the relative crystallization of the healer working with the crystal, the crystal will not be properly charged.
The other ingredient is the proper alignment with the energy fields of the planet upon which you dwell and the holistic or cosmic distortions or streamings which enter the planetary aura in such a manner that an appropriate ratio of shapes and placement within these shapes is of indicated aid in the untangling or balancing process.
To go through the various crystals to be used would be exhaustive to this instrument, although you may ask us if you wish in another session.
The delicacy, shall we say, of the choosing of the crystal is very critical and, in truth, a crystalline structure such as a diamond or ruby can be used by a purified channel who is filled with the love/light of One, in almost any application.
This, of course, takes initiation, and there never have been many to persevere to the extent of progressing through the various distortion leavings which initiation causes.
May we further inform you in any fairly brief way upon this or another subject?
The Law of One, Book II, Session 29
Questioner: OK.
As the creation is formed, as the atoms form as rotations of the vibration which is light, they coalesce in a certain manner sometimes.
They produce a lattice structure which we call crystalline.
I am guessing that because of the formation from intelligent energy of the precise crystalline structure that it is possible by some technique to tap intelligent energy and bring it into the physical illusion by working through the crystalline structure. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct only in so far as the crystalline physical structure is charged by a correspondingly crystallized or regularized or balanced mind/body/spirit complex.
Questioner: I don’t wish to get off on subjects of no importance, but it is difficult sometimes to see precisely in what direction to go.
I would like to investigate a little bit more this idea of crystals, how they are used.
I am assuming then from what you said that in order to use the crystal to tap intelligent energy, it is necessary to have a partially undistorted mind/body/spirit complex.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is specifically correct.
Questioner: There must be a point at which the removal of distortion reaches the minimum for use of the crystal in tapping intelligent energy. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct only if it is understood, shall we say, that each mind/body/spirit complex has an unique such point.
Questioner: Can you tell me why each mind/body/spirit complex has this unique point of distortion-ridding?
Ra: I am Ra. Each mind/body/spirit complex is an unique portion of the one Creator.
Questioner: Then you are saying that there is no single level of purity required to tap intelligent energy through crystals but there can be a wide variation in the amount of distortion that an entity may have, but each entity has to reach his particular point of what I might call energizing the ability. Is this right?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
The necessity is for the mind/body/spirit complex to be of a certain balance, this balance thus enabling it to reach a set level of lack of distortion.
The critical difficulties are unique for each mind/body/spirit complex due to the experiential distillations which in total are the, shall we say, violet-ray being-ness of each such entity.
This balance is what is necessary for work to be done in seeking the gateway to intelligent infinity through the use of crystals or through any other use.
No two mind/body/spirit crystallized natures are the same.
The distortion requirements, vibrationally speaking, are set.
Questioner: I see.
Then if you are able to read the violet ray of an entity, to see that ray, is it possible to immediately determine whether the entity could use crystals to tap intelligent energy?
Ra: I am Ra. It is possible for one of fifth density or above to do this.
Questioner: Is it possible for you to tell me how an entity who has satisfactorily achieved the necessary violet ray qualification should use the crystal?
Ra: I am Ra. The gateway to intelligent infinity is born of, shall we say, the sympathetic vibration in balanced state accompanying the will to serve, the will to seek.
Questioner: Can you tell me precisely what the entity would do with the crystal to use it for the purpose of seeking the intelligent infinity?
Ra: I am Ra. The use of the crystal in physical manifestation is that use wherein the entity of crystalline nature charges the regularized physical crystal with this seeking, thus enabling it to vibrate harmonically and also become the catalyst or gateway whereby intelligent infinity may thus become intelligent energy, this crystal serving as an analog of the violet ray of the mind/body/spirit in relatively undistorted form.
Questioner: Is it possible for you to instruct us in the specific uses of crystals?
Ra: I am Ra. It is possible.
There are, we consider, things which are not efficacious to tell you due to possible infringement upon your free will.
Entities of the Confederation have done this in the past.
The uses of the crystal, as you know, include
the uses for healing,
for power, and
even for the development of life-forms.
We feel that it is unwise to offer instruction at this time as your peoples have shown a tendency to use peaceful sources of power for disharmonious reasons.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 47
Questioner: Can you define what you mean by a “crystallized entity”?
Ra: I am Ra. We have used this particular term because it has a fairly precise meaning in your language.
When a crystalline structure is formed of your physical material the elements present in each molecule are bonded in a regularized fashion with elements in each other molecule.
Thus the structure is regular and, when fully and perfectly crystallized, has certain properties.
It will not splinter or break; it is very strong without effort; and it is radiant, traducing light into a beautiful refraction giving pleasure of the eye to many.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 57
Questioner: Is there anything that we can specifically do to alleviate this problem that is already existing?
Ra: I am Ra. This information is harmless, thus we share it though it is transient, lacking the principle but only offering a specific transient effect.
The wrist area should be wrapped as in the sprained configuration, as you call this distortion, and what you call a sling may be used on this distorted right side of the body complex for one diurnal period.
At that time symptoms, as you call these distortions, shall be reviewed and such repeated until the distortion is alleviated.
The healing work to which each is apprentice may be used as desired.
It is to be noted that a crystal is available.
Questioner: Which crystal is that?
Ra: I am Ra. The flawed but sufficient crystal which rests upon the digit of this instrument’s right hand.
Questioner: Would you tell me how to use that crystal for this purpose?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a large question.
You first, as a mind/body/spirit complex, balance and polarize the self, connecting the inner light with the upward spiraling in-pourings of the universal light.
You have done exercises to regularize the processes involved.
Look to them for the preparation of the crystallized being.
Take then the crystal and
feel your polarized and potentiated balanced energy channeled in green ray healing through your being,
going into and activating the crystalline regularity of frozen light which is the crystal.
The crystal will resound with the charged light of incarnative love, and light energy will begin to radiate in specified fashion, beaming, in required light vibrations, healing energy, focused and intensified towards the magnetic field of the mind/body/spirit complex which is to be healed.
This entity requesting such healing will then open the armor of the overall violet/red ray protective vibratory shield.
Thus the inner vibratory fields, from center to center in mind, body, and spirit, may be interrupted and adjusted momentarily, thus offering the one to be healed the opportunity to choose a less distorted inner complex of energy fields and vibratory relationships.
Questioner: Should the crystal be held in the right hand of the healer?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
There are two recommended configurations.
The first,
the chain about the neck to place the crystal in the physical position of the green-ray energy center.
the chain hung from the right hand, out-stretched, wound about the hand in such a way that the crystal may be swung so as to affect sensitive adjustments.
We offer this information realizing that much practice is needed to efficiently use these energies of self.
However, each has the capability of doing so, and this information is not information which, if followed accurately, can be deleterious.
Questioner: Would an unflawed crystal be considerably more effective than the flawed one that we have now?
Ra: I am Ra. Without attempting to deem the priorities you may choose, we may note that the regularized or crystallized entity, in its configuration, is as critical as the perfection of the crystal used.
Questioner: Does the physical size of the crystal have any relationship to the effectiveness in the healing?
Ra: I am Ra. In some applications concerning planetary healing, this is a consideration.
In working with an individual mind/body/spirit complex,
the only requirement is that the crystal be in harmony with the crystallized being.
There is perhaps a lower limit to the size of what you may call a faceted crystal, for light coming through this crystal needs to be spread the complete width of the spectrum of the one to be healed.
It may further be noted that water is a type of crystal which is efficacious also although not as easy to hang from a chain in your density.
Questioner: Placing the end of this pencil on my navel, would the point of it then represent the place where the crystal should hang for proper green ray?
Is this position correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We attempt your measurements.
From 2 to 5.4 centimeters towards your heart is optimal.
Questioner: Using this piece of wood then, I would determine, from my navel, the position to be at the top of the piece of wood.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
How to use Crystals for Healing
The Law of One, Book III, Session 58
Questioner: We have tried healing with the diamond crystal.
I have tried both using the crystal around my neck and dangling it from a chain held in my right hand.
I think that possibly that to do the best work on the wrist I should dangle the crystal just below my right hand from a distance of just a centimeter or two, holding it directly above the wrist. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This would be appropriate if you were practiced at your healing art.
To work with a powerful crystal such as you have, while unable to perceive the magnetic flux of the subtle bodies, is perhaps the same as recommending that the beginner, with saw and nail, create the Vatican.
There is great art in the use of the swung crystal.
At this point in your development, you would do well to work with the unpowerful crystals in ascertaining, not only the physical major energy centers, but also the physical secondary and tertiary energy centers and then begin to find the corresponding subtle body energy centers.
In this way, you may activate your own inner vision.
Questioner: What type of crystal should be used for that?
Ra: I am Ra. You may use any dangling weight of symmetrical form, for your purpose is not to disturb or manipulate these energy centers but merely to locate them and become aware of what they feel like when in a balanced state and when in an unbalanced or blocked state.
Questioner: Am I correct in assuming that what I am to do is to dangle a weight approximately two feet below my hand and place it over the body, and when the weight starts moving in a clockwise rotational direction it would indicate an unblocked energy center.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The measurement from hand to weight is unimportant and at your discretion.
The circular motion shows an unblocked energy center.
However, some entities are polarized the reverse of others and, therefore, it is well to test the form of normal energy spirals before beginning the procedure.
Questioner: How would you test?
Ra: I am Ra. Test is done by first holding the weight over your own hand and observing your particular configuration.
Then using the other-self’s hand, repeat the procedure.
Questioner: In the case of the instrument we are concerned with the healing of the wrists and hands.
Would I then test the energy center of the instrument’s wrist area?
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We have given you general information regarding this form of healing and have explicated the instrument’s condition.
There is a line beyond which information is an intrusion upon the Law of Confusion.
Questioner: Then the pure crystalline shape, such as the diamond, you mentioned as being frozen light—
it seems that this third-density physical manifestation of light is somehow a window or focusing mechanism for the third distortion in a general sense.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is basically correct.
However, it may be noted that only the will of the crystallized entity may cause interdimensional light to flow through this material.
The more regularized the entity, and the more regularized the crystal, the more profound the effect.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 60
Questioner: The instrument wished to know, when using the pendulum in discovering energy centers, what the back and forth motion meant instead of the circular motion?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall have to be the final question although this entity is still providing us with energy.
It is experiencing the distortion towards pain.
The rotations having been discussed, we shall simply say that
the weak back and forth motion
indicates a partial blockage although not a complete blockage.
The strong back and forth motion
indicates the reverse of blockage which is over-stimulation of a chakra or energy center which is occurring in order to attempt to balance some difficulty in body or mind complex activity.
This condition is not helpful to the entity as it is unbalanced.
Are there any brief queries before we leave this instrument?
Session 88, May 29, 1982
Questioner: Is the small crystal that the instrument uses upon her during the session of any benefit or detriment?
Ra: I am Ra. This crystal is beneficial as long as he who has charged it is functioning in a positively oriented manner.
Questioner: Who charged the crystal?
Ra: I am Ra. This crystal was charged for use by this instrument by the one known as Neil.
Questioner: It would be an abridgment of the first distortion for you to tell us if he is still functioning in a positive manner, would it not?
Ra: I am Ra. We perceive you have replied to your own query.