4th & 5th Density (Positive and Negative) Spiritual Growth and Their Work in Consciousness
The Law of One, Book I, Session 16
Questioner: I am assuming that it is not necessary for an individual to understand the Law of One to go from the third to the fourth density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. It is absolutely necessary that an entity consciously realize it does not understand in order for it to be harvestable.
Understanding is not of this density.
Questioner: That is a very important point.
I used the wrong word.
What I meant to say was that I believed that it was not necessary for an entity to be consciously aware of the Law of One to go from the third to the fourth density.
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: At what point in the densities is it necessary for an entity to be consciously aware of the Law of One in order to progress?
Ra: I am Ra. The fifth density harvest is of those whose vibratory distortions consciously accept the honor/duty of the Law of One.
This responsibility/honor is the foundation of this vibration.
Questioner: Can you tell me a little more about this honor/responsibility concept?
Ra: I am Ra. Each responsibility is an honor; each honor, a responsibility.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 48
Questioner: Thank you. That clears up that point very well.
Can you tell me how positive and negative polarizations in fourth and fifth density are used to cause working in consciousness?
Ra: I am Ra. There is very little work in consciousness in fourth and in fifth densities compared to the work done in third density.
The work that is accomplished in positive fourth
is that work whereby the positive social memory complex, having, through slow stages, harmoniously integrated itself, goes forth to aid those of less positive orientation which seek their aid.
Thus their service is their work and through this dynamic between the societal self and the other-self, which is the object of love, greater and greater intensities of understanding or compassion are attained.
This intensity continues until the appropriate intensity of the light may be welcomed.
This is fourth-density harvest.
Within fourth-density positive
there are minor amounts of catalyst of a spiritual and mental complex distortion.
This occurs during the process of harmonizing to the extent of forming the social memory complex.
This causes some small catalyst and work to occur, but the great work of fourth density lies in the contact betwixt the societal self and less polarized otherself.
In fourth-density negative
much work is accomplished during the fighting for position which precedes the period of the social memory complex.
There are opportunities to polarize negatively by control of other-selves.
During the social memory complex period of fourth-density negative the situation is the same.
The work takes place through the societal reaching out to less polarized otherself in order to aid in negative polarization.
In fifth-density positive and negative
the concept of work done through a potential difference is not particularly helpful as fifth-density entities are, again, intensifying rather than potentiating.
In positive, the fifth-density complex
uses sixth-density teach/learners to study the more illuminated understandings of unity thus becoming more and more wise.
Fifth-density positive social memory complexes
will choose to divide their service to others in two ways:
first, the beaming of light to creation;
second, the sending of groups to be of aid as instruments of light such as those whom you are familiar with through channels.
In fifth-density negative,
service to self has become extremely intense and the self has shrunk or compacted so that the dialogues with the teach/learners are used exclusively in order to intensify wisdom.
There are very, very few fifth-density negative Wanderers for they fear the forgetting.
There are very, very few fifth-density Orion members for they do not any longer perceive any virtue in other-selves.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 67
Questioner: I undoubtedly will ask several uninformed questions.
However, I was trying to understand certain concepts that have to do with the illusion, I shall say, of polarization that seems to exist at certain density levels in the creation and how the mechanism of the interaction of consciousness works.
It seems to me that the fifth-density entity is attracted in some way to our group by the polarization of this group which acts somehow as a beacon to this entity.
Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is, in substance, correct but the efforts of this entity are put forward only reluctantly.
The usual attempts upon positively oriented entities or groups of entities are made, as we have said, by minions of the fifth-density Orion leaders; these are fourth-density.
The normal gambit of such fourth-density attack is the tempting of the entity or group of entities away from total polarization towards service-to-others and toward the aggrandizement of self or of social organizations with which the self identifies.
In the case of this particular group each was given a full range of temptations to cease being of service to each other and to the one infinite Creator.
In your individual growth patterns appear the basic third-density choice.
Further, there are overlaid memories of the positive polarizations of your home density.
Thus your particular orientation is strongly polarized towards service to others and has attained wisdom as well as compassion.
Each entity declined these choices and instead continued with no significant deviation from the desire for a purely other-self service orientation.
At this point one of the fifth-density entities over-seeing such detuning processes determined that it would be necessary to terminate the group by what you might call magical means, as you understand ritual magic.
We have previously discussed the potential for the removal of one of this group by such attack and have noted that by far the most vulnerable is the instrument due to its preincarnative physical complex distortions.
Questioner: In order for this group to remain fully in service to the Creator, since we recognize this fifth-density entity as the Creator, we must also attempt to serve in any way we can, this entity.
Is it possible for you to communicate to us the desires of this entity if there are any in addition to us simply ceasing the reception and dissemination of that which you provide?
Ra: I am Ra. This entity has two desires.
The first and foremost is to,shall we say,
misplace one or more of this group in a negative orientation so that it may choose to be of service along the path of service to self.
The objective which must precede this is
the termination of the physical complex viability of one of this group while the mind/body/spirit complex is within a controllable configuration.
May we say that although we of Ra have limited understanding, it is our belief that sending this entity love and light, which each of the group is doing, is the most helpful catalyst which the group may offer to this entity.
Questioner: We find a—I’m sorry. Please continue.
Ra: I am Ra. We were about to note that this entity has been as neutralized as possible in our estimation by this love offering and thus its continued presence is perhaps the understandable limit for each polarity of the various views of service which each may render to the other.
Questioner: We have a paradoxical situation with respect to serving the Creator.
We have requests, from those whom we serve in this density, for Ra’s information.
However, we have requests from another density not to disseminate this information.
We have portions of the Creator requesting two seemingly opposite activities of this group.
It would be very helpful if we could reach the condition of full service in such a way that we were by every thought and activity serving the Creator to the very best of our ability.
Is it possible for you to solve, or for the fifth-density entity who offers its service to solve, this paradox which I have observed?
Ra: I am Ra. It is quite possible.
Questioner: Then how could we solve this paradox?
Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that you have no ability not to serve the Creator since all is the Creator.
You do not have merely two opposite requests for information or lack of information from this source if you listen careful to those whose voices you may hear.
This is all one voice to which you resonate upon a certain frequency.
This frequency determines your choice of service to the one Creator.
As it happens this group’s vibratory patterns and those of Ra are compatible and enable us to speak through this instrument with your support.
This is a function of free will.
A portion, seemingly of the Creator,
rejoices at your choice to question us regarding the evolution of spirit.
A seemingly separate portion
would wish for multitudinous answers to a great range of queries of a specific nature.
Another seemingly separate group of your peoples
would wish this correspondence through this instrument to cease, feeling it to be of a negative nature.
Upon the many other planes of existence
there are those whose every fiber rejoices at your service and
those such as the entity of whom you have been speaking
which wish only to terminate the life upon the third-density plane of this instrument.
All are the Creator.
There is one vast panoply of biases and distortions, colors and hues, in an unending pattern.
In the case of those with whom you, as entities and as a group, are not in resonance, you wish them love, light, peace, joy, and bid them well.
No more than this can you do for your portion of the Creator is as it is and your experience and offering of experience, to be valuable, needs be more and more a perfect representation of who you truly are.
Could you, then, serve a negative entity by offering the instrument’s life?
It is unlikely that you would find this a true service.
Thus you may see in many cases the loving balance being achieved,
the love being offered,
light being sent, and
the service of the service-to-self oriented entity gratefully acknowledged while being rejected as not being useful in your journey at this time.
Thus you serve one Creator without paradox.
Questioner: This particular entity, by his service, is able to create a dizzying effect on the instrument.
Could you describe the mechanics of such a service?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument, in the small times of its incarnation, had the distortion in the area of the otic complex of many infections which caused great difficulties at this small age, as you would call it.
The scars of these distortions remain and indeed that which you call the sinus system remains distorted.
Thus the entity works with these distortions to produce a loss of the balance and a slight lack of ability to use the optic apparatus.
Questioner: I was wondering about the magical, shall I say, principles used by the fifth-density entity giving this service and his ability to give it.
Why is he able to utilize these particular physical distortions from the philosophical or magical point of view?
Ra: I am Ra. This entity is able to, shall we say, penetrate in time/space configuration the field of this particular entity.
It has moved through the quarantine without any vehicle and thus has been more able to escape detection by the net of the Guardians.
This is the great virtue of the magical working whereby consciousness is sent forth essentially without vehicle as light.
The light would work instantly upon an untuned individual by suggestion, that is the stepping out in front of the traffic because the suggestion is that there is no traffic.
This entity, as each in this group, is enough disciplined in the ways of love and light that it is not suggestible to any great extent.
However, there is a predisposition of the physical complex which this entity is making maximal use of as regards the instrument, hoping for instance, by means of increasing dizziness, to cause the instrument to fall or to indeed walk in front of your traffic because of impaired vision.
The magical principles, shall we say, may be loosely translated into your system of magic whereby symbols are used and traced and visualized in order to develop the power of the light.
Questioner: Do you mean then that this fifth-density entity visualizes certain symbols?
I am assuming that these symbols are of a nature where their continued use would have some power or charge.
Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct.
In fifth-density light is as visible a tool as your pencil’s writing.
Questioner: Then am I correct in assuming that this entity configures the light into symbology, that is what we would call a physical presence? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
The light is used to create a sufficient purity of environment for the entity to place its consciousness in a carefully created light vehicle which then uses the tools of light to do its working.
The will and presence are those of the entity doing the working.
Questioner: The fifth-density entity you mentioned penetrated the quarantine.
Was this done through one of the windows or was this because of his, shall I say, magical ability?
Ra: I am Ra. This was done through a very slight window which less magically oriented entities or groups could not have used to advantage.
Questioner: The main point with this line of questioning has to do with the first distortion and the fact that this window exists.
Was this a portion of the random effect and are we experiencing the same type of balancing in receiving the offerings of this entity as the planet in general receives because of the window effect?
Ra: I am Ra. This is precisely correct.
As the planetary sphere accepts more highly evolved positive entities or groups with information to offer, the same opportunity must be offered to similarly wise negatively oriented entities or groups.
Questioner: Then we experience in this seeming difficulty the wisdom of the first distortion and for that reason must fully accept that which we experience.
This is my personal view.
Is it congruent with Ra’s?
Ra: I am Ra. In our view we would perhaps go further in expressing appreciation of this opportunity.
This is an intensive opportunity in that it is quite marked in its effects, both actual and potential, and as it affects the instrument’s distortions towards pain and other difficulties such as the dizziness, it enables the instrument to continuously choose to serve others and to serve the Creator.
Similarly it offers a continual opportunity for each in the group to express support under more distorted or difficult circumstances of the other-self experiencing the brunt, shall we say, of this attack, thus being able to demonstrate the love and light of the infinite Creator and, furthermore, choosing working by working to continue to serve as messengers for this information which we attempt to offer and to serve the Creator thereby.
Thus the opportunities are quite noticeable as well as the distortions caused by this circumstance.
Questioner: Thank you.
Is this so-called attack offered to myself and (name) as well as the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct
Questioner: I personally have felt no effect that I am aware of.
Is it possible for you to tell me how we are offered this service?
Ra: I am Ra.
The questioner
has been offered the service of doubting the self and of becoming disheartened over various distortions of the personal nature.
This entity has not chosen to use these opportunities and the Orion entity has basically ceased to be interested in maintaining constant surveillance of this entity.
The scribe
is under constant surveillance and has been offered numerous opportunities for the intensification of the mental/emotional distortions and in some cases the connection matrices between mental/emotional complexes and the physical complex counterpart.
As this entity has become aware of these attacks it has become much less pervious to them.
This is the particular cause of the great intensification and constancy of the surveillance of the instrument, for it is the weak link due to factors beyond its control within this incarnation.
Questioner: Is it within the first distortion to tell me why the instrument experienced so many physical distortions during the new times of its physical incarnation?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: In that case can you answer me as to why the instrument experienced so much during its early years?
Ra: I am Ra. We were affirming the correctness of your assumption that such answers would be breaking the Way of Confusion.
It is not appropriate for such answers to be laid out as a table spread for dinner.
It is appropriate that the complexes of opportunity involved be contemplated.
Questioner: Then there is no other service at this time that we can offer that fifth-density entity of the Orion group who is constantly with us.
As I see it now from your point of view there is nothing that we can do for him?
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
There is great humor in your attempt to be of polarized service to the opposite polarity.
There is a natural difficulty in doing so since what you consider service is considered by this entity non service.
As you send this entity love and light and wish it well it loses its polarity and needs to regroup.
Thus it would not consider your service as such.
On the other hand, if you allowed it to be of service by removing this instrument from your midst you might perhaps perceive this as not being of service.
You have here a balanced and polarized view of the Creator;
two services offered, mutually rejected, and in a state of equilibrium in which free will is preserved and each allowed to go upon its own path of experiencing the one infinite Creator.
Questioner: Thank you.
In closing that part of the discussion I would just say that if there is anything that we can do that is within our ability—and I understand that there are many things such as the ones that you just mentioned that are not within our ability—that we could do for this particular entity, if you would in the future communicate its requests to us we will at least consider them because we would like to serve in every respect.
Is this agreeable to you?
Ra: I am Ra. We perceive that we have not been able to clarify your service versus its desire for service.
You need, in our humble opinion, to look at the humor of the situation and relinquish your desire to serve where no service is requested.
The magnet will attract or repel.
Glory in the strength of your polarization and allow others of opposite polarity to similarly do so, seeing the great humor of this polarity and its complications in view of the unification in sixth-density of these two paths.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 77
Questioner: Now, there are several general concepts that I would like to be sure that we have clear before going into this process and I will certainly adhere to the requests that you have just stated.
When our Logos designed this particular evolution of experience It decided to use a system of which we spoke allowing for polarization through total free will.
How is this different from the Logos that does not do this?
I see the Logos creating the possibility of increase in vibration through the densities.
How are the densities provided for and set by the Logos, if you can answer this?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working.
The psychic attack upon this instrument has, shall we say, left scars which must be tended, in our own opinion, in order to maintain the instrument.
Let us observe your second density.
Many come more rapidly to third density than others not because of an innate efficiency of catalysis but because of unusual opportunities for investment.
In just such a way those of fourth density may invest third, those of fifth density may invest fourth.
When fifth density has been obtained the process takes upon itself a momentum based upon the characteristics of wisdom when applied to circumstance.
The Logos Itself, then, in these instances provides investment opportunities, if you wish to use that term.
May we enquire if there are any brief queries at this space/time?