Dwight Eisenhower and Alien Contact in the 1950s
The Law of One, Book II, Session 35
Questioner: I would like to say that we consider it a great privilege to be doing this work, and we hope that we will be questioning in the direction that will be of value to the readers of this material.
I thought that in this session it might be helpful to inspect the effect of the rays of different wellknown figures in history to aid in understanding how the catalyst of the illusion creates spiritual growth.
I was making a list that I thought we might use to hit the high points on the workings of the catalysts on these individuals starting with the one we know as Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Could you say something about that entity?
Ra: I am Ra.
It is to be noted that in discussing those who are well-known among your peoples there is the possibility that information may be seen to be specific to one entity whereas in actuality the great design of experience is much the same for each entity.
It is with this in mind that we would discuss the experiential forces which offered catalyst to an individual.
It is further to be noted that in the case of those entities lately incarnate much distortion may have taken place in regard to misinformation and misinterpretation of an entity’s thoughts or behaviors.
Session 24, February 15, 1981
Questioner: One thing that has been bothering me that I was just reading about is not too important, but I would really be interested in knowing if Dwight Eisenhower met with either the Confederation or the Orion group in the 1950s?
Ra: I am Ra. The one of which you speak met with thought-forms which are indistinguishable from third density.
This was a test.
We, the Confederation, wished to see what would occur if this extremely positively oriented and simple congenial person with no significant distortion towards power happened across peaceful information and the possibilities which might append therefrom.
We discovered that this entity did not feel that those under his care could deal with the concepts of other beings and other philosophies.
Thus an agreement reached then allowed him to go his way, ourselves to do likewise;
and a very quiet campaign, as we have heard you call it, be continued alerting your peoples to our presence gradually.
Events have overtaken this plan.
Is there any short query before we close?
Questioner: Another question with that is: was there a crashed spaceship with small bodies now stored in our military installations?
Ra: I am Ra. We do not wish to infringe upon your future.
Gave we you this information, we might be giving you more than you could appropriately deal with in the space/time nexus of your present somewhat muddled configuration of military and intelligence thought.
Therefore, we shall withhold this information.
End of Ra's Lessons.
Editor's Comments: Subject to the absolute freewill of the Reader.
We are not insinuating that the gentleman (Val) being talked about in the video below is "Ra". You need to have a deeper understanding of Densities and Spiritual Evolution in order to wrap your head around the concept of how this may have been achieved by The Confederate. We do not want anyone turning 'Val' into a type of Deity, God or the second coming of "Jesus". Our great aim is to illuminate, never to confuse.
However, the video contains nuggets of information that we feel will illuminate some of the points that we've highlighted above.