Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Law of One, Book II, Session 35
Questioner: I would like to say that we consider it a great privilege to be doing this work, and we hope that we will be questioning in the direction that will be of value to the readers of this material.
I thought that in this session it might be helpful to inspect the effect of the rays of different wellknown figures in history to aid in understanding how the catalyst of the illusion creates spiritual growth.
I was making a list that I thought we might use to hit the high points on the workings of the catalysts on these individuals starting with the one we know as Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Could you say something about that entity?
Ra: I am Ra.
It is to be noted that in discussing those who are well-known among your peoples there is the possibility that information may be seen to be specific to one entity whereas in actuality the great design of experience is much the same for each entity.
It is with this in mind that we would discuss the experiential forces which offered catalyst to an individual.
It is further to be noted that in the case of those entities lately incarnate much distortion may have taken place in regard to misinformation and misinterpretation of an entity’s thoughts or behaviors.
We shall now proceed to, shall we say, speak of the basic parameters of
the one known as Franklin.
When any entity comes into third-density incarnation, each of its energy centers is potentiated but must be activated by the self using experience.
The one known as Franklin developed very quickly up through red, orange, yellow, and green and began to work in the blue ray energy center at a tender age, as you would say.
This rapid growth was due,
firstly, to previous achievements in the activation of the rays,
secondly, to the relative comfort and leisure of its early existence,
thirdly, due to the strong desire upon the part of the entity to progress.
This entity mated with an entity whose blue ray vibrations were of a strength more than equal to its own thus acquiring catalyst for further growth in that area that was to persist throughout the incarnation.
This entity had some difficulty with continued green ray activity due to the excessive energy which was put into the activities regarding other-selves in the distortion towards acquiring power.
This was to have its toll upon the physical vehicle, as you may call it.
The limitation of the nonmovement of a portion of the physical vehicle opened once again, for this entity, the opportunity for concentration upon the more, shall we say, universal or idealistic aspects of power; that is, the nonabusive use of power.
Thus at the outset of a bellicose action this entity had lost some positive polarity due to excessive use of the orange and yellow ray energies at the expense of green and blue ray energies, then had regained the polarity due to the catalytic effects of a painful limitation upon the physical complex.
This entity was not of a bellicose nature but rather during the conflict continued to vibrate in green ray working with the blue ray energies.
The entity who was the one known as Franklin’s teacher also functioned greatly during this period as blue ray activator, not only for its mate but also in a more universal expression.
This entity polarized continuously in a positive fashion in the universal sense while, in a less universal sense, developing a pattern of what may be called karma; this karma having to do with inharmonious relationship distortions with the mate/teacher.
Questioner: Two things I would like to clear up.
First, then Franklin’s teacher was his wife? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Secondly, did Franklin place the physical limitation on his body himself?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.
The basic guidelines for the lessons and purposes of incarnation had been carefully set forth before incarnation by the mind/body/spirit complex totality.
If the one known as Franklin had avoided the excessive enjoyment of or attachment to the competitiveness which may be seen to be inherent in the processes of its occupation, this entity would not have had the limitation.
However, the desire to serve and to grow was strong in this programming and when the opportunities began to cease due to these distortions towards love of power the entity’s limiting factor was activated.