A Brief Description & Conditions Of 4th Density Experience or Understanding
The Law of One, Book I, Session 12
Questioner: Is an entity in the fourth density normally invisible to us?
Ra: I am Ra. The use of the word “normal” is one which befuddles the meaning of the question.
Let us rephrase for clarity.
The fourth density is, by choice, not visible to third density.
It is possible for fourth density to be visible.
However, it is not the choice of the fourth-density entity to be visible due to the necessity for concentration upon a rather difficult vibrational complex which is the third density you experience.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 13
Questioner: Is there any physical difference between first and second density?
For instance if I could see both a first and second-density planet side by side, in my present condition, could I see both of them?
Would they both be physical to me?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
All of the octave of your densities would be clearly visible were not the fourth through the seventh freely choosing not to be visible.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 16
Questioner: Thank you.
Is it possible for you to give a short description of the conditions in the fourth density?
Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to consider as we speak that there are not words for positively describing fourth density.
We can only explain what is not and approximate what is.
Beyond fourth density our ability grows more limited until we become without words.
That which fourth density is not:
it is not of words, unless chosen.
It is not of heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities.
It is not of disharmony within self.
It is not of disharmony within peoples.
It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way.
Approximations of positive statements:
it is a plane of type of bipedal vehicle which is much denser and more full of life;
it is a plane wherein one is aware of the thought of other-selves;
it is a plane wherein one is aware of vibrations of other-selves;
it is a plane of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density;
it is a plane striving towards wisdom or light;
it is a plane wherein individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 20
Questioner: What density Orion entity did the construction of these heads?
Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density, the density of love or understanding, was the density of the particular entity which offered this possibility to those of your first major cycle.
Questioner: You use the same nomenclature for the fourth-density negative as for the fourth-density positive.
Both are called the dimension of love or of understanding. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Love and understanding, whether it be of self or of self toward other-self, is one.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 27
Questioner: I would like for you to define love in its sense as the second distortion.
Ra: I am Ra. This must be defined against the background of intelligent infinity or unity or the one Creator with the primal distortion of free will.
The term Love then may be seen as the focus, the choice of attack, the type of energy of an extremely, shall we say, high order which causes intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of intelligent infinity in just such and such a way.
This then may be seen to be an object rather than an activity by some of your peoples, and the principle of this extremely strong energy focus being worshipped as the Creator instead of unity or oneness from which all Loves emanate.
Questioner: Is there a manifestation of love that we could call vibration?
Ra: I am Ra. Again we reach semantic difficulties.
The vibration or density of love or understanding is not a term used in the same sense as the second distortion,
Love; the distortion Love
being the great activator and primal co-Creator of various creations using intelligent infinity;
the vibration love
being that density in which those who have learned to do an activity called “loving” without significant distortion, then seek the ways of light or wisdom.
Thus in vibratory sense love comes into light in the sense of the activity of unity in its free will.
Love uses light and has the power to direct light in its distortions.
Thus vibratory complexes recapitulate in reverse the creation in its unity, thus showing the rhythm or flow of the great heartbeat, if you will use this analogy.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 29
Questioner: Then when our planet is fully into fourth density, will there be a greater gravity?
Ra: I am Ra. There will be a greater spiritual gravity thus causing a denser illusion.
Questioner: This denser illusion then I would assume increases gravitational acceleration above the 32 feet per second squared that we experience. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Your entities do not have the instrumentation to measure spiritual gravity but only to observe a few of its extreme manifestations.
Questioner: This I know, that we can’t measure spiritual gravity, but I was just wondering if the physical effect could be measured as an increase in the gravitational constant?
That was my question.
Ra: I am Ra. The increase measurable by existing instrumentation would and will be statistical in nature only and not significant.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 42
Questioner: In the last session you made the statement that
“We, that is Ra, spent much time/space in the fifth-density balancing the intense compassion that we had gained in the fourth-density.”
Could you expand on this concept with respect to the material you just discussed?
Ra: I am Ra. The fourth-density, as we have said, abounds in compassion.
This compassion is folly when seen through the eyes of wisdom.
It is the salvation of third-density but creates a mismatch in the ultimate balance of the entity.
Thus we, as a social memory complex of fourth-density, had the tendency towards compassion even to martyrdom in aid of other-selves.
When the fifth-density harvest was achieved we found that in this vibratory level flaws could be seen in the efficacy of such unrelieved compassion.
We spent much time/space in contemplation of those ways of the Creator which imbue love with wisdom.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 43
Questioner: In the next density, the fourth density, is the catalyst of physical pain used as a mechanism for experiential balancing?
Ra: I am Ra. The use of physical pain is minimal, having only to do with the end of the fourth-density incarnation.
This physical pain would not be considered severe enough to treat, shall we say, in third density.
The catalysts of mental and spiritual pain are used in fourth density.
Questioner: Why is physical pain a part of the end of fourth density?
Ra: I am Ra. You would call this variety of pain weariness.
Questioner: Can you state the average lifespan in the fourth density of space/time incarnation?
Ra: I am Ra. The space/time incarnation typical of harmonious fourth density is approximately 90,000 of your years as you measure time.
Questioner: Are there multiple incarnations in fourth density with time/space experiences in between incarnations?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: How long is a cycle of experience in fourth density in our years?
Ra: The cycle of experience is approximately 30 million of your years if the entities are not capable of being harvested sooner.
There is in this density a harvest which is completely the function of the readiness of the social memory complex.
It is not structured as is your own, for it deals with a more transparent distortion of the one infinite Creator.
Questioner: Then the big difference in harvestability between third and fourth density is that at the end of the third density the individual is harvested as a function of individual violet ray, but it is the violet-ray for the entire social memory complex that must be of a harvestable nature to graduate to the fifth density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct
although in fifth density entities may choose to learn as a social memory complex or as mind/body/spirit complexes and may graduate to sixth density under these conditions, for the wisdom density is an extremely free density whereas the lessons of compassion leading to wisdom necessarily have to do with other-selves.
Questioner: Then is sixth-density harvest strictly of a social memory complex nature because again we have wisdom and compassion blended back using wisdom?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.
Questioner: The physical vehicle that is used in fourth-density space/time is, I am assuming, quite similar to the one that is now used in third density.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The chemical elements used are not the same.
However, the appearance is similar.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 75
Questioner: The chink then, as I understand it, was originally created by the decision of Jesus to take the path of martyrdom? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is, in relation to this instrument, quite correct.
It is aware of certain over-balances towards love, even to martyrdom but has not yet, to any significant degree, balanced these distortions.
We do not imply that this course of unbridled compassion has any fault but affirm its perfection.
It is an example of love which has served as beacon to many.
For those who seek further,
the consequences of martyrdom must be considered, for in martyrdom lies the end of the opportunity, in the density of the martyr, to offer love and light.
Each entity must seek its deepest path.