Marriage: An Adversary Relationship
The Law of One, Book II, Session 31
Questioner: Would the Orion group be able, then, to impress on entities this orange ray effect?
Is this the way that this came about?
If we go back to the beginning of third-density there must be a primal cause of this.
Ra: I am Ra. The cause of this is not Orion.
It is the free choice of your peoples.
This is somewhat difficult to explain.
We shall attempt.
The sexual energy transfers and blockages are more a manifestation or example of that which is more fundamental than the other way about.
as your peoples became open to the concepts of bellicosity and the greed of ownership,
these various distortions then began to filter down through the tree of mind into body complex expressions, the sexual expression being basic to that complex.
these sexual energy blockages,
though Orion influenced and intensified, are basically the product of the being-ness chosen freely by your peoples.
This will be the final question unless we may speak further upon this question to clarify, or answer any short queries before we close.
Questioner: I just need to know then if this works through the racial memory and infects the entire population in some way?
Ra: I am Ra. The racial memory contains all that has been experienced.
Thus there is some, shall we say,
contamination even of the sexual,
this showing mostly in your own culture as the various predispositions to adversary relationships, or, as you call them, marriages, rather than the free giving one to another in the love and the light of the infinite Creator.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 32
Questioner: I am assuming we have on Earth today and have had in the past fourth, fifth, and sixth-density Wanderers.
As they come into incarnation in the physical of this density for a period as a Wanderer, what types of polarizations with respect to these various rays do they find affecting them?
Ra: I am Ra. I believe I grasp the thrust of your query.
Please ask further if this answer is not sufficient.
Fourth density Wanderers,
of which there are not many, will tend to choose those entities which seem to be full of love or in need of love.
There is the great possibility/probability of entities making errors in judgment due to the compassion with which other-selves are viewed.
The fifth-density Wanderer
is one who is not tremendously affected by the stimulus of the various rays of other-self and in its own way offers itself when a need is seen.
Such entities are not likely to engage in the, shall we say, custom of your peoples called marriage and are very likely to feel an aversion to childbearing and child-raising due to the awareness of the impropriety of the planetary vibrations relative to the harmonious vibrations of the density of light.
The sixth-density,
whose means of propagation you may liken to what you call fusion, is likely to refrain, to a great extent, from the bisexual reproductive programming of the bodily complex and instead seek out those with whom the sexual energy transfer is of the complete fusion nature in so far as this is possible in manifestation in third-density.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 99
Questioner: In that case I will just ask this short question as we terminate this session.
I want to know if the Logos of this system planned for the mating process as possibly depicted in Card Six—I don’t know if this is related to some type of DNA imprinting.
In many second-density creatures there seems to be some sort of imprinting that creates a lifetime mating relationship and I was wondering if this was also carried into third density?
Ra: I am Ra. There are some of your second-density fauna which have instinctually imprinted monogamous mating processes.
The third-density physical vehicle which is the basic incarnational tool of manifestation upon your planet arose from entities thusly imprinted, all the aforesaid being designed by the Logos.
The free will of third-density entities is far stronger than the rather mild carryover from second-density DNA encoding and it is not part of the conscious nature of many of your mind/body/spirit complexes to be monogamous due to the exercise of free will.
However, as has been noted there are many signposts in the deep mind indicating to the alert adept the more efficient use of catalyst.
As we have said, the Logos of your peoples has a bias towards kindness.