Acceleration Towards The Law of One and Spiritual Growth

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The Creation of Light and Matter
The Perversion of 'Positive Knowledge' Given By Ra, and Its Gradual Erosion Towards 'Negative Purposes'
The Higher Self (Oversoul) Reluctance Entering Negative Time/Space
The Queen’s, The King’s and The Resonating Chamber Positions of The Great Pyramid of Giza
Light Workers: Effective Working Under Freewill Distortion and Interference of The Orion Group
Is The Great Pyramid of Giza Still Functioning?


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Higher Density Lessons (4th, 5th, 6th & 7th Density)

How 'Wind & Fire' Formed 'Earth & Water' and The 'Timeless' Beginnings of 1st Density
Physical Resemblance of 4th & 5th Density Entities Compared to Humans
Who Are The Elder Race?
Definition of 'Density'
Who Transmitted Oahspe and Urantia Books?
We are a loosely structured, non-hierarchical network of individuals from around the world dedicated to understanding, exemplifying and practising the truth we refer to as the Law of One.