What is The Law of One?
The Law of One, Book I, Session 1
Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite.
This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.
That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept.
To have infinity
you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning.
In an Infinite Creator there is only unity.
You have seen simple examples of unity.
You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight.
This is a simplistic example of unity.
In truth there is no right or wrong.
There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time.
This distortion is not in any case necessary.
It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things.
You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things.
You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation.
You are unity.
You are infinity.
You are love/light, light/love.
You are.
This is the Law of One.
May we enunciate in more detail?
Questioner: No.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 3
Questioner: I am reminded of the statement—approximately—that if you had faith to move a mountain, the mountain would move.
This seems to be approximately what you were saying.
That if you are fully aware of the Law of One, you would be able to do these things.
Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The vibratory distortion of sound, faith, is perhaps one of the stumbling blocks between those of what we may call the infinite path and those of the finite proving/understanding.
You are precisely correct in your understanding of the congruency of faith and intelligent infinity; however, one is a spiritual term, the other more acceptable perhaps to the conceptual framework distortions of those who seek with measure and pen.
Questioner: Then if an individual is totally informed with respect to the Law of One and lives the Law of One, then such things as the building of the pyramids by direct mental effort would be commonplace.
Is that what I am to understand?
Ra: I am Ra. You are incorrect in that there is a distinction between the individual power through the Law of One and the combined, or societal memory complex mind/body/spirit understanding of the Law of One.
In the first case
only the one individual, purified of all flaws, could move a mountain.
In the case of mass understanding of unity,
each individual may contain an acceptable amount of distortion and yet the mass mind could move mountains.
The progress is normally from the understanding which you now seek to a dimension of understanding which is governed by the laws of love, and which seeks the laws of light.
Those who are vibrating with the Law of Light seek the Law of One.
Those who vibrate with the Law of One seek the Law of Foreverness.
We cannot say what is beyond this dissolution of the unified self with all that there is, for we still seek to become all that there is, and still are we Ra.
Thus our paths go onward.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 4
Questioner: Then would this training program involve specific things to do, specific instructions and exercises?
Ra: I am Ra. We are not at this time incarnate among your peoples; thus, we can guide and attempt to specify, but we cannot, by example, show.
This is an handicap.
However, there should indeed be fairly specific exercises of mind, body, and spirit during the teach/learning process we offer.
It is to be once more iterated that healing is but one distortion of the Law of One.
To reach an undistorted understanding of that law, it is not necessary to heal or to show any manifestation but only to exercise the discipline of understanding.
We would ask that one or two more questions be the ending of this session.
Questioner: My objective is primarily to discover more of the Law of One, and it would be very helpful to discover the techniques of healing.
I am aware of your problem with respect to free will.
Can you state the Law of One and the laws of healing to me?
Ra: I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitation of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that
all things are one,
that there is no polarity,
no right or wrong,
no disharmony,
but only identity.
All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the infinite Creator.
One of the primal distortions of the Law of One is that of healing.
Healing occurs when a mind/body/spirit complex realizes, deep within itself, the Law of One; that is,
that there is no disharmony,
no imperfection;
that all is complete and whole and perfect.
Thus, the intelligent infinity within this mind/body/spirit complex re-forms the illusion of body, mind, or spirit to a form congruent with the Law of One.
The healer acts as energizer or catalyst for this completely individual process.
One item which may be of interest is that a healer asking to learn must take the distortion understood as responsibility for that ask/receiving.
This is an honor/duty which must be carefully considered in free will before the asking.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 6
Questioner: I think that it would be appropriate to discover how the Law of One acts in this transfer of beings to our planet and the action of harvest?
Ra: I am Ra. The Law of One states simply that all things are one, that all beings are one.
There are certain behaviors and thought-forms consonant with the understanding and practice of this law.
Those who, finishing a cycle of experience,
demonstrate grades of distortion of that understanding of thought and action will be separated by their own choice into the vibratory distortion most comfortable to their mind/body/spirit complexes.
This process is guarded or watched by those nurturing beings who, being very close to the Law of One in their distortions, nevertheless, move towards active service.
Thus, the illusion is created of light, or more properly but less understandably, light/love.
This is in varying degrees of intensity.
The spirit complex of each harvested entity moves along the line of light until the light grows too glaring, at which time the entity stops.
This entity may have barely reached third density or may be very, very close to the ending of the third-density light/love distortion vibratory complex.
Nevertheless, those who fall within this octave of intensifying light/love then experience a major cycle during which there are opportunities for the discovery of the distortions which are inherent in each entity and, therefore, the lessening of these distortions.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 7
Questioner: What is the density of the Orion group?
Ra: I am Ra. Like the Confederation, the densities of the mass consciousnesses which comprise that group are varied.
There are
a very few third density,
a larger number of fourth density,
a similarly large number of fifth density, and
very few sixth-density entities comprising this organization.
Their numbers are perhaps one-tenth ours at any point in the space/time continuum as the problem of spiritual entropy causes them to experience constant disintegration of their social memory complexes.
Their power is the same as ours.
The Law of One blinks neither at the light nor the darkness, but is available for service to others and service to self.
However, service to others results in service to self, thus preserving and further harmonizing the distortions of those entities seeking intelligent infinity through these disciplines.
Those seeking intelligent infinity through the use of service to self create the same amount of power but, as we said, have constant difficulty because of the concept of separation which is implicit in the manifestations of the service to self which involve power over others.
This weakens and eventually disintegrates the energy collected by such mind/body/spirit complexes who call the Orion group and the social memory complexes which comprise the Orion group.
It should be noted, carefully pondered, and accepted,
that the Law of One is available to any social memory complex which has decided to strive together for any seeking of purpose, be it service to others or service to self.
The laws, which are the primal distortions of the Law of One, then are placed into operation and the illusion of space/time is used as a medium for the development of the results of those choices freely made.
Thus all entities learn, no matter what they seek.
All learn the same, some rapidly, some slowly.
Questioner: I’m trying to understand how a group such as the Orion group would progress.
How it would be possible, if you were in the Orion group, and pointed toward self-service, to progress from our third density to the fourth.
What learning would be necessary for that?
Ra: I am Ra. This is the last question of length for this instrument at this time.
You will recall that we went into some detail as to how those not oriented towards seeking service for others yet, nevertheless, found and could use the gateway to intelligent infinity.
This is true at all densities in our octave.
We cannot speak for those above us, as you would say, in the next quantum or octave of beingness.
This is, however, true of this octave of density.
The beings are harvested because they can see and enjoy the light/love of the appropriate density.
Those who have found this light/love, love/light without benefit of a desire for service to others nevertheless, by the Law of Free Will, have the right to the use of that light/love for whatever purpose.
Also, it may be inserted that there are systems of study which enable the seeker of separation to gain these gateways.
This study is as difficult as the one which we have described to you, but there are those with the perseverance to pursue the study just as you desire to pursue the difficult path of seeking to know in order to serve.
The distortion lies in the effect that those who seek to serve the self are seen by the Law of One as precisely the same as those who seek to serve others, for are all not one?
To serve yourself and to serve others is a dual method of saying the same thing, if you can understand the essence of the Law of One.
At this time we would answer any brief questions you may have.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 8
Questioner: Was the landing at Pascagoula in 1973 when Charlie Hixson was taken aboard this type of landing?
Ra: I am Ra. The landing of which you speak was what you would call an anomaly.
It was neither the Orion influence nor our peoples in thoughtform, but rather a planetary entity of your own vibration which came through quarantine in all innocence in a random landing.
Questioner: What did they do to Charlie Hixson when they took him on board?
Ra: I am Ra. They used his mind/body/spirit complex’s life experience, concentrating upon the experience of the complexes of what you call war.
Questioner: How did they use them?
Ra: I am Ra. The use of experience is to learn.
Consider a race who watches a movie.
It experiences a story and identifies with the feelings, perceptions, and experiences of the hero.
Questioner: Was Charlie Hixson originally of the same social memory complex of the ones who picked him up?
Ra: I am Ra. This entity of vibratory sound complex did not have a connection with those who used him.
Questioner: Did those who used him use his war experiences to learn more of the Law of One?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 10
Questioner: While an entity is incarnate in this third density at this time he may either learn unconsciously without knowing what he is learning,
or he may learn after he is consciously aware that he is learning in the ways of the Law of One.
By the second way of learning consciously, it is possible for the entity to greatly accelerate his growth.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Then although many entities are not consciously aware of it,what they really desire is to accelerate their growth, and it is their job to discover this while they are incarnate.
Is it correct that they can accelerate their growth much more while in the third density than in between incarnations of this density?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
We shall attempt to speak upon this concept.
The Law of One has as one of its primal distortions the free will distortion,
thus each entity is free to accept, reject, or ignore the mind/body/spirit complexes about it and ignore the creation itself.
There are many among your social memory complex distortion who, at this time/space, engage daily, as you would put it, in the working upon the Law of One in one of its primal distortions; that is, the ways of love.
However, if this same entity, being biased from the depths of its mind/body/spirit complex towards love/light, were then to accept the responsibility for each moment of the time/space accumulation of present moments available to it, such an entity can empower its progress in much the same way as we described the empowering of the call of your social complex distortion to the Confederation.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 12
Questioner: If an Man In Black were to visit me and I locked him in the closet could I keep him, or would he disappear?
Ra: I am Ra. It depends upon which type of entity you grab.
You are perhaps able to perceive a construct.
The construct might be kept for a brief period, although these constructs also have an ability to disappear.
The programming on these constructs, however, makes it more difficult to remotely control them.
You would not be able to grapple with a thought-form entity of the Man in Black, as you call it, type.
Questioner: Would this be against the Law of One?
Would I be making a mistake by grabbing one of those entities?
Ra: I am Ra. There are no mistakes under the Law of One.
Questioner: What I mean to ask is would I be polarizing more towards self-service or service to others when I did this act of locking up the thought-form or construct?
Ra: I am Ra. You may consider that question for yourself.
We interpret the Law of One, but not to the extent of advice.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 14
Questioner: How do you normally perform your service of giving the Law of One?
How have you done this over the last 2,300 years?
How have you normally given this to Earth people?
Ra: I am Ra. We have used channels such as this one, but in most cases the channels feel inspired by dreams and visions without being aware, consciously, of our identity or existence.
This particular group has been accentuatedly trained to recognize such contact.
This makes this group able to be aware of a focal or vibrational source of information.
Questioner: When you contact the entities in their dreams and otherwise, these entities first have to be seeking in the direction of the Law of One. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
For example, the entities of the nation Egypt were in a state of pantheism, as you may call the distortion toward separate worship of various portions of the Creator.
We were able to contact one whose orientation was toward the One.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 15
Questioner: Do I assume correctly that one of your attempts in service to this planet was to help the population more fully understand and practice the Law of One so that this rapid aging could be changed to normal aging?
Ra: I am Ra. You assume correctly to a great degree.
Then it would be very beneficial for the people of this planet, in practicing the Law of One, to learn ways of service.
Am I correct?
RA I am Ra. You are correct.
If you will observe those oriented through a lifetime-experiential-distortion complex from near the beginning of that experience, you will observe a relatively youthful, as you would call it, appearance.
Questioner: What is the greatest service that our population on this planet could perform individually?
Ra: I am Ra. There is but one service.
The Law is One.
The offering of self to Creator is the greatest service, the unity, the fountainhead.
The entity who seeks the one Creator is with infinite intelligence.
From this seeking, from this offering, a great multiplicity of opportunities will evolve depending upon the mind/body/spirit complexes’ distortions with regard to the various illusory aspects or energy centers of the various complexes of your illusion.
Thus, some become healers, some workers, some teachers, and so forth.
Questioner: If an entity were perfectly balanced with respect to the Law of One on this planet would he undergo the aging process?
Ra: I am Ra. A perfectly balanced entity would become tired rather than visibly aged.
The lessons being learned, the entity would depart.
However, this is appropriate and is a form of aging which your peoples do not experience.
The understanding comes slowly, the body complex decomposing more rapidly.
Questioner: In yesterday’s material you mentioned that the first distortion was the distortion of free will.
Is there a sequence, a first, second, and third distortion of the Law of One?
Ra: I am Ra. Only up to a very short point.
After this point, the many-ness of distortions are equal one to another.
The first distortion, free will, finds focus.
This is the second distortion known to you as Logos, the Creative Principle or Love.
This intelligent energy thus creates a distortion known as Light.
From these three distortions come many, many hierarchies of distortions, each having its own paradoxes to be synthesized, no one being more important than another.
Questioner: You also said that you offered the Law of One which is the balancing of love/light with light/love.
Is there any difference between light/love and love/light?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the final question of this time/space.
There is the same difference between love/light and light/love as there is between teach/learning and learn/teaching.
is the enabler, the power, the energy giver.
is the manifestation which occurs when light has been impressed with love.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 16
Questioner: Roughly how many total planets in this galaxy of stars that we are in are aware regardless of density?
Ra: I am Ra. Approximately 67 million.
Questioner: Can you tell me what percentage of those are third, fourth, fifth, sixth etc., density?
Ra: I am Ra.
A percentage seventeen for first density,
a percentage twenty for second density,
a percentage twenty-seven for third density,
a percentage sixteen for fourth density,
a percentage six for fifth density.
The other information must be withheld.
Questioner: Of these first five densities, have all of the planets progressed from the third density by knowledge and application of the Law of One?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Then the only way for a planet to get out of the situation that we are in is for the population to become aware of and start practicing the Law of One. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Can you tell me what percentage of the third-, fourth-, and fifth-density planets which you have spoken of here are polarized negatively towards service to self?
Ra: I am Ra. This is not a query to which we may speak given the Law of Confusion.
We may say only that the negatively or self-service oriented planetary spheres are much fewer.
To give you exact numbers would not be appropriate.
Questioner: I would like to make an analogy as to why there are fewer negatively oriented, and then ask you if the analogy is good.
In a positively oriented society with service to others, it would be simple to move a large boulder by getting everyone to help move it.
In a society oriented towards service to self, it would be much more difficult to get everyone to work for the good of all to move the boulder; therefore, it is much easier to get things done to create the service to others principle and to grow in positively oriented communities than in negatively oriented communities.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Can you tell me if the progression of life in other galaxies is similar to the progression of life in our galaxy?
Ra: I am Ra. The progression is somewhat close to the same, asymptotically approaching congruency throughout infinity.
The free choosing of what you would call galactic systems causes variations of an extremely minor nature from one of your galaxies to another.
Questioner: Then the Law of One is truly universal in creating a progression towards the eighth density in all galaxies. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
There are infinite forms, infinite understandings, but the progression is one.
Questioner: I am assuming that it is not necessary for an individual to understand the Law of One to go from the third to the fourth density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. It is absolutely necessary that an entity consciously realize it does not understand in order for it to be harvestable.
Understanding is not of this density.
Questioner: That is a very important point.
I used the wrong word.
What I meant to say was that I believed that it was not necessary for an entity to be consciously aware of the Law of One to go from the third to the fourth density.
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 18
Questioner: As an entity in this density grows from childhood, he becomes more aware of his responsibilities.
Is there an age below which an entity is not responsible for his actions, or is he responsible from the time of his birth?
Ra: I am Ra. An entity incarnating upon the Earth plane becomes conscious of self at a varying point in its time/space progress through the continuum.
This may have a median, shall we say, of approximately fifteen of your months.
Some entities become conscious of self at a period closer to incarnation, some at a period farther from this event.
In all cases responsibility becomes retroactive from that point backward in the continuum so that distortions are to be understood by the entity and dissolved as the entity learns.
Questioner: Then an entity four years old would be totally responsible for any actions that were against or inharmonious with the Law of One.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
It may be noted that it has been arranged by your social complex structures that the newer entities to incarnation are to be provided with guides of a physical mind/body/spirit complex, thus being able to learn quickly what is consonant with the Law of One.
Questioner: Who are these guides?
Ra: I am Ra. These guides are what you call parents, teachers, and friends.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 22
Questioner: I see.
Then I will state the picture I have of Atlantis and you tell me if I am correct.
We have a condition where a large enough percentage of the people of Atlantis had started at least going in the direction of the Law of One and living the Law of One for their call to be heard by the Confederation.
This call was heard because, using the Law of Squares, it overrode the opposition of the Atlantean entities who were not calling.
The Confederation then used channels such as we use now in communication and also made contact directly, but this turned out to be a mistake because it was perverted by the entities of Atlantis.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct with one exception.
There is only one law.
That is the Law of One.
Other so-called laws are distortions of this law, some of them primal and most important for progress to be understood.
However, it is well that each so-called law, which we also call “way,” be understood as a distortion rather than a law.
There is no multiplicity to the Law of One.
This will be the final question in length of this working.
Please ask it now.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 26
February 17, 1981
Questioner: Assuming that it is all right to continue, we’re down to the last 3,000 years of this present cycle, and I was wondering if the Law of One in its written or spoken form has been made available within this last 3,000 years in any complete way such as we are doing now?
Is it available in any other source?
Ra: I am Ra. There is no possibility of a complete source of information of the Law of One in this density.
However, certain of your writings passed on to you as your so-called holy works have portions of this law.
Questioner: Does the Bible that we know have portions of this law in it?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Can you tell me if any of the Old Testament has any of the Law of One?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Which has more of the Law of One in it, the Old Testament or the New Testament?
Ra: I am Ra. Withdrawing from each of the collections of which you speak the portions having to do with the Law of One, the content is approximately equal.
However, the so-called Old Testament has a larger amount of negatively influenced material, as you would call it.
Questioner: Can you tell me about what percentage is of Orion influence in both the Old and New Testaments?
Ra: I am Ra. We prefer that this be left to the discretion of those who seek the Law of One.
We are not speaking in order to judge.
Such statements would be construed by some of those who may read this material as judgmental.
We can only suggest a careful reading and inward digestion of the contents.
The understandings will become obvious.
Questioner: Thank you.
Have you communicated with any of our population in the third-density incarnate state in recent times?
Ra: I am Ra. Please restate, specifying “recent times” and the pronoun, “you.”
Questioner: Has Ra communicated with any of our population in this century, in the last, say, eighty years?
Ra: I am Ra. We have not.
Questioner: Has the Law of One been communicated in the last eighty years by any other source to an entity in our population?
Ra: I am Ra. The ways of One have seldom been communicated, although there are rare instances in the previous eighty of your years, as you measure time.
There have been many communications from fourth density due to the drawing towards the harvest to fourth density.
These are the ways of universal love and understanding.
The other teachings are reserved for those whose depth of understanding, if you will excuse this misnomer, recommend and attract such further communication.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 27
Questioner: I understand that the first distortion of intelligent infinity is the distortion of what we call free will.
Can you give me a definition of this distortion?
Ra: I am Ra. In this distortion of the Law of One it is recognized that the Creator will know Itself.
Questioner: Then am I correct in assuming that the Creator then grants for this knowing the concept of total freedom of choice in the ways of knowing?
Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 28
Questioner: I may be backtracking a little today because I think that possibly we are at the most important part of what we are doing in trying to make it apparent how everything is one, how it comes from one intelligent infinity.
This is difficult, so please bear with my errors in questioning.
The concept that I have right now of the process, using both what you have told me and some of Dewey Larson’s material having to do with the physics of the process, is that intelligent infinity expands outward from all locations everywhere.
It expands outward uniformly like the surface of a bubble or a balloon expanding outward from every point everywhere.
It expands outward at what is called unit velocity or the velocity of light.
This is Larson’s idea of the progression of what he calls space/time.
Is this concept correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This concept is incorrect as is any concept of the one intelligent infinity.
This concept is correct in the context of one particular Logos, or Love, or focus of this Creator which has chosen Its, shall we say, natural laws and ways of expressing them mathematically and otherwise.
The one undifferentiated intelligent infinity, unpolarized, full and whole, is the macrocosm of the mystery-clad being.
We are messengers of the Law of One.
at this approximation of understanding, cannot be specified by any physics but only become activated or potentiated intelligent infinity due to the catalyst of free will.
This may be difficult to accept.
However, the understandings we have to share begin and end in mystery.
Questioner: I am assuming that there are eight densities created when this major galaxy was created. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is basically correct.
However, it is well to perceive that the eighth density functions also as the beginning density or first density, in its latter stages, of the next octave of densities.
Questioner: Are you saying then that there are an infinite number of octaves of densities one through eight?
Ra: I am Ra. We wish to establish that we are truly humble messengers of the Law of One.
We can speak to you of our experiences and our understandings and teach/learn in limited ways.
However, we cannot speak in firm knowledge of all the creations.
We know only that they are infinite.
We assume an infinite number of octaves.
However, it has been impressed upon us by our own teachers that there is a mystery-clad unity of creation in which all consciousness periodically coalesces and again begins.
Thus we can only say we assume an infinite progression though we understand it to be cyclical in nature and, as we have said, clad in mystery.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 52
Questioner: Thank you. Just a little point that was bothering me of no real importance.
Is there then, from the point of view of an individual who wishes to follow the service-to-others path, anything of importance other than disciplines of personality, knowledge of self, and strengthening of will?
Ra: I am Ra. This is technique.
This is not the heart.
Let us examine the heart of evolution.
Let us remember that we are all one.
This is the great learning/teaching.
In this unity lies love.
This is a great learn/teaching.
In this unity lies light.
This is the fundamental teaching of all planes of existence in materialization.
Unity, love, light, and joy;
this is the heart of evolution of the spirit.
The second-ranking lessons are learn/taught in meditation and in service.
At some point the mind/body/spirit complex is so smoothly activated and balanced by these central thoughts or distortions that the techniques you have mentioned become quite significant.
However, the universe, its mystery unbroken, is one.
Always begin and end in the Creator, not in technique.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 62
Questioner: Isn’t this unusual that a fifth-density entity then would bother to do this rather than sending a fourth-density servant, shall I say?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Nearly all positive channels and groups
may be lessened in their positivity or rendered quite useless by what we may call the temptations offered by the fourth-density negative thought-forms.
They may suggest many distortions
towards specific information,
towards the aggrandizement of the self,
towards the flowering of the organization in some political, social, or fiscal way.
These distortions
remove the focus from the One Infinite Source of love and light of which we are all messengers, humble and knowing that we, of ourselves, are but the tiniest portion of the Creator, a small part of a magnificent entirety of infinite intelligence.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 90
Questioner: That’s OK. I don’t think that was too good a question anyway.
When Ra initially planned for helping the Egyptians with their evolution, what was the primary concept, and also secondary and tertiary if you can name those, that Ra wished to impart to the Egyptians?
In other words, what was Ra’s training plan or schedule for making the Egyptians aware of what was necessary for their evolution?
Ra: I am Ra. We came to your peoples to enunciate the Law of One.
We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity
that in unity all paradoxes are resolved;
all that is broken is healed;
all that is forgotten is brought to light.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 14
Can you tell me if we are accomplishing our effort reasonably well?
RA I am Ra. The Law is One.
There are no mistakes.
I am Ra. I leave this instrument in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator.
Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator.
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 56
Session 106, March 15, 1984
May we ask for one more full query at this working and remind the instrument that it is appropriate to reserve some small portion of energy before a working?
Questioner: I would just ask if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or to help her and to improve the contact, and what would be the soonest that Ra would recommend the next contact?
I would certainly appreciate the return of the golden hawk.
It gave me great comfort.
Ra: I am Ra. You have complete freedom to schedule workings.
We suggest the nature of all manifestation to be illusory and functional only in so far as the entity turns from shape and shadow to the One.
I am Ra.
We leave you, my friends, in the love and in the glorious light of the one infinite Creator.
Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the one infinite Creator.
End of Ra's Lesson
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Acceleration Towards The Law of One and Spiritual Growth
You can also start your seeking here:
3rd Density Lessons -
These are lessons collated, based on our current/various illusory patterns as we are witnessing it today.