Acceleration Towards Spiritual Development or Growth

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Percentage of Stars in the Universe With Planetary Systems
Initiation Book: Elisabeth Haich
What is the Difference Between “Mind/Body/Spirit” and “Mind/Body/Spirit Complex”
Abraham Lincoln and The Use of His Physical Body By A 4th Density Being
The Source of People on Earth from Different Corners of The Universe
Metaphysical Description of 'True Colours' of Densities


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Higher Density Lessons (4th, 5th, 6th & 7th Density)

What Inhabits Astral and Devachanic Planes
Definition of 'Density'
Who Are The Elder Race?
The Mentality and Mechanism Behind 4th & 5th Density 'Negative' Entities
We are a loosely structured, non-hierarchical network of individuals from around the world dedicated to understanding, exemplifying and practising the truth we refer to as the Law of One.