How to Seek 'The Heart of Self'

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Light Workers: Effective Working Under Freewill Distortion and Interference of The Orion Group
The Capstone of The Great Pyramid of Giza and Possible Stored Records In/Around It
The 'Trance' State: The Danger of Positive Entity Being Lured into Negative Path
The 'Trance' State: The Danger of Positive Entity Being Lured into Negative Path
Metaphysical Explanation of Famine


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Higher Density Lessons (4th, 5th, 6th & 7th Density)

Preparation or Intake of Foodstuff in 4th, 5th and 6th Density Experience
Definition of Densities and Their Corresponding Quantum Vibratory of Colours
Conditions On A 4th Density 'Negative' Planet
We are a loosely structured, non-hierarchical network of individuals from around the world dedicated to understanding, exemplifying and practising the truth we refer to as the Law of One.