Who Are The Confederation? (Service-to-Others 'Positive' Polarity)
The Law of One, Book I, Session 1
January 15, 1981
Ra: I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before.
We had to wait until she was precisely tuned as we send a narrow band vibration.
We greet you in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator.
We have watched your group.
We have been called to your group, for you have a need for the diversity of experiences in channeling which go with a more intensive, or as you might call it, advanced, approach to the system of studying the pattern of illusions of your body, your mind, and your spirit, which you call seeking the truth.
We hope to offer you a somewhat different slant upon the information which is always and ever the same.
The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the infinite Creator has only one important statement.
That statement, my friends, as you know, is that all things, all life, all of the creation is part of one original thought.
We will exercise each channel if we are able to.
The reception of our beam is a somewhat more advanced feat than some of the more broad vibration channels opened by other members for more introductory and intermediate work.
Let us for a moment consider thought.
What is it, my friends, to take thought? Took you then thought today?
What thoughts did you think today?
What thoughts were part of the original thought today?
In how many of your thoughts did the creation lie?
Was love contained?
And was service freely given?
You are not part of a material universe.
You move your body, your mind, and your spirit in somewhat eccentric patterns for you have not completely grasped the concept that you are part of the original thought.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 6
January 24, 1981
Questioner: Do any of the UFOs presently reported at this time come from other planets, or do you have this knowledge?
Ra: I am Ra. I am one of the members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.
There are approximately fifty-three civilizations, comprising approximately five hundred planetary consciousness complexes in this Confederation.
This Confederation contains those from your own planet who have attained dimensions beyond your third.
It contains planetary entities within your solar system, and it contains planetary entities from other galaxies.
It is a true Confederation in that its members are not alike, but allied in service according to the Law of One.
Questioner: Do any of them come here at this time in spacecraft?
In the past, say, thirty years?
Ra: I am Ra. We must state that this information is unimportant.
If you will understand this, we feel that the information may be acceptably offered.
The Law of One is what we are here to express.
However, we will speak upon this subject.
Each planetary entity which wishes to appear within your third dimension of space/time distortion requests permission to break quarantine, as you may call it, and appear to your peoples.
The reason and purpose for this appearance is understood and either accepted or rejected.
There have been as many as fifteen of the Confederation entities in your skies at any one time.
The others are available to you through thought.
At present
there are seven which are operating with craft in your density.
Their purposes are very simple:
to allow those entities of your planet to become aware of infinity which is often best expressed to the uninformed as the mysterious or unknown.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 7
January 25, 1981
Questioner: You mentioned that there were a number of members of the Confederation of Planets.
What avenues of service, or types of service, are available to the members of the Confederation?
Ra: I am Ra. I am assuming that you intend the service which we of the Confederation can offer, rather than the service which is available to our use.
The service available for our offering to those who call us
is equivalent to the square of the distortion/need of that calling divided by, or integrated with, the basic Law of One in its distortion indicating the free will of those who are not aware of the unity of creation.
Questioner: From this, I am assuming that the difficulty that you have in contacting this planet at this time is the mixture of people here, some being aware of the unity, and some not, and for this reason you cannot come openly or give proof of your contact. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. As we just repeated through this instrument, we must integrate all of the portions of your social memory complex in its illusory disintegration form.
Then the product of this can be seen as the limit of our ability to serve.
We are fortunate that the Law of Service squares the desires of those who call.
Otherwise, we would have no beingness in this time/space at this present continuum of the illusion.
In short, you are basically correct.
The thought of not being able is not a part of our basic thought-form complex towards your peoples, but rather it is a maximal consideration of what is possible.
Questioner: By squared, do you mean that if ten people call you can count that, when comparing it to the planetary ratio, as 100 people, squaring ten and getting 100?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
The square is sequential-one, two, three, four, each squared by the next number.
Questioner: If only ten entities on earth required your services how would you compute their calling by using this square method?
Ra: I am Ra. We would square one ten sequential times, raising the number to the tenth square.
Questioner: What would be the result of this calculation?
Ra: I am Ra. The result is difficult to transmit.
It is 1,012, approximately.
The entities who call are sometimes not totally unified in their calling and, thus, the squaring slightly less.
Thus, there is a statistical loss over a period of call. However, perhaps you may see by this statistically corrected information the squaring mechanism.
Questioner: About how many entities at present on planet Earth are calling for your services?
Ra: I am Ra. I am called personally by 352,000.
The Confederation, in its entire spectrum of entity-complexes,
is called by 632,000,000 of your mind/body/spirit complexes.
These numbers have been simplified.
Questioner: Can you tell me what the result of the application of the Law of Squares is to those figures?
Ra: I am Ra. The number is approximately meaningless in the finite sense as there are many, many digits.
It, however, constitutes a great calling which we of all creation feel and hear as if our own entities were distorted towards a great and overwhelming sorrow.
It demands our service.
Questioner: At what point would this calling be great enough for you to come openly among the people on Earth?
How many entities on Earth would have to call the Confederation?
Ra: I am Ra. We do not calculate the possibility of coming among your peoples by the numbers of calling, but by a consensus among an entire societal-memory complex which has become aware of the infinite consciousness of all things.
This has been possible among your peoples only in isolated instances.
In the case wherein a social memory complex which is a servant of the Creator sees this situation and has an idea for the appropriate aid which can only be done among your peoples, the social memory complex desiring this project lays it before the Council of Saturn.
If it is approved, quarantine is lifted.
Questioner: I have a question about that Council.
Who are the members, and how does the Council function?
Ra: I am Ra. The members of the Council are representatives from the Confederation and from those vibratory levels of your inner planes bearing responsibility for your third density.
The names are not important because there are no names.
Your mind/body/spirit complexes request names and so, in many cases, the vibratory sound complexes which are consonant with the vibratory distortions of each entity are used.
However, the name concept is not part of the Council.
If names are requested, we will attempt them.
However, not all have chosen names.
In number, the Council that sits in constant session, though varying in its members by means of balancing, which takes place, what you would call irregularly, is nine.
That is the Session Council.
To back up this Council, there are twenty-four entities which offer their services as requested.
These entities faithfully watch and have been called Guardians.
The Council operates by means of, what you would call, telepathic contact with the oneness or unity of the nine, the distortions blending harmoniously so that the Law of One prevails with ease.
When a need for thought is present, the Council retains the distortion-complex of this need, balancing it as described, and then recommends what it considers as appropriate action.
This includes:
One, the duty of admitting social memory complexes to the Confederation;
Two, offering aid to those who are unsure how to aid the social memory complex requesting aid in a way consonant with both the call, the Law, and the number of those calling (that is to say, sometimes the resistance of the call);
Three, internal questions in the Council are determined. These are the prominent duties of the Council.
They are, if in any doubt, able to contact the twenty-four who then offer consensus/judgment/thinking to the Council.
The Council then may reconsider any question.
Questioner: You mentioned the nine who sit on the Council.
Is this “nine” the same nine as those mentioned in this book? (Questioner gestures to Uri.)
Ra: I am Ra. The Council of Nine has been retained in semi-undistorted form by two main sources, that known in your naming, as Mark and that known in your naming as Henry.
In one case, the channel became the scribe. In the other, the channel was not the scribe.
However, without the aid of the scribe, the energy would not have come to the channel.
Questioner: The names that you spoke of.
Were they Mark Probert and Henry Puharich?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: I am interested in the application of the Law of One as it pertains to free will with respect to what I would call the advertising done by UFO contacts with the planet Earth.
The Council seems to have allowed the quarantine to be lifted many times over the past thirty years.
This seems to me to be a form of advertising for what we are doing right now, so that more people will be awakened. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. It will take a certain amount of untangling of conceptualization of your mental complex to reform your query into an appropriate response.
Please bear with us.
The Council of Saturn has not allowed the breaking of quarantine in the time/space continuum you mentioned.
There is a certain amount of landing taking place.
Some are of the entities known to you as the group of Orion.
Secondly, there is permission granted, not to break quarantine by dwelling among you, but to appear in thought form capacity for those who have eyes to see.
Thirdly, you are correct in assuming that permission was granted at the time/space in which your first nuclear device was developed and used for Confederation members to minister to your peoples in such a way as to cause mystery to occur.
This is what you mean by advertising and is correct.
The mystery and unknown quality of the occurrences we are allowed to offer have the hoped-for intention of making your peoples aware of infinite possibility.
When your peoples grasp infinity, then and only then, can the gateway be opened to the Law of One.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 16
Questioner: Thank you very much.
Can you tell me how the Confederation of Planets was formed and why?
Ra: I am Ra. The desire to serve begins, in the dimension of love or understanding, to be an overwhelming goal of the social memory complex.
Thus, those percentiles of planetary entities, plus approximately four percent more of whose identity we cannot speak, found themselves long, long ago in your time seeking the same thing: service to others.
The relationship between these entities as they entered an understanding of other beings, other planetary entities, and other concepts of service was to share and continue together these commonly held goals of service.
Thus, each voluntarily placed the social memory complex data in what you may consider a central thought complex available to all.
This then created a structure whereby each entity could work in its own service while calling upon any other understanding needed to enhance the service.
This is the cause of the formation and the manner of the working of the Confederation.
Questioner: With such a large number of planets in this galaxy you say that there are approximately five hundred planets in the Confederation.
There seems to be a relatively small number of Confederation planets around.
Is there a reason for it?
Ra: I am Ra. There are many Confederations.
This Confederation works with the planetary spheres of seven of your galaxies, if you will, and is responsible for the callings of the densities of these galaxies.
Questioner: Would you define the word galaxy as you just used it?
Ra: I am Ra. We use that term in this sense as you would use star systems.
Questioner: I’m a little bit confused as to how many total planets the Confederation that you are in serves?
Ra: I am Ra. I see the confusion.
We have difficulty with your language.
The galaxy term must be split.
We call galaxy that vibrational complex that is local.
Thus, your sun is what we would call the center of a galaxy.
We see you have another meaning for this term.
Questioner: Yes.
In our science the term galaxy refers to the lenticular star system that contains millions and millions of stars.
There was a confusion about this in one of our earlier communications, and I’m glad to get it cleared up.
Using the term galaxy in the sense that I just stated, using the lenticular star system that contains millions of stars, do you know of evolution in other galaxies besides this one?
Ra: I am Ra. We are aware of life in infinite capacity.
You are correct in this assumption.
Questioner: Do any of the UFOs presently reported at this time come from other planets, or do you have this knowledge?
Ra: I am Ra. I am one of the members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.
There are approximately fifty-three civilizations, comprising approximately five hundred planetary consciousness complexes in this Confederation.
This Confederation contains those from your own planet who have attained dimensions beyond your third.
It contains planetary entities within your solar system, and
it contains planetary entities from other galaxies.
It is a true Confederation in that its members are not alike, but allied in service according to the Law of One.
Questioner: Do any of them come here at this time in spacecraft?
In the past, say, thirty years?
Ra: I am Ra. We must state that this information is unimportant.
If you will understand this, we feel that the information may be acceptably offered.
The Law of One is what we are here to express.
However, we will speak upon this subject.
Each planetary entity which wishes to appear within your third dimension of space/time distortion requests permission to break quarantine, as you may call it, and appear to your peoples.
The reason and purpose for this appearance is understood and either accepted or rejected.
There have been as many as fifteen of the Confederation entities in your skies at any one time.
The others are available to you through thought.
At present there are seven which are operating with craft in your density.
Their purposes are very simple:
to allow those entities of your planet to become aware of infinity which is often best expressed to the uninformed as the mysterious or unknown.
Questioner: I am fully aware that you are primarily interested in disseminating information concerning the Law of One.
However, it is my judgment, and I could be wrong, that in order to disseminate this material it will be necessary to include questions such as the one I have just asked.
If this is not the objective, then I could limit my questions to the application of the Law of One.
But I understand that at this time it is the objective to widely disseminate this material. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This perception is only slightly distorted in your understand/learning.
We wish you to proceed as you deem proper.
That is your place.
We, in giving this information, find our distortion of understanding of our purpose to be that not only of the offering of information, but the weighting of it according to our distorted perceptions of its relative importance.
Thus, you will find our statements, at times, to be those which imply that a question is unimportant.
This is due to our perception that the given question is unimportant.
Nevertheless, unless the question contains the potential for answer-giving which may infringe upon free will, we offer our answers.
Questioner: Thank you very much.
We do not want to overtire the instrument.
We have gone considerably over our normal working time. Could you tell me what condition the instrument is in?
Ra: I am Ra. The instrument is balanced due to your care. However, her physical vehicle is growing stiff.
Questioner: In that case perhaps we should continue at a later time.
Ra: I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator.
Go forth rejoicing in the power and the peace of the one Creator.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 18
Questioner: Thank you—a most important point.
You mentioned that there were a number of Confederations.
Do all serve the infinite Creator in basically the same way, or do some specialize in some particular types of service?
Ra: I am Ra. All serve the one Creator.
There is nothing else to serve, for the Creator is all that there is.
It is impossible not to serve the Creator.
There are simply various distortions of this service.
As in the Confederation which works with your peoples, each Confederation is a group of specialized individual social memory complexes, each doing that which it expresses to bring into manifestation.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 19
Questioner: When the first second-density entities became third-density on this planet, was this with the help of the transfer of beings from Mars, or were there second-density beings who transferred into third density with no outside influence?
Ra: I am Ra. There were some second-density entities which made the graduation into third density with no outside stimulus but only the efficient use of experience.
Others of your planetary second density joined the third-density cycle due to harvesting efforts by the same sort of sending of vibratory aid as those of the Confederation send you now.
This communication was, however, telepathic rather than telepathic/vocal or telepathic/written due to the nature of second-density beings.
Questioner: Who sent the aid to the second-density beings?
Ra: I am Ra. We call ourselves the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.
This is a simplification in order to ease the difficulty of understanding among your people.
We hesitate to use the term, sound vibration, understanding, but it is closest to our meaning.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 21
Questioner: Then, at the end of the first 25,000 year period, I am guessing that the Guardians discovered that there was no harvest of either positively or negatively oriented entities.
Tell me then what happened?
What action was taken?
Ra: I am Ra. There was no action taken except to remain aware of the possibility of a calling for help or understanding among the entities of this density.
The Confederation is concerned with the preservation of the conditions conducive to learning.
This for the most part, revolves about the primal distortion of free will.
Questioner: Then the Confederation gardeners did nothing until some of the plants in their garden called them for help. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: When did the first call occur, and how did it occur?
Ra: I am Ra. The first calling was approximately 46,000 of your years ago.
This calling was of those of Maldek.
These entities were aware of their need for rectifying the consequences of their action and were in some confusion in an incarnate state as to the circumstances of their incarnation; the unconscious being aware, the conscious being quite confused.
This created a calling.
The Confederation sent love and light to these entities.
Questioner: How did the Confederation send this love and light?
What did they do?
Ra: I am Ra. There dwell within the Confederation planetary entities who from their planetary spheres do nothing but send love and light as pure streamings to those who call.
This is not in the form of conceptual thought but of pure and undifferentiated love.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 22
Questioner: As the cycle terminated 25,000 years ago, what was the reaction of the Confederation to the lack of harvest?
Ra: I am Ra. We became concerned.
Questioner: Was any action taken immediately, or did you wait for a call?
Ra: I am Ra. The Council of Saturn acted only in allowing the entry into third density of other mind/body/spirit complexes of third-density, not Wanderers, but those who sought further third-density experience.
This was done randomly so that free will would not be violated for there was not yet a call.
Questioner: Was the next action taken by the Confederation when a call occurred?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Was all of their information given to them in the same way that we are getting our information now, through an instrument such as this instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. There were visitations from time to time but none of importance in the, shall we say, historical passage of events in your space/time continuum.
Questioner: Was it necessary for them to have an unified social complex for these visitations to occur?
What conditions were necessary for these visitations to occur?
Ra: I am Ra.
The conditions were two:
the calling of a group of people whose square overcame the integrated resistance of those unwilling to search or learn;
the second requirement, the relative naiveté of those members of the Confederation who felt that direct transfer of information would necessarily be as helpful for Atlanteans as it had been for the Confederation entity.
Questioner: I see then.
What you are saying is that these naive Confederation entities had had the same thing happen to them in the past so they were doing the same thing for the Atlantean entities. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
We remind you that we are one of the naive members of that Confederation and are still attempting to recoup the damage for which we feel responsibility.
It is our duty as well as honor to continue with your peoples, therefore, until all traces of the distortions of our teach/learnings have been embraced by their opposite distortions, and balance achieved.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 26
Questioner: Then did the Confederation step up its program of helping planet Earth some time late in this last major cycle?
It seems that they did from previous data, especially with the Industrial Revolution.
Can you tell me the attitudes and the reasonings behind this?
is there any reason other than they just wanted to produce more leisure time in the last, say, one hundred years of the cycle? Is this the total reason?
Ra: I am Ra. This is not the total reason.
Approximately two hundred of your years in the past, as you measure time,
there began to be a significant amount of entities who by seniority were incarnating for learn/teaching purposes rather than for the lesser of the learn/teachings of those less aware of the process.
This was our signal to enable communication to take place.
The Wanderers which came among you began to make themselves felt at approximately this time, firstly offering ideas or thoughts containing the distortion of free will.
This was the prerequisite for further Wanderers which had information of a more specific nature to offer.
The thought must precede the action.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 26
Questioner: Then as the UFO phenomenon was made obvious to many of the population, many groups of people were reporting contact and telepathic contact with UFO entities and recorded the results of what they considered telepathic communication.
Was the Confederation oriented to impressing telepathic communication on groups that were interested in UFOs?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct although some of our members have removed themselves from the time/space using thought-form projections into your space/time, and have chosen, from time to time, with permission of the Council, to appear in your skies without landing.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 53
Questioner: Thank you. I did not wish to create the wrong impression with the material that we are including in Book One.
I may find it necessary to add some of this material.
As I say, I know that it is transient, but I believe it is necessary for a full understanding or, shall I say, a correct approach to the material.
I’ll ask a few questions here, but if you do not care to answer them we’ll save them.
I would like to ask, however, if you can tell me what, for the most part, the Confederation entities look like?
Ra: I am Ra. The fourth-density Confederation entity looks variously depending upon the, shall we say, derivation of its physical vehicle.
Questioner: Do some of them look just like us? Could they pass for Earth people?
Ra: I am Ra. Those of this nature are most often fifth-density.
Questioner: I assume that the same answer would apply to the Orion group. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 60
Questioner: There has been, for the past 30 years, a lot of information and a lot of confusion, and in fact, I would say that the Law of Confusion has been working overtime—to make a small joke—in bringing information for spiritual catalysis to groups requesting it, and we know that both the positively and the negatively oriented social memory complexes have been adding to this information as they can.
This has led to a condition of apathy in a lot of cases with respect to the information.
Many who are truly seeking have been thwarted by what I might call spiritual entropy in this information.
Can you comment on this and the mechanisms of alleviating these problems?
Ra: I am Ra. We can comment on this.
Questioner: Only if you deem it of importance would I request a comment.
If you deem it of no importance we’ll skip it.
Ra: I am Ra. This information is significant to some degree as it bears upon our own mission at this time.
We of the Confederation are at the call of those upon your planet.
If the call, though sincere, is fairly low in consciousness of the, shall we say, system whereby spiritual evolution may be precipitated, then we may only offer that information useful to that particular caller.
This is the basic difficulty.
Entities receive the basic information about the Original Thought and the means, that is meditation and service-to-others, whereby this Original Thought may be obtained.
Please note that as Confederation members we are speaking for positively oriented entities.
We believe the Orion group has precisely the same difficulty.
Once this basic information is received it is not put into practice in the heart and in the life experience but instead rattles about within the mind complex distortions as would a building block which has lost its place and simply rolls from side to side uselessly, yet still the entity calls.
Therefore, the same basic information is repeated.
Ultimately the entity decides that it is weary of this repetitive information.
However, if an entity puts into practice that which it is given, it will not find repetition except when needed.