Increased in UFO Activities That May Aid Seeking
The Law of One, Book I, Session 26
February 17, 1981
Questioner: Thank you.
In the recent past of the last thirty to forty years the UFO phenomena have become known to our population.
What was the original reason for the increase in what we call UFO activity in the past forty years?
Ra: I am Ra. Information which Confederation sources had offered to your entity, Albert [Einstein], became perverted, and instruments of destruction began to be created, examples of this being the Manhattan Project and its product.
Information offered through Wanderer, sound vibration, Nikola, also was experimented with for potential destruction: example, your so-called Philadelphia Experiment.
Thus, we felt a strong need to involve our thought-forms in whatever way we of the Confederation could be of service in order to balance these distortions of information meant to aid your planetary sphere.
Questioner: Then what you did, I am assuming, is to create an air of mystery with the UFO phenomenon, as we call it, and then by telepathy send many messages which could be accepted or rejected under the Law of One so that the population would start thinking seriously about the consequences of what it was doing. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.
There are other services we may perform.
Firstly, the integration of souls or spirits, if you will, in the event of use of these nuclear devices in your space/time continuum.
This the Confederation has already done.
Questioner: I don’t fully understand what you mean by that.
Could you expand on that a little bit?
Ra: I am Ra. The use of intelligent energy transforming matter into energy is of such a nature among these weapons that the transition from space/time third density to time/space third density or what you may call your heaven worlds is interrupted in many cases.
Therefore, we are offering ourselves as those who continue the integration of soul or spirit complex during transition from space/time to time/space.
Questioner: Then as the UFO phenomenon was made obvious to many of the population, many groups of people were reporting contact and telepathic contact with UFO entities and recorded the results of what they considered telepathic communication.
Was the Confederation oriented to impressing telepathic communication on groups that were interested in UFOs?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct although some of our members have removed themselves from the time/space using thought-form projections into your space/time, and have chosen, from time to time, with permission of the Council, to appear in your skies without landing.
Questioner: Then are all of the landings that have occurred with the exception of the landing that occurred when (name) was contacted of the Orion group or similar groups?
Ra: I am Ra. Except for isolated instances of those of, shall we say, no affiliation, this is correct.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 48
April 22, 1981
Questioner: My lecture yesterday was attended by only a few.
If this had occurred during a UFO flap many more would have attended. Since Orion entities cause the flaps, what is Orion’s reward for visibility in that they actually create greater opportunities for the dissemination of information such as this information at those times?
Ra: I am Ra. This assumption is incorrect.
The flaps cause many fears among your peoples,
many speakings,
understandings concerning plots,
killings, and other negative impressions.
Even those supposedly positive reports which gain public awareness speak of doom.
You may understand yourself as one who will be in the minority due to the understandings which you wish to share, if we may use that misnomer.
We perceive there is a further point we may posit at this time.
The audience brought about by Orion-type publicity is not seeded by seniority of vibration to a great extent.
The audiences receiving teach/learnings without stimulus from publicity will be more greatly oriented towards illumination.
Therefore, forget you the counting.