A Brief Extrapolation or Understanding of 6th Density 'Negative' Entity & Its Path Towards Evolution
The Law of One, Book II, Session 36
Questioner: Let me take as an example the one that you said was called Himmler.
We are assuming from this that his higher self was of the sixth-density and it was stated that Himmler had selected the negative path.
Would his higher self then dwell in a sixth-density negative type of situation?
Can you expand on this concept?
Ra: I am Ra.
There are no negative beings which have attained the Oversoul manifestation, which is the honor/duty of the mind/body/spirit complex totality, of late sixth-density as you would term it in your time measurements.
These negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes have a difficulty which to our knowledge has never been overcome,
for after fifth-density graduation
wisdom is available but must be matched with an equal amount of love.
This love/light is very, very difficult to achieve in unity when following the negative path and
during the earlier part of the sixth-density,
society complexes of the negative orientation will choose to release the potential and leap into the sixth-density positive.
the Oversoul which makes its understanding available to all who are ready for such aid is towards the positive.
However, the free will of the individual is paramount, and any guidance given by the higher self may be seen in either the positive or negative polarity depending upon the choice of a mind/body/spirit complex.
Questioner: Then using Himmler as an example, was his higher self at the time he was incarnate in the 1940s a sixth-density positively oriented higher self?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Was Himmler in any way in contact with his higher self at that time when he was incarnate during the 1940s?
Ra: I am Ra. We remind you that the negative path is one of separation.
What is the first separation: the self from the self.
The one known as Himmler did not choose to use its abilities of will and polarization to seek guidance from any source but its conscious drives, self-chosen in the life experience and nourished by previous biases created in other life experiences.
Questioner: Well then let’s say that when Himmler reaches sixth-density negative, would he realize that his higher self was positively oriented and for that reason make the jump from negative to positive orientation?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
The sixth-density negative entity is extremely wise.
It observes the spiritual entropy occurring due to the lack of ability to express the unity of sixth-density.
Thus, loving the Creator and realizing at some point that the Creator is not only self but other-self as self, this entity consciously chooses an instantaneous energy reorientation so that it may continue its evolution.
Questioner: Then the sixth-density entity who has reached that point in positive orientation may choose to become what we call a Wanderer and move back.
I am wondering if this ever occurs with a negatively oriented sixth-density entity?
Do any ever move back as Wanderers?
Ra: I am Ra. Once the negatively polarized entity has reached a certain point in the wisdom density it becomes extremely unlikely that it will choose to risk the forgetting, for this polarization is not selfless but selfish and with wisdom realizes the jeopardy of such “Wandering.”
Occasionally a sixth-density negative becomes a Wanderer in an effort to continue to polarize towards the negative.
This is extremely unusual.
Questioner: Then what is the mechanism that this unusual sixth-density entity would wish to gain to polarize more negatively through Wandering?
Ra: I am Ra. The Wanderer has the potential of greatly accelerating the density whence it comes in its progress in evolution.
This is due to the intensive life experiences and opportunities of the third-density.
the positively oriented Wanderer
chooses to hazard the danger of the forgetting in order to be of service to others by radiating love of others.
If the forgetting is penetrated the amount of catalyst in third-density will polarize the Wanderer with much greater efficiency than shall be expected in the higher and more harmonious densities.
the negatively oriented Wanderer
dares to hazard the forgetting in order that it might accelerate its progress in evolution in its own density by serving itself in third-density by offering to other-selves the opportunity to hear the information having to do with negative polarization.
Questioner: Are there any examples of sixth-density negatively polarized Wanderers in our historical past?
Ra: I am Ra. This information could be harmful.
We withhold it.
Please attempt to view the entities about you as part of the Creator.
We can explain no further.
Questioner: I was wondering if qualification for contact with Ra might include penetrating this forgetting process? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.
Questioner: Otherwise the Law of Confusion would prohibit this? Is this correct?
Ra: This is correct.
Questioner: It is very difficult at times for us to get more than a small percentage of under-standing of some of these concepts because of our limitation of awareness, but I think that some meditation on the information from today will help us in formulating some questions about these concepts.
Ra: I am Ra. May we ask for any brief queries before we leave this instrument?
The Law of One, Book III, Session 52
Questioner: I would ask this question in order to understand the mental disciplines and how they evolve.
Does fourth, fifth, and sixth-density positive or service-to-others orientation of social memory complexes use both the slingshot and the personality disciplines type of effect for travel or do they use only one?
Ra: I am Ra.
The positively oriented social memory complex
will be attempting to learn the disciplines of mind, body, and spirit.
However, there are some which, having the technology available to use intelligent energy forces to accomplish travel, do so while learning the more appropriate disciplines.
Questioner: Then I am assuming that in the more positively oriented social memory complexes a much higher percentage of them use the personality disciplines for this travel. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
As positive fifth-density moves into sixth there are virtually no entities which any longer use outer technology for travel or communication.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 78
Questioner: Then you are saying that as a result of the polarization in consciousness which has occurred later in the galactic evolution, the experiences are much more intense along the two paths.
Are these experiences each independent of the other?
Must there be action across the potentiated difference between the positive and negative polarity, or is it possible to have this experience simply because of the single polarity?
This is difficult to ask.
Ra: I am Ra. We would agree.
We shall attempt to pluck the gist of your query from the surrounding verbiage.
The fourth and fifth densities
are quite independent, the positive polarity functioning with no need of negative and visa-versa.
It is to be noted that in attempting to sway third-density mind/body/spirit complexes in choosing polarity there evolves a good bit of interaction between the two polarities.
In sixth density, the density of unity,
the positive and negative paths must needs take in each other for all now must be seen as love/light and light/love.
This is not difficult for the positive polarity which sends love and light to all other-selves.
It is difficult enough for service-to-self polarized entities that at some point the negative polarity is abandoned.