Various Civilizations & Human Developments in the Past 75,000 Years of Earth's History
The Law of One, Book I, Session 21
Questioner: Thank you.
During this first 25,000 year cycle was there any industrial development at all, any machinery available to the people?
Ra: I am Ra. Using the term “machine” to the meaning which you ascribe, the answer is no.
However, there were, shall we say, various implements of wood and rock which were used in order to obtain food and for use in aggression.
Questioner: At the end of this first 25,000 year cycle was there any physical change that occurred rapidly like that which occurs at the end of a 75,000 year cycle or is this just an indexing time for harvesting period?
Ra: I am Ra. There was no change except that which according to intelligent energy, or what you may term physical evolution, suited physical complexes to their environment, this being of the color of the skin due to the area of the sphere upon which entities lived; the gradual growth of peoples due to improved intake of foodstuffs.
Questioner: Then, at the end of the first 25,000 year period, I am guessing that the Guardians discovered that there was no harvest of either positively or negatively oriented entities.
Tell me then what happened?
What action was taken?
Ra: I am Ra. There was no action taken except to remain aware of the possibility of a calling for help or understanding among the entities of this density.
The Confederation is concerned with the preservation of the conditions conducive to learning.
This for the most part, revolves about the primal distortion of free will.
Questioner: Then the Confederation gardeners did nothing until some of the plants in their garden called them for help. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: When did the first call occur, and how did it occur?
Ra: I am Ra. The first calling was approximately 46,000 of your years ago.
This calling was of those of Maldek.
These entities were aware of their need for rectifying the consequences of their action and were in some confusion in an incarnate state as to the circumstances of their incarnation; the unconscious being aware, the conscious being quite confused.
This created a calling.
The Confederation sent love and light to these entities.
Questioner: How did the Confederation send this love and light?
What did they do?
Ra: I am Ra. There dwell within the Confederation planetary entities who from their planetary spheres do nothing but send love and light as pure streamings to those who call.
This is not in the form of conceptual thought but of pure and undifferentiated love.
Questioner: Did the first distortion of the Law of One then require that equal time, shall I say, be given to the self-service oriented group?
Ra: I am Ra. In this case this was not necessary for some of your time due to the orientation of the entities.
Questioner: What was their orientation?
Ra: I am Ra. The orientation of these entities was such that the aid of the Confederation was not perceived.
Questioner: Since it was not perceived it was not necessary to balance this. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
What is necessary to balance is opportunity.
When there is ignorance, there is no opportunity.
When there exists a potential, then each opportunity shall be balanced, this balancing caused by not only the positive and negative orientations of those offering aid but also the orientation of those requesting aid.
Questioner: Thank you very much.
I apologize in being so stupid in stating my questions but this has cleared up my understanding nicely.
Then in the second 25,000 year major cycle was there any great civilization that developed?
Ra: I am Ra. In the sense of greatness of technology there were no great societies during this cycle.
There was some advancement among those of Deneb who had chosen to incarnate as a body in what you would call China.
There were appropriately positive steps in activating the green-ray energy complex in many portions of your planetary sphere including
the Americas,
the continent which you call Africa,
the island which you call Australia,
and that which you know as India, as well as various scattered peoples.
None of these became what you would name great as the greatness of Lemuria or Atlantis is known to you due to the formation of strong social complexes and in the case of Atlantis, very great technological understandings.
However, in the South American area of your planetary sphere as you know it, there grew to be a great vibratory distortion towards love.
These entities were harvestable at the end of the second major cycle without ever having formed strong social or technological complexes.
This will be the final question in completion of this session.
Is there a query we may answer quickly before we close, as this instrument is somewhat depleted?
The Law of One, Book I, Session 25
Questioner: We shall now continue with the material from yesterday.
You stated that about 3,000 years ago the Orion group left due to Diaspora.
Was the Confederation then able to make any progress after the Orion group left?
Ra: I am Ra. For many of your centuries, both the Confederation and the Orion Confederation busied themselves with each other upon planes above your own, shall we say, planes in time/space whereby machinations were conceived and the armor of light girded.
Battles have been and are continuing to be fought upon these levels.
Upon the Earth plane, energies had been set in motion which did not cause a great deal of call.
There were isolated instances of callings, one such taking place beginning approximately 2,600 of your years in the past in what you would call Greece (at this time) and resulting in writings and understandings of some facets of the Law of One.
We especially note the one known as Thales and the one known as Heraclitus, those being of the philosopher career, as you may call it, teaching their students.
We also point out the understandings of the one known as Pericles.
At this time there was a limited amount of visionary information which the Confederation was allowed to telepathically impress.
However, for the most part, during this time empires died and rose according to the attitudes and energies set in motion long ago, not resulting in strong polarization but rather in that mixture of the positive and the warlike or negative which has been characteristic of this final minor cycle of your beingness.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 26
Questioner: Then did the Confederation step up its program of helping planet Earth some time late in this last major cycle?
It seems that they did from previous data, especially with the Industrial Revolution.
Can you tell me the attitudes and the reasonings behind this?
is there any reason other than they just wanted to produce more leisure time in the last, say, one hundred years of the cycle? Is this the total reason?
Ra: I am Ra. This is not the total reason.
Approximately two hundred of your years in the past, as you measure time,
there began to be a significant amount of entities who by seniority were incarnating for learn/teaching purposes rather than for the lesser of the learn/teachings of those less aware of the process.
This was our signal to enable communication to take place.
The Wanderers which came among you began to make themselves felt at approximately this time, firstly offering ideas or thoughts containing the distortion of free will.
This was the prerequisite for further Wanderers which had information of a more specific nature to offer.
The thought must precede the action.