General Outlook of Certain Experiences Before and After The Veiling or 'Forgetting' Process in 3rd Density
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 79
Questioner: I would like to question about the third-density experience of those entities just prior to the original extension of the first distortion to the sub-Logoi to create the split of polarity.
Can you describe, in general, the differences between the third density experience of these mind/body/spirits and the ones who have evolved upon this planet now?
Ra: I am Ra. This material has been previously covered.
Please query for specific interest.
Questioner: Specifically, in the experience where only the service-to-others polarity in third density evolved, was the veil that was drawn with respect to knowledge of previous incarnations, etc., in effect for those entities?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
Questioner: Was the reincarnational process like the one that we experience here in which the third-density body is entered and exited numerous times during the cycle?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Is it possible to give a time of incarnation with respect to our years and would you do so if it is?
Ra: I am Ra. The optimal incarnative period is somewhere close to a measure you call a millennium.
This is, as you may say, a constant regardless of other factors of the third-density experience.
Questioner: Then prior to the first extension of the first distortion the veil or loss of awareness did not occur.
From this I will make the assumption that this veil or loss of remembering consciously that which occurred before the incarnation was the primary tool for extending the first distortion. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Your correctness is limited.
This was the first tool.
Questioner: Then from that statement I assume that the Logos first devised the tool of separating the unconscious from the conscious during what we call physical incarnations to achieve its objective? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
Questioner: Then from that statement I would also assume that many other tools were conceived and used after the first tool of the so-called veil. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. There have been refinements.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 82
Questioner: Specifically, I am trying to grasp an understanding of the process of experience in third density before the veil so that I can better understand the present process.
As I understand, it the mind/body/spirits went through the process of what we call physical incarnation in this density but there was no forgetting.
What was the benefit or purpose of the physical incarnation when there was no forgetting?
Ra: I am Ra. The purpose of incarnation in third density is to learn the ways of love.
Questioner: I guess I didn’t state that exactly right.
What I mean is, since there was no forgetting, since the mind/body/spirits had, in what we call the physical incarnation, their full consciousness, they knew the same thing that they would know while not in the physical incarnation.
What was the mechanism of teaching that taught the ways of love in the third-density physical prior to the forgetting process?
Ra: I am Ra. We ask your permission to answer this query in an oblique fashion as we perceive an area in which we might be of aid.
Questioner: Certainly.
Ra: I am Ra. Your queries seem to be pursuing the possibility/probability that the mechanisms of experience in third density are different if a mind/body/spirit is attempting them rather than a mind/body/spirit complex.
The nature of third density is constant.
Its ways are to be learned the same now and ever.
Thusly, no matter what form the entity facing these lessons, the lessons and mechanisms are the same.
The Creator will learn from Itself.
Each entity has unmanifest portions of learning and, most importantly, learning which is involved with other-selves.
Questioner: Then prior to the forgetting process there was no concept of anything but service-to-others polarization.
What sort of societies and experiences in third-density were created and evolved in this condition?
Ra: I am Ra. It is our perception that such conditions created the situation of a most pallid experiential nexus in which lessons were garnered with the relative speed of the turtle to the cheetah.
Questioner: Did such societies evolve with technologies of a complex nature, or did they remain quite simple?
Can you give me a general idea of the evolvement that would be a function of what we would call intellectual activity?
Ra: I am Ra. There is infinite diversity in societies under any circumstances.
There were many highly technologically advanced societies which grew due to the ease of producing any desired result.
When one dwells within what might be seen to be a state of constant potential inspiration, that which even the most highly sophisticated, in your terms, societal structure lacked, given the noncomplex nature of its entities, was what you might call will or, to use a more plebeian term, gusto, or élan vital.
Questioner: Did such technological societies evolve travel through what we call space to other planets or other planetary systems?
Did some of them do this?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Then even though, from our point of view, there was great evolutionary experience it was deemed at some point by the evolving Logos that an experiment to create a greater experience was appropriate.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and may benefit from comment.
The Logos is aware of the nature of the third-density requirement for what you have called graduation.
All the previous, if you would use this term, experiments, although resulting in many experiences, lacked what was considered the crucial ingredient; that is, polarization.
There was little enough tendency for experience to polarize entities that entities repeated habitually the third-density cycles many times over.
It was desired that the potential for polarization be made more available.
Questioner: Then since the only possibility at this particular time, as I see it, was a polarization for service to others, I must assume from what you said that even though all were aware of this service-to-others necessity they were unable to achieve it.
What was the configuration of mind of the mind/body/spirits at that time?
Why did they have such a difficult time serving others to the extent necessary for graduation since this was the only polarity possible?
Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, the tendency of those who are divinely happy, as you call this distortion, to have little urge to alter or better their condition.
Such is the result of the mind/body/spirit which is not complex.
There is the possibility of love of other-selves and service to other-selves, but there is the overwhelming awareness of the Creator in the self.
The connection with the Creator is that of the umbilical cord.
The security is total.
no love is terribly important;
no pain terribly frightening;
no effort,
is made to serve for love or to benefit from fear.
Questioner: It seems that you might make an analogy in our present illusion of those who are born into extreme wealth and security.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Within the strict bounds of the simile, you are perceptive.
Questioner: We have presently an activity between physical incarnations called the healing and review of the incarnation.
Was anything of this nature occurring prior to the veil?
Ra: I am Ra. The inchoate structure of this process was always in place, but where there has been no harm there need be no healing.
This too may be seen to have been of concern to Logoi which were aware that without the need to understand, understanding would forever be left undone.
We ask your forgiveness for the use of this misnomer, but your language has a paucity of sound vibration complexes for this general concept.
Questioner: I don’t grasp too well the condition of incarnation and the time in between incarnations prior to the veil.
I do not understand what was the difference other than the manifestation of the third-density, yellowray body.
Was there any mental difference upon what we call death?
I don’t see the necessity for what we call the review of the incarnation if the consciousness was uninterrupted.
Could you clear up that point for me?
Ra: I am Ra. No portion of the Creator audits the course, to use your experiential terms.
Each incarnation is intended to be a course in the Creator knowing Itself.
A review or, shall we say, to continue the metaphor, each test is an integral portion of the process of the Creator knowing Itself.
Each incarnation will end with such a test.
This is so that the portion of the Creator
may assimilate the experiences in yellow, physical, third density,
may evaluate the biases gained, and
may then choose, either by means of automatically provided aid or by the self, the conditions of the next incarnation.
Questioner: Before the veil, during the review of the incarnation, were the entities at that time aware that what they were trying to do was sufficiently polarize for graduation?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Then I am assuming that this awareness was somehow reduced as they went into the yellow ray third-density incarnative state even though there was no veil.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is distinctly incorrect.
Questioner: OK. This is the central important point.
It seems to me that if polarization was the obvious thing that more effort would have been put forward to polarize.
Let me see if I can state this differently.
Before the veil there was an awareness of the need for polarization towards service to others in third density by all entities, whether incarnate in third-density, yellowray bodies or in between incarnations.
I assume, then, that the condition of which we earlier spoke, one of wealth you might say, was present through the entire spectrum of experience whether it might be between incarnations or during incarnations and the entities just simply could not manifest the desire to create this polarization necessary for graduation.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You begin to grasp the situation.
Let us continue the metaphor of the schooling but consider the scholar as being an entity in your younger years of the schooling process.
The entity is fed, clothed, and protected regardless of whether or not the schoolwork is accomplished.
Therefore, the entity does not do the homework but rather enjoys playtime, mealtime, and vacation.
It is not until there is a reason to wish to excel that most entities will attempt to excel.
Questioner: You have stated in a much earlier session that it is necessary to polarize more than 50% service-to-others to be harvestable fourth-density positive.
Was this condition the same at the time before the veil?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working.
The query is not answered easily, for the concept of service to self did not hold sway previous to what we have been calling the veiling process.
The necessity for graduation to fourth density is an ability to use, welcome, and enjoy a certain intensity of the white light of the one infinite Creator.
In your own terms at your space/time nexus
this ability may be measured by your previously stated percentages of service.
Prior to the veiling process
the measurement would be that of an entity walking up a set of your stairs, each of which was imbued with a certain quality of light.
The stair upon which an entity stopped would be either third-density light or fourth-density light.
Between the two stairs lies the threshold.
To cross that threshold is difficult.
There is resistance at the edge, shall we say, of each density.
The faculty of faith or will needs to be understood, nourished, and developed in order to have an entity which seeks past the boundary of third density.
Those entities which do not do their homework, be they ever so amiable, shall not cross.
It was this situation which faced the Logoi prior to the veiling process being introduced into the experiential continuum of third density.
May we ask if there are any brief queries at this working?
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 83
Questioner: Thank you.
I’m going to ask a rather long, complex question and I would request that the answer to each portion of this question be given if there was a significant difference prior to the veil than following the veil so that I can get an idea of how what we experience now is used for better polarization.
What was the difference before the veil in the following while incarnate in third density:
physical pain,
mental pain,
catalyst programming,
random catalyst,
relationships, and
communication with the higher self or
with the mind/body/spirit totality or
any other mind, body, or
spirit functions
before the veil that would be significant with respect to their difference after the veil?
Ra: I am Ra.
let us establish that both before and after the veil the same conditions existed in time/space; that is, the veiling process is a space/time phenomenon.
the character of experience was altered drastically by the veiling process.
In some cases such as
the dreaming and the contact with the higher self,
the experience was quantitatively different due to the fact that the veiling is a primary cause of the value of dreams and is also the single door against which the higher self must stand awaiting entry.
Before veiling,
dreams were not for the purpose of using the so-called unconscious to further utilize catalyst but were used to learn/teach from teach/learners within the inner planes as well as those of outer origins of higher density.
As you deal with each subject of which you spoke you may observe, during the veiling process, not a quantitative change in the experience but a qualitative one.
Let us, as an example, choose your sexual activities of energy transfer.
If you have a desire to treat other subjects in detail please query forthwith.
In the instance of the sexual activity of those not dwelling within the veiling each activity was a transfer.
There were some transfers of strength.
Most were rather attenuated in the strength of the transfer due to the lack of veiling.
In the third density entities are attempting to learn the ways of love.
If it can be seen that all are one being it becomes much more difficult for the undisciplined personality to choose one mate and, thereby, initiate itself into a program of service.
It is much more likely that the sexual energy will be dissipated more randomly without either great joy or great sorrow depending from these experiences.
Therefore, the green-ray energy transfer,
being almost without exception the case in sexual energy transfer prior to veiling, remains weakened and without significant crystallization.
The sexual energy transfers and blockages after veiling have been discussed previously.
It may be seen to be a more complex study but one far more efficient in crystallizing those who seek the green-ray energy center.
Questioner: Let’s take, then, since we are on the subject of sex, the relationship before and after the veil of disease, in this particular case venereal disease.
Was this type of disease in existence prior to the veil?
Ra: I am Ra. There has been that which is called disease, both of this type and others, before and after this great experiment.
However, since the venereal disease is in large part a function of the thought-forms of a distorted nature which are associated with sexual energy blockage the venereal disease is almost entirely the product of mind/body/spirit complexes’ interaction after the veiling.
Questioner: You mentioned that it existed in a small way prior to the veil.
What was the source of its development prior to the veiling process?
Ra: I am Ra. The source was as random as the nature of disease distortions are, at heart, in general.
Each portion of the body complex is in a state of growth at all times.
The reversal of this is seen as disease and has the benign function of ending an incarnation at the appropriate space/time nexus.
This was the nature of disease, including that which you call venereal.
Questioner: I’ll make this statement and you can correct me.
As I see the nature of the action of disease before the veil, it seems to me that the Logos had decided upon a program where an individual mind/body/spirit would continue to grow in mind and the body would be the third-density analog of this mind.
The growth would be continual unless there was an inability, for some reason, for the mind to continue along the growth patterns.
If this growth decelerated or stopped, what we call disease would then act in a way so as to eventually terminate this physical experience so that a new physical experience would be started, after a review of the entire process had taken place between incarnations.
Would you clear up my thinking on that, please?
Ra: I am Ra. Your thinking is sufficiently clear on this subject.
Questioner: The thing I don’t understand is why, if there was no veil, the review of the incarnation after the incarnation would help the process since it seems to me that the entity should already be aware of what was happening.
Possibly this has to do with the nature of space/time and time/space.
Could you clear that up, please?
Ra: I am Ra. It is true that the nature of time/space is such that a lifetime may be seen whole as a book or record, the pages studied, riffled through, and re-read.
However, the value of review is that of the testing as opposed to the studying.
At the testing,
when the test is true, the distillations of all study are made clear.
During the process of study, which you may call the incarnation,
regardless of an entity’s awareness of the process taking place, the material is diffused and over-attention is almost inevitably placed upon detail.
The testing upon the cessation of the incarnative state is not that testing which involves the correct memorization of many details.
This testing is, rather, the observing of self by self, often with aid as we have said.
In this observation one sees the sum of all the detailed study; that being an attitude or complex of attitudes which bias the consciousness of the mind/body/spirit.
Questioner: Now before the veil an entity would be aware that he was experiencing a disease.
As an analogy would you give me, if you are aware of a case, a disease an entity might experience prior to the veil and how he would react to this and think about it and what effect it would have on him?
Ra: I am Ra. Inasmuch as the universe is composed of an infinite array of entities, there is also an infinity of response to stimulus.
If you will observe your peoples you will discover greatly variant responses to the same distortion towards disease.
Consequently, we cannot answer your query with any hope of making any true statements since the over-generalizations required are too capacious.
Questioner: Was there any uniformity or like functions of societies or social organizations prior to the veil?
Ra: I am Ra. The third density is, by its very fiber, a societal one.
There are societies wherever there are entities conscious of the self and conscious of other-selves and possessed with intelligence adequate to process information indicating the benefits of communal blending of energies.
The structures of society before as after veiling were various.
However, the societies before veiling did not depend in any case upon the intentional enslavement of some for the benefit of others, this not being seen to be a possibility when all are seen as one.
There was, however, the requisite amount of disharmony to produce various experiments in what you may call governmental or societal structures.
Questioner: In our present illusion we have undoubtedly lost sight of the techniques of enslavement that are used since we are so far departed from the pre-veil experience.
I am sure that many of service-to-others orientation are using techniques of enslavement even though they are not aware that these are techniques of enslavement simply because they have been evolved over so long a period of time and we are so deep into the illusion.
Is this not correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
Questioner: Then you say that there are no cases where those who are of a service-to-others orientation are using techniques of enslavement that have grown as a result of the evolution of our social structures?
Is this what you mean?
Ra: I am Ra. It was our understanding that your query concerned conditions before the veiling.
There was no unconscious slavery, as you call this condition, at that period.
At the present space/time the conditions of well-meant and unintentional slavery are so numerous that it beggars our ability to enumerate them.
Questioner: Then for a service-to-others oriented entity at this time meditation upon the nature of these little-expected forms of slavery might be productive in polarization I would think.
Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You are quite correct.
Questioner: I would say that a very high percentage of the laws and restrictions within what we call our legal system are of a nature of enslavement of which I just spoke.
Would you agree with this?
Ra: I am Ra. It is a necessary balance to the intention of law, which is to protect, that the result would encompass an equal distortion towards imprisonment.
Therefore, we may say that your supposition is correct.
This is not to denigrate those who, in green and blue-ray energies, sought to free a peaceable people from the bonds of chaos but only to point out the inevitable consequences of codification of response which does not recognize the uniqueness of each and every situation within your experience.
The Law of One, Book IV, Session 84
Questioner: Going back to the previous session, you stated that each sexual activity was a transfer before the veil.
Would you trace the flow of energy that is transferred and tell me if that was the planned activity or a planned transfer by the designing Logos?
Ra: I am Ra. The path of energy transfer before the veiling during the sexual intercourse was that of the two entities possessed of green-ray capability.
The awareness of all as Creator is that which opens the green energy center.
Thusly there was no possibility of blockage due to the sure knowledge of each by each that each was the Creator.
The transfers were weak due to the ease with which such transfers could take place between any two polarized entities during sexual intercourse.
Questioner: What I was getting at, precisely, was, for example, when we close an electrical circuit it is easy to trace the path of current.
It goes along the conductor.
I am trying to determine whether this transfer is between the green energy centers (the heart chakras).
I am trying to trace the physical flow of the energy to try to get an idea of blockages after the veil.
I may be off on the wrong track here, but if I am wrong we’ll just drop it.
Can you tell me something about that?
Ra: I am Ra. In such a drawing or schematic representation of the circuitry of two mind/body/spirits or mind/body/spirit complexes in sexual or other energy transfer
the circuit opens always at the red or base center and moves as possible through the intervening energy centers.
If baffled it will stop at orange.
If not, it shall proceed to yellow.
If still unbaffled it shall proceed to green.
It is well to remember in the case of the mind/body/spirit that the chakras or energy centers could well be functioning without crystallization.
Questioner: In other words, they would be functioning but it would be equivalent in an electrical circuitry to having a high resistance, shall we say, and although the circuit would be complete, red through green, the total quantity of energy transferred would be less.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We might most closely associate your query with the concept of voltage.
The uncrystallized, lower centers cannot deliver the higher voltage.
The crystallized centers may become quite remarkable in the high voltage characteristics of the energy transfer as it reaches green ray and indeed as green ray is crystallized this also applies to the higher energy centers until such energy transfers become an honestation4 for the Creator.
4 honestation: n. adornment; grace. [Obs.]
Questioner: Would you please correct me on this statement.
I am guessing that what happens is that when a transfer takes place the energy is that light energy that comes in through the feet of the entity and the voltage or potential difference is measured between the red energy center and, in the case of the green ray transfer, the green energy center and then must leap or flow from the green energy center of one entity to the green energy center of the other, and then something happens to it.
Could you clarify my thinking on that?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
Questioner: Would you please do that?
Ra: I am Ra. The energy transfer occurs in one releasing of the potential difference.
This does not leap between green and green energy centers but is the sharing of the energies of each from red ray upwards.
In this context it may be seen to be at its most efficient when both entities have orgasm simultaneously.
However, it functions as transfer if either has the orgasm and indeed in the case of the physically expressed love between a mated pair which does not have the conclusion you call orgasm there is, nonetheless, a considerable amount of energy transferred due to the potential difference which has been raised as long as both entities are aware of this potential and release its strength to each other by desire of the will in a mental or mind complex dedication.
You may see this practice as being used to generate energy transfers in some of your practices of what you may call other than Christian religious distortion systems of the Law of One.
Questioner: Could you give me an example of that last statement?
Ra: I am Ra. We preface this example with the reminder that each system is quite distorted and its teachings always half-lost.
However, one such system is that called the Tantric Yoga.
Questioner: Considering individual A and individual B,
if individual A experiences the orgasm
is the energy, then, transferred to individual B in a greater amount?
Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Your query is incomplete.
Please restate.
Questioner: I am trying to determine whether the direction of energy transfer is a function of orgasm.
Which entity gets the transferred energy?
I know it’s a dumb question, but I want to be sure that I have it cleared up.
Ra: I am Ra. If both entities are well polarized and vibrating in green-ray love any orgasm shall offer equal energy to both.
Questioner: I see. Before the veil can you describe any other physical difference that we haven’t talked about yet with respect to the sexual energy transfers or relationships or anything prior to veiling?
Ra: I am Ra. Perhaps the most critical difference of the veiling, before and after, was that before the mind, body, and spirit were veiled, entities were aware that each energy transfer and, indeed, very nearly all that proceeds from any intercourse, social or sexual, between two entities has its character and substance in time/space rather than space/time.
The energies transferred during the sexual activity are not, properly speaking, of space/ time.
There is a great component of what you may call metaphysical energy transferred.
Indeed, the body complex as a whole is greatly misunderstood due to the post-veiling assumption that the physical manifestation called the body is subject only to physical stimuli.
This is emphatically not so.
Questioner: After the veil, in our particular case now, we have, in the circuitry of which we were speaking, what you call blockages.
Could you describe what occurs with the first blockage and what its effects are on each of the entities assuming that one blocks and the other does not or if both are blocked?
Ra: I am Ra. This material has been covered previously.
If both entities are blocked
both will have an increased hunger for the same activity, seeking to unblock the baffled flow of energy.
If one entity is blocked and the other vibrates in love,
the entity baffled will hunger still but have a tendency to attempt to continue the procedure of satiating the increasing hunger with the one vibrating green ray due to an impression that this entity might prove helpful in this endeavor.
The green-ray active individual
shall polarize slightly in the direction of service to others but have only the energy with which it began.
Questioner: I didn’t mean to cover previously covered material.
What I was actually attempting to do was discover something new in asking the question, so please if I ask any questions in the future that have already been covered don’t bother to repeat the material.
I am just searching the same area for the possibility of greater enlightenment with respect to this particular area since it seems to be one of the major areas of experience in our present condition of veiling that produces a very large amount of catalyst and I am trying to understand, to use a poor term, how this veiling process created a greater experience and how this experience evolved.
These questions are very difficult to ask.
It occurs to me that many statues or drawings of the one known as Lucifer or the Devil are shown with an erection.
Is this a function of orange-ray blockage, and was this known in a minimal way by those who devised these statues and drawings?
Ra: I am Ra. There is, of course, much other distortion involved in a discussion of any mythic archetypical form.
However, we may answer in the affirmative and note that you are perceptive.
Questioner: With respect to the green, blue, and indigo transfers of energy, how would the mechanism for these transfers differ from the orange-ray mechanism in making them possible or setting the groundwork for them?
I know this is very difficult to ask and I may not be making any sense, but what I am trying to do is gain an understanding of the foundation for the transfers in each of the rays and the preparations for the transfers or the fundamental requirements or biases and potentials for these transfers.
Could you expand on that for me please?
I am sorry for the poor question.
Ra: I am Ra. We would take a moment to state in reply to a previous comment that we shall answer each query whether or not it has been previously covered for not to do so would be to baffle the flow of quite another transfer of energy.
To respond to your query we firstly wish to agree with your supposition that the subject you now query upon is a large one, for in it lies an entire system of opening the gateway to intelligent infinity.
You may see that some information is necessarily shrouded in mystery by our desire to preserve the free will of the adept.
The great key to blue, indigo, and finally, that great capital of the column of sexual energy transfer, violet energy, transfers,
is the metaphysical bond or distortion which has the name among your peoples of unconditional love.
In the blue-ray energy transfer
the quality of this love is refined in the fire of honest communication and clarity; this, shall we say, normally speaking in general, takes a substantial portion of your space/time to accomplish although there are instances of matings so well refined in previous incarnations and so well remembered that the blue-ray may be penetrated at once.
This energy transfer is of great benefit to the seeker in that all communication from this seeker is, thereby, refined and the eyes of honesty and clarity look upon a new world.
Such is the nature of blue-ray energy and such is one mechanism of potentiating and crystallizing it.
As we approach indigo-ray transfer
we find ourselves in a shadowland.
We cannot give you information straight out or plain, for this is seen by us to be an infringement.
We cannot speak at all of violet ray transfer
as we do not, again, desire to break the Law of Confusion.
We may say that these jewels, though dearly bought,
are beyond price for the seeker and might suggest that just as each awareness is arrived at through a process of analysis, synthesis, and inspiration, so should the seeker approach its mate and evaluate each experience, seeking the jewel.
Questioner: Is there any way to tell which ray the transfer was for an individual after the experience?
Ra: I am Ra. There is only a subjective yardstick or measure of such.
If the energies have flowed so that love is made whole,
green-ray transfer has taken place.
If, by the same entities’ exchange, greater ease in communication and greater sight has been experienced,
the energy has been refined to the blueray energy center.
If the polarized entities, by this same energy transfer experience, find that the faculties of will and faith have been stimulated,
not for a brief while but for a great duration of what you call time, you may perceive the indigo-ray transfer.
We may not speak of the violet-ray transfer
except to note that it is an opening to the gateway of intelligent infinity.
Indeed, the indigo-ray transfer is also this but, shall we say, the veil has not yet been lifted.
Questioner: Did most Logoi plan, before the veil, to create a system of random sexual activity or the specific pairing of entities for specific periods of time, or did they have an objective in this respect?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working.
The harvest from the previous creation was that which included the male and female mind/body/spirit.
It was the intention of the original Logoi that entities mate with one another in any fashion which caused a greater polarization.
It was determined, after observation of the process of many Logoi, that polarization increased many fold if the mating were not indiscriminate.
Consequent Logoi thusly preserved a bias towards the mated relationship which is more characteristic of more disciplined personalities and of what you may call higher densities.
The free will of each entity, however, was always paramount and a bias only could be offered.
May we ask if there may be any brief queries before we leave this instrument?
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 55
Session 105, October 19, 1983
Questioner: As an example I would like to take the distortion of a disease or bodily malfunction prior to the veil and compare it to that after the veil.
Let us assume that the conditions that Jim experienced with respect to his kidney malfunction had been an experience that occurred prior to the veil.
Would this experience have occurred prior to the veil?
Would it have been different?
And if so, how?
Ra: I am Ra. The anger of separation is impossible without the veil.
The lack of awareness of the body’s need for liquid is unlikely without the veil.
The decision to contemplate perfection in discipline is quite improbable without the veil.
Questioner: I would like to examine a sample, shall we say, bodily distortion prior to the veil and how it would affect the mind.
Could Ra give an example of that, please?
Ra: I am Ra. This general area has been covered.
We shall recapitulate here.
The patterns of illness, diseases, and death are a benignant demesne5 within the plan of incarnational experience.
As such, some healing would occur by decision of mind/body/spirits, and incarnations were experienced with the normal ending of illness to death, accepted as such since without the veil it is clear that the mind/body/spirit continues.
Thusly, the experiences, both good and bad, or joyful and sad, of the mind/body/spirit before veiling would be pale, without vibrancy or the keen edge of interest that such brings in the post-veiling mind/body/spirit complex.
5 demesne: In feudal law, lands held in one’s own power; A manor house and the adjoining lands in the immediate use and occupation of the owner of the estate;
The grounds belonging to any residence, or any landed estate; Any region over which sovereignty is exercised; domain. [< AF demeyne, OF demeine, demaine. Doublet of DOMAIN.]
Questioner: At the end of an incarnation, before veiling, did the entity appear physically to have aged like entities at the end of their incarnation in our present illusion?
Did the Significator look like that?
Ra: I am Ra. The Significator of Mind, Body, or Spirit is a portion of the archetypical mind and looks as each envisions such to appear.
The body of mind/body/spirits before veiling showed all the signs of aging which acquaint you now with the process leading to the removal from third-density incarnation of the mind/body/spirit complex.
It is well to recall that the difference betwixt mind/body/spirits and mind/body/spirit complexes is a forgetting within the deeper mind.
Physical appearances and surface and instinctual activities are much the same.