4th Density Experience After 3rd Density Harvest
The Law of One, Book II, Session 27
Questioner: I would like for you to define love in its sense as the second distortion.
Ra: I am Ra. This must be defined against the background of intelligent infinity or unity or the one Creator with the primal distortion of free will.
The term Love then may be seen as the focus, the choice of attack, the type of energy of an extremely, shall we say, high order which causes intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of intelligent infinity in just such and such a way.
This then may be seen to be an object rather than an activity by some of your peoples, and the principle of this extremely strong energy focus being worshipped as the Creator instead of unity or oneness from which all Loves emanate.
Questioner: Is there a manifestation of love that we could call vibration?
Ra: I am Ra. Again we reach semantic difficulties.
The vibration or density of love or understanding is not a term used in the same sense as the second distortion,
Love; the distortion Love
being the great activator and primal co-Creator of various creations using intelligent infinity;
the vibration love
being that density in which those who have learned to do an activity called “loving” without significant distortion, then seek the ways of light or wisdom.
Thus in vibratory sense love comes into light in the sense of the activity of unity in its free will.
Love uses light and has the power to direct light in its distortions.
Thus vibratory complexes recapitulate in reverse the creation in its unity, thus showing the rhythm or flow of the great heartbeat, if you will use this analogy.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 29
Questioner: Then when our planet is fully into fourth density, will there be a greater gravity?
Ra: I am Ra. There will be a greater spiritual gravity thus causing a denser illusion.
Questioner: This denser illusion then I would assume increases gravitational acceleration above the 32 feet per second squared that we experience. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Your entities do not have the instrumentation to measure spiritual gravity but only to observe a few of its extreme manifestations.
Questioner: This I know, that we can’t measure spiritual gravity, but I was just wondering if the physical effect could be measured as an increase in the gravitational constant?
That was my question.
Ra: I am Ra. The increase measurable by existing instrumentation would and will be statistical in nature only and not significant.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 43
Questioner: In the next density, the fourth density, is the catalyst of physical pain used as a mechanism for experiential balancing?
Ra: I am Ra. The use of physical pain is minimal, having only to do with the end of the fourth-density incarnation.
This physical pain would not be considered severe enough to treat, shall we say, in third density.
The catalysts of mental and spiritual pain are used in fourth density.
Questioner: Why is physical pain a part of the end of fourth density?
Ra: I am Ra. You would call this variety of pain weariness.
Questioner: Can you state the average lifespan in the fourth density of space/time incarnation?
Ra: I am Ra. The space/time incarnation typical of harmonious fourth density is approximately 90,000 of your years as you measure time.
Questioner: Are there multiple incarnations in fourth density with time/space experiences in between incarnations?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: How long is a cycle of experience in fourth density in our years?
Ra: The cycle of experience is approximately 30 million of your years if the entities are not capable of being harvested sooner.
There is in this density a harvest which is completely the function of the readiness of the social memory complex.
It is not structured as is your own, for it deals with a more transparent distortion of the one infinite Creator.
Questioner: Then the big difference in harvestability between third and fourth density is that at the end of the third density the individual is harvested as a function of individual violet ray, but it is the violet-ray for the entire social memory complex that must be of a harvestable nature to graduate to the fifth density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct
although in fifth density entities may choose to learn as a social memory complex or as mind/body/spirit complexes and may graduate to sixth density under these conditions, for the wisdom density is an extremely free density whereas the lessons of compassion leading to wisdom necessarily have to do with other-selves.
Questioner: Then is sixth-density harvest strictly of a social memory complex nature because again we have wisdom and compassion blended back using wisdom?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.
Questioner: The physical vehicle that is used in fourth-density space/time is, I am assuming, quite similar to the one that is now used in third density.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The chemical elements used are not the same.
However, the appearance is similar.
Questioner: On this planet after the harvest is complete, will fourth-density beings be incarnate on the surface as we know it now?
Ra: I am Ra. The probability/possibility vortices indicate this to be most likely.
Questioner: Then will there be at that time any fifth-density or sixth-density beings on the surface of the planet?
Ra: I am Ra. Not for a fairly long measure of your time as fourth-density beings need to spend their learn/teaching space/time with their own density’s entities.
Questioner: Then basically what you are saying is that at that point the teachings of fifth or sixth-density beings would not be too well understood by the new fourth-density beings?
Ra: I am Ra. Do you wish to query us upon this point?
Questioner: I guess I didn’t state that correctly.
Would the new fourth-density beings then need to evolve in their thinking to reach a point where fifth-density lessons would be of value?
Ra: I am Ra. We grasp the thrust of your query.
Although it is true that as fourth-density beings progress they have more and more need for other density teachings, it is also true that just as we speak to you due to the calling, so the information called is always available.
It is simply that fifth-density beings will not live upon the surface of the planetary sphere until the planet reaches fifth-density vibratory level.
Questioner: I was wondering, then, if the mechanism of teach/learning was the same relatively then in fourth density.
From what you say, it is necessary first for a call to exist for the teach/learning of fifth density to be given to fourth just as a call must exist here before fourth-density lessons are given to third density.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This query is misguided, for experience in fourth density is emphatically not the same as third-density experience.
However, it is correct that the same mechanism of calling predisposes the information received in a way consonant with free will.
You may ask one more full question at this working.
The Law of One, Book II, Session 48
Questioner: Thank you.
That clears up that point very well.
Can you tell me how positive and negative polarizations in fourth and fifth density are used to cause working in consciousness?
Ra: I am Ra. There is very little work in consciousness in fourth and in fifth densities compared to the work done in third density.
The work that is accomplished in positive fourth
is that work whereby the positive social memory complex, having, through slow stages, harmoniously integrated itself, goes forth to aid those of less positive orientation which seek their aid.
Thus their service is their work and through this dynamic between the societal self and the other-self, which is the object of love, greater and greater intensities of understanding or compassion are attained.
This intensity continues until the appropriate intensity of the light may be welcomed.
This is fourth-density harvest.
Within fourth-density positive
there are minor amounts of catalyst of a spiritual and mental complex distortion.
This occurs during the process of harmonizing to the extent of forming the social memory complex.
This causes some small catalyst and work to occur, but the great work of fourth density lies in the contact betwixt the societal self and less polarized otherself.
In fourth-density negative
much work is accomplished during the fighting for position which precedes the period of the social memory complex.
There are opportunities to polarize negatively by control of other-selves.
During the social memory complex period of fourth-density negative the situation is the same.
The work takes place through the societal reaching out to less polarized otherself in order to aid in negative polarization.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 63
July 18, 1981
Questioner: Sorry that I am so stupid on this, but this particular concept is very difficult for me to understand.
It is something that I am afraid requires some rather dumb questions on my part to fully understand, and I don’t think I will ever fully understand it or even get a good grasp of it.
Then as the fourth-density sphere is activated there is heat energy being generated.
I assume that this heat energy is generated on the third-density sphere only.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.
The experiential distortions of each dimension are discrete.
Questioner: Then at some time in the future the fourth-density sphere will be fully activated.
What is the difference between full activation and partial activation for this sphere?
Ra: I am Ra. At this time the cosmic influxes are conducive to true color green core particles being formed and material of this nature thus being formed.
However, there is a mixture of the yellow-ray and green-ray environments at this time necessitating the birthing of transitional mind/body/spirit complex types of energy distortions.
At full activation of the true color green density of love
the planetary sphere will be solid and inhabitable upon its own and the birthing that takes place will have been transformed through the process of time, shall we say, to the appropriate type of vehicle to appreciate in full the fourth-density planetary environment.
At this nexus the green-ray environment exists to a far greater extent in time/space than in space/time.
Questioner: Could you describe the difference that you are speaking of with respect to time/space and space/time?
Ra: I am Ra. For the sake of your understanding we will use the working definition of inner planes.
There is a great deal of subtlety invested in this sound vibration complex, but it, by itself, will perhaps fulfill your present need.
Questioner: I will make this statement and have you correct me.
What we have is, as our planet is spiraled by the spiraling action of the entire major galaxy and our planetary system spirals into the new position, the fourth-density vibrations becoming more and more pronounced.
These atomic core vibrations begin to create, more and more completely, the fourth-density sphere and the fourth-density bodily complexes for inhabitation of that sphere.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct.
To be corrected is the concept of the creation of green-ray density bodily complexes.
This creation will be gradual and will take place beginning with your third-density type of physical vehicle and, through the means of bisexual reproduction, become by evolutionary processes, the fourth-density body complexes.
Questioner: Then are these entities of whom we have spoken, the third-density harvestable who have been transferred, the ones who then will, by bisexual reproduction, create the fourth-density complexes that are necessary?
Ra: I am Ra. The influxes of true color green energy complexes will more and more create the conditions in which the atomic structure of cells of bodily complexes is that of the density of love.
The mind/body/spirit complexes inhabiting these physical vehicles will be, and to some extent, are, those of whom you spoke and, as harvest is completed, the harvested entities of this planetary influence.
Questioner: When the third-density goes out of activation and into potentiation that will leave us with a planet that is first, second, and fourth-density.
At that time there will be no activated third-density vibrations on this planet.
Am I correct in assuming that all third-density vibrations on this planet now are those vibrations that compose the bodily complexes of entities such as we are; that that is the sum total of third-density vibrations on this planet at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working.
This instrument has energy left due to transfer but there is discomfort.
We do not wish to deplete this instrument.
May we say that this instrument seems in better configuration despite attack than previous workings.
To answer your query, this is incorrect only in that in addition to the mind/body/spirit complexes of third-density there are the artifacts, thoughtforms, and feelings which these co-Creators have produced.
This is third-density.
May we answer any brief queries as we leave this instrument?