Erroneous or Ineffective Healing Techniques Carried Out By Evangelists, Pastors or Spiritual Healers
The Law of One, Book III, Session 66
Questioner: Now as the healer approaches an other-self to do the healing we have a situation where the other-self has, through programming of catalyst, possibly created a condition which is viewed as a condition needing healing.
What is the situation and what are the ramifications of the healer acting upon the condition of programmed catalyst to bring about healing?
Am I correct in assuming that in doing this healing, the programmed catalyst is useful to the one to be healed in that the one to be healed then becomes aware of what it wished to become aware of in programming the catalyst?
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Your thinking cannot be said to be completely incorrect but shows a rigidity which is not apparent in the flow of the experiential use of catalyst.
The role of the healer is to offer an opportunity for realignment or aid in realignment of either energy centers or
some connection between the energies of
mind and body,
spirit and mind, or
spirit and body. This latter is very rare.
The seeker will then have the reciprocal opportunity to accept a novel view of the self, a variant arrangement of patterns of energy influx.
If the entity, at any level, desires to remain in the configuration of distortion which seems to need healing it will do so.
If, upon the other hand, the seeker chooses the novel configuration, it is done through free will.
This is one great difficulty with other forms of energy transfer in that they do not carry through the process of free will as this process is not native to yellow-ray.
Questioner: What is the difference, philosophically, between a mind/body/spirit complex healing itself through mental, shall I say, configuration and it being healed by an healer?
Ra: I am Ra. You have a misconception.
The healer does not heal.
The crystallized healer is a channel for intelligent energy which offers an opportunity to an entity that it might heal itself.
In no case is there an other description of healing.
Therefore, there is no difference as long as the healer never approaches one whose request for aid has not come to it previously.
This is also true of the more conventional healers of your culture and if these healers could but fully realize that they are responsible only for offering the opportunity of healing, and not for the healing, many of these entities would feel an enormous load of misconceived responsibility fall from them.
Questioner: Then in seeking healing a mind/body/spirit complex would then be seeking in some cases a source of gathered and focused light energy.
This source could be another mind/body/spirit complex sufficiently crystallized for this purpose or the pyramid shape, or possibly something else.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. These are some of the ways an entity may seek healing.
Questioner: Could you tell me the other ways an entity could seek healing?
Ra: I am Ra. Perhaps the greatest healer is within the self and may be tapped with continued meditation as we have suggested.
The many forms of healing available to your peoples … each have virtue and may be deemed appropriate by any seeker who wishes to alter the physical complex distortions or some connection between the various portions of the mind/body/spirit complex thereby.
Questioner: I have observed many activities known as psychic surgery in the area of the Philippine Islands.
It was my assumption that these healers are providing what I would call a training aid or a way of creating a reconfiguration of the mind of the patient to be healed as the relatively naive patient observes the action of the healer in seeing the materialized blood, etc. and reconfigures the roots of mind to believe, you might say, the healing is done and, therefore, heals himself.
Is this analysis that I have made correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
We may speak slightly further on the type of opportunity.
There are times when the malcondition to be altered is without emotional, mental, or spiritual interest to the entity and is merely that which has, perhaps by chance genetic arrangement, occurred.
In these cases that which is apparently dematerialized will remain dematerialized and may be observed as so by any observer.
The malcondition which has an emotional, mental, or spiritual charge is likely not to remain dematerialized in the sense of the showing of the objective referent to an observer.
However, if the opportunity has been taken by the seeker the apparent malcondition of the physical complex will be at variance with the actual health, as you call this distortion, of the seeker and the lack of experiencing the distortions which the objective referent would suggest still held sway.
For instance, in this instrument the removal of three small cysts was the removal of material having no interest to the entity. Thus these growths remained dematerialized after the so-called psychic surgery experience.
In other psychic surgery the kidneys of this instrument were carefully offered a new configuration of being-ness which the entity embraced.
However, this particular portion of the mind/body/spirit complex carried a great deal of emotional, mental, and spiritual charge due to this distorted functioning being the cause of great illness in a certain configuration of events which culminated in this entity’s conscious decision to be of service.
Therefore, any objective scanning of this entity’s renal complex would indicate the rather extreme dysfunctional aspect which it showed previous to the psychic surgery experience, as you call it.
The key is not in the continuation of the dematerialization of distortion to the eye of the beholder but rather lies in the choosing of the newly materialized configuration which exists in time/space.
Questioner: Would you explain that last comment about the configuration in time/space?
Ra: I am Ra. Healing is done in the time/space portion of the mind/body/spirit complex, is adopted by the form-making or etheric body, and is then given to the space/time physical illusion for use in the activated yellow mind/body/spirit complex.
It is the adoption of the configuration which you call health by the etheric body in time/space which is the key to what you call health, not any event which occurs in space/time.
In the process you may see the transdimensional aspect of what you call will, for it is the will, the seeking, the desire of the entity which causes the indigo body to use the novel configuration and to reform the body which exists in space/time.
This is done in an instant and may be said to operate without regard to time.
We may note that in the healing of very young children
there is often an apparent healing by the healer in which the young entity has no part. This is never so,
for the mind/body/spirit complex in time/space is always capable of willing the distortions it chooses for experience no matter what the apparent age, as you call it, of the entity.
Questioner: Is this desire and will that operates through to the time/space section a function only of the entity who is healed or is it also the function of the healer, the crystallized healer?
Ra: I am Ra. May we take this opportunity to say that this is the activity of the Creator.
To specifically answer your query the crystallized healer has no will.
It offers an opportunity without attachment to the outcome, for it is aware that all is one and that the Creator is knowing Itself.
Questioner: Then the desire must be strong in the mind/body/spirit complex who seeks healing to be healed in order for the healing to occur?
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct on one level or another.
An entity may not consciously seek healing and yet subconsciously be aware of the need to experience the new set of distortions which result from healing.
Similarly an entity may consciously desire healing greatly but within the being, at some level, find some cause whereby certain configurations which seem quite distorted are, in fact, at that level, considered appropriate.
Questioner: I assume that the reason for assuming the distortions appropriate would be that these distortions would aid the entity in its reaching its ultimate objective which is a movement along the path of evolution in the desired polarity.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: Then an entity who becomes aware of his polarization with respect to service-to-others might find a paradoxical situation in the case where it was unable to fully serve because of distortions chosen to reach the understanding it has reached.
At this point it would seem that the entity who was aware of the mechanism might, through meditation, understand the necessary mental configuration for alleviating the physical distortion so that it could be of greater service-to-others.
At this particular nexus am I correct in this thinking?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct although we might note that there are often complex reasons for the programming of a distorted physical complex pattern.
In any case, meditation is always an aid to knowing the self.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 73
Questioner: Many so-called evangelists which we have in our society at present have great desire and very great will, and possibly great polarity, but it seems to me that in many cases that there is a lack of awareness that creates a less than effective working in the magical sense.
Am I correct in this analysis?
Ra: I am Ra. You are partially correct.
In examining the polarity of a service-to-others working the free will must be seen as paramount.
Those entities of which you speak are attempting to generate positive changes in consciousness while abridging free will.
This causes the blockage of the magical nature of the working except in those cases wherein an entity freely desires to accept the working of the evangelist, as you have called it.
Questioner: What was the orientation with respect to this type of communication for the one known as Jesus of Nazareth?
Ra: I am Ra. You may have read some of this entity’s workings.
It offered itself as teacher to those mind/body/spirit complexes which gathered to hear and even then spoke as through a veil so as to leave room for those not wishing to hear.
When this entity was asked to heal, it oft times did so,
always ending the working with two admonitions:
that the entity healed had been healed by its faith, that is, its ability to allow and accept changes through the violet-ray into the gateway of intelligent energy;
saying always, “Tell no one.”
These are the workings which attempt the maximal quality of free will while maintaining fidelity to the positive purity of the working.
Questioner: An observation of the working itself by another entity would seem to me to partially abridge free will in that a seemingly magical occurrence had taken place as the result of the working of an adept.
This could be extended to any phenomenon which is other than normal or acceptable.
Could you speak on this paradox that is immediately the problem of anyone doing healing?
Ra: I am Ra. We are humble messengers of the Law of One.
To us there are no paradoxes.
The workings which seem magical and, therefore, seem to infringe upon free will do not, in themselves, do so, for the distortions of perception are as many as the witnesses and each witness sees what it desires to see.
Infringement upon free will occurs in this circumstance only if the entity doing the working ascribes the authorship of this event to its self or its own skills.
He who states that no working comes from it but only through it is not infringing upon free will.