How The Pyramid Stone Blocks of Giza Pyramid Were Moved?
The Law of One, Book I, Session 3
Questioner: How were the blocks moved?
Ra: I am Ra. You must picture the activity within all that is created.
The energy is, though finite, quite large compared to the understanding/distortion by your peoples.
This is an obvious point well known to your people, but little considered.
This energy is intelligent.
It is hierarchical.
Much as your mind/body/spirit complex dwells within a hierarchy of vehicles and retains, therefore, the shell or shape or field, and the intelligence of each ascendingly intelligent or balanced body, so does each atom of such a material as rock.
When one can speak to that intelligence, the finite energy of the physical, or chemical rock/body is put into contact with that infinite power which is resident in the more well-tuned bodies, be they human or rock.
With this connection made, a request may be given.
The intelligence of infinite rock-ness communicates to its physical vehicle and that splitting and moving which is desired is then carried out through the displacement of the energy field of rock-ness from finity to a dimension which we may conveniently call, simply, infinity.
In this way, that which is required is accomplished due to a cooperation of the infinite understanding of the Creator indwelling in the living rock.
This is, of course, the mechanism by which many things are accomplished, which are not subject to your present means of physical analysis of action at a distance.
Questioner: I am reminded of the statement—approximately—that if you had faith to move a mountain, the mountain would move.
This seems to be approximately what you were saying.
That if you are fully aware of the Law of One, you would be able to do these things.
Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The vibratory distortion of sound, faith, is perhaps one of the stumbling blocks between those of what we may call the infinite path and those of the finite proving/understanding.
You are precisely correct in your understanding of the congruency of faith and intelligent infinity; however, one is a spiritual term, the other more acceptable perhaps to the conceptual framework distortions of those who seek with measure and pen.
Questioner: Then if an individual is totally informed with respect to the Law of One and lives the Law of One, then such things as the building of the pyramids by direct mental effort would be commonplace.
Is that what I am to understand?
Ra: I am Ra. You are incorrect in that there is a distinction between the individual power through the Law of One and the combined, or societal memory complex mind/body/spirit understanding of the Law of One.
In the first case only the one individual, purified of all flaws, could move a mountain.
In the case of mass understanding of unity,
each individual may contain an acceptable amount of distortion and yet the mass mind could move mountains.
The progress is normally from the understanding which you now seek to a dimension of understanding which is governed by the laws of love, and which seeks the laws of light.
Those who are vibrating with the Law of Light seek the Law of One.
Those who vibrate with the Law of One seek the Law of Foreverness.
We cannot say what is beyond this dissolution of the unified self with all that there is, for we still seek to become all that there is, and still are we Ra.
Thus our paths go onward.
Questioner: Was the pyramid then built by the mutual action of many?
Ra: I am Ra. The pyramids which we thought/built were constructed thought-forms created by our social memory complex.
Questioner: Then the rock was created in place rather than moved from some place else?
Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We built with everlasting rock the Great Pyramid, as you call it.
Other of the pyramids were built with stone moved from one place to another.
Questioner: What is everlasting rock?
Ra: I am Ra. If you can understand the concept of thought-forms you will realize that the thought-form is more regular in its distortion than the energy fields created by the materials in the rock which has been created through thought form from thought to finite energy and being-ness in your, shall we say, distorted reflection of the level of the thought-form.
May we answer you in any more helpful way?
Questioner: This is rather trivial, but I was wondering why the pyramid was built with many blocks rather than creating the whole thing as one form created at once?
Ra: I am Ra. There is a law which we believe to be one of the more significant primal distortions of the Law of One.
That is the Law of Confusion.
You have called this the Law of Free Will.
We wished to make an healing machine, or time/space ratio complex which was as efficacious as possible.
However, we did not desire to allow the mystery to be penetrated by the peoples in such a way that we became worshipped as builders of a miraculous pyramid.
Thus it appears to be made, not thought.
The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 16
Questioner: The second question is: Paul has also received information that there were other beings aiding in the construction of the pyramids, but that they were not fully materialized in the third density.
They were materialized from their waist up to their heads but were not materialized from their waist down to their feet.
Did such entities exist and aid in the construction of the pyramids, and who were they?
Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, the intelligent infinity present in the absorption of living-ness and being-ness as it becomes codified into intelligent energy, due to the thought impressions of those assisting the living stone into a new shape of being-ness.
The release and use of intelligent infinity for a brief period begins to absorb all the consecutive or interlocking dimensions, thus offering brief glimpses of those projecting to the material their thought.
These beings thus beginning to materialize but not remaining visible.
These beings were the thought-form or third-density visible manifestation of our social memory complex as we offered contact from our intelligent infinity to the intelligent infinity of the stone.