The Criterion Required for Extraterrestrial or Alien Visitation to Occur on Earth
The Law of One, Book I, Session 7
January 25, 1981
Questioner: You mentioned that there were a number of members of the Confederation of Planets.
What avenues of service, or types of service, are available to the members of the Confederation?
Ra: I am Ra. I am assuming that you intend the service which we of the Confederation can offer, rather than the service which is available to our use.
The service available for our offering to those who call us
is equivalent to the square of the distortion/need of that calling divided by, or integrated with, the basic Law of One in its distortion indicating the free will of those who are not aware of the unity of creation.
Questioner: From this, I am assuming that the difficulty that you have in contacting this planet at this time is the mixture of people here, some being aware of the unity, and some not, and for this reason you cannot come openly or give proof of your contact. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. As we just repeated through this instrument, we must integrate all of the portions of your social memory complex in its illusory disintegration form.
Then the product of this can be seen as the limit of our ability to serve.
We are fortunate that the Law of Service squares the desires of those who call.
Otherwise, we would have no beingness in this time/space at this present continuum of the illusion.
In short, you are basically correct.
The thought of not being able is not a part of our basic thought-form complex towards your peoples, but rather it is a maximal consideration of what is possible.
Questioner: By squared, do you mean that if ten people call you can count that, when comparing it to the planetary ratio, as 100 people, squaring ten and getting 100?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
The square is sequential-one, two, three, four, each squared by the next number.
Questioner: If only ten entities on earth required your services how would you compute their calling by using this square method?
Ra: I am Ra. We would square one ten sequential times, raising the number to the tenth square.
Questioner: What would be the result of this calculation?
Ra: I am Ra. The result is difficult to transmit.
It is 1,012, approximately.
The entities who call are sometimes not totally unified in their calling and, thus, the squaring slightly less.
Thus, there is a statistical loss over a period of call.
However, perhaps you may see by this statistically corrected information the squaring mechanism.
Questioner: About how many entities at present on planet Earth are calling for your services?
Ra: I am Ra. I am called personally by 352,000.
The Confederation, in its entire spectrum of entity-complexes,
is called by 632,000,000 of your mind/body/spirit complexes.
These numbers have been simplified.
Questioner: Can you tell me what the result of the application of the Law of Squares is to those figures?
Ra: I am Ra. The number is approximately meaningless in the finite sense as there are many, many digits.
It, however, constitutes a great calling which we of all creation feel and hear as if our own entities were distorted towards a great and overwhelming sorrow.
It demands our service.
Questioner: At what point would this calling be great enough for you to come openly among the people on Earth?
How many entities on Earth would have to call the Confederation?
Ra: I am Ra. We do not calculate the possibility of coming among your peoples by the numbers of calling, but by a consensus among an entire societal-memory complex which has become aware of the infinite consciousness of all things.
This has been possible among your peoples only in isolated instances.
In the case wherein a social memory complex which is a servant of the Creator sees this situation and has an idea for the appropriate aid which can only be done among your peoples, the social memory complex desiring this project lays it before the Council of Saturn.
If it is approved, quarantine is lifted.
Questioner: I am interested in the application of the Law of One as it pertains to free will with respect to what I would call the advertising done by UFO contacts with the planet Earth.
The Council seems to have allowed the quarantine to be lifted many times over the past thirty years.
This seems to me to be a form of advertising for what we are doing right now, so that more people will be awakened. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. It will take a certain amount of untangling of conceptualization of your mental complex to reform your query into an appropriate response.
Please bear with us.
The Council of Saturn has not allowed the breaking of quarantine in the time/space continuum you mentioned.
There is a certain amount of landing taking place.
Some are of the entities known to you as the group of Orion.
Secondly, there is permission granted, not to break quarantine by dwelling among you, but to appear in thought form capacity for those who have eyes to see.
Thirdly, you are correct in assuming that permission was granted at the time/space in which your first nuclear device was developed and used for Confederation members to minister to your peoples in such a way as to cause mystery to occur.
This is what you mean by advertising and is correct.
The mystery and unknown quality of the occurrences we are allowed to offer have the hoped-for intention of making your peoples aware of infinite possibility.
When your peoples grasp infinity, then and only then, can the gateway be opened to the Law of One.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 8
Questioner: I have a question regarding what I call the advertising of the Confederation.
It has to do with free will.
There have been certain contacts allowed, as I understand, by the Confederation, but this is limited because of free will of those who are not oriented in such a way as to want contact.
Many people on our planet want this material, but even though we disseminate it many will not be aware that it is available.
Is there any possibility of creating some effect which I would call advertising, or is this against the principle of free will?
Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, the path your life-experience complex has taken.
Consider the coincidences and odd circumstances by which one thing flowed to the next.
Consider this well.
Each entity will receive the opportunity that each needs.
This information source-beingness does not have uses in the life-experience complex of each of those among your peoples who seek.
Thus the advertisement is general and not designed to indicate the searching out of any particular material, but only to suggest the noumenal aspect of the illusion.
Questioner: How did the United States learn the technology to build these craft?
Ra: I am Ra. There was a mind/body/spirit complex known to your people by the vibratory sound complex, Nikola.
This entity departed the illusion and the papers containing the necessary understandings were taken by mind/body/spirit complexes serving your security of national divisional complex.
Thus your people became privy to the basic technology.
In the case of those mind/body/spirit complexes which you call Russians, the technology was given from one of the Confederation in an attempt, approximately twenty seven of your years ago, to share information and bring about peace among your peoples.
The entities giving this information were in error, but we did many things at the end of this cycle in attempts to aid your harvest from which we learned the folly of certain types of aid.
That is a contributing factor to our more cautious approach at this date, even as the need is power upon power greater, and your peoples’ call is greater and greater.
Questioner: Is this the type of craft that Dan Frye was transported in?
Ra: I am Ra. The one known as Daniel was, in thought-form, transported by Confederation thought-form vehicular illusion in order to give this mind/body/spirit complex data so that we might see how this type of contact aided your people in the uncovering of the intelligent infinity behind the illusion of limits.
Questioner: Would it be possible for any of us to have contact with the Confederation in a more direct way?
Ra: I am Ra. In observing the distortions of those who underwent this experiential sequence we decided to gradually back off, shall I say, from direct contact in thought-form.
The least distortion seems to be available in mind-to-mind communication.
Therefore, the request to be taken aboard is not one we care to comply with.
You are most valuable in your present orientation.
May we ask at this time if you have a needed short query before we end this session?
The Law of One, Book I, Session 16
Questioner: This is a profound revelation, I believe, in the Law of Free Will. Thank you.
This is a minor question further to make an example of this principle, but if the Confederation landed on Earth, they would be taken as gods, breaking the Law of Free Will and thus reducing their polarization of service to all.
I assume that the same thing would happen if the Orion group landed.
How would this affect their polarization of service to self if they were able to land and became known as gods?
Ra: I am Ra. In the event of mass landing of the Orion group, the effect of polarization would be strongly toward an increase in the service to self, precisely the opposite of the former opportunity which you mentioned.
Questioner: If the Orion group was able to land, would this increase their polarization?
What I am trying to get at is, is it better for them to work behind the scenes to get recruits, shall we say, from our planet, the person from our planet going strictly on his own using free will, or is it just as good for the Orion group to land on our planet and demonstrate remarkable powers and get people like that?
Ra: I am Ra.
This first instance is,
in the long run, shall we put it, more salubrious for the Orion group in that it does not infringe upon the Law of One by landing and, thus, does its work through those of this planet.
In the second circumstance,
a mass landing would create a loss of polarization due to the infringement upon the free will of the planet.
However, it would be a gamble.
If the planet were then conquered and became part of the Empire, the free will would then be re-established.
This is restrained in action due to the desire of the Orion group to progress towards the one Creator.
This desire to progress inhibits the group from breaking the Law of Confusion.
Questioner: You mentioned the word “Empire” in relation to the Orion group.
I have thought for some time that the movie Star Wars was somehow an allegory for what is actually happening. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct in the same way that a simple children’s story is an allegory for physical/philosophical/social complex distortion/understanding.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 21
Questioner: Then, at the end of the first 25,000 year period, I am guessing that the Guardians discovered that there was no harvest of either positively or negatively oriented entities.
Tell me then what happened?
What action was taken?
Ra: I am Ra. There was no action taken except to remain aware of the possibility of a calling for help or understanding among the entities of this density.
The Confederation is concerned with the preservation of the conditions conducive to learning.
This for the most part, revolves about the primal distortion of free will.
Questioner: Then the Confederation gardeners did nothing until some of the plants in their garden called them for help. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Questioner: When did the first call occur, and how did it occur?
Ra: I am Ra. The first calling was approximately 46,000 of your years ago.
This calling was of those of Maldek.
These entities were aware of their need for rectifying the consequences of their action and were in some confusion in an incarnate state as to the circumstances of their incarnation; the unconscious being aware, the conscious being quite confused.
This created a calling.
The Confederation sent love and light to these entities.
Questioner: How did the Confederation send this love and light?
What did they do?
Ra: I am Ra. There dwell within the Confederation planetary entities who from their planetary spheres do nothing but send love and light as pure streamings to those who call.
This is not in the form of conceptual thought but of pure and undifferentiated love.
Questioner: Did the first distortion of the Law of One then require that equal time, shall I say, be given to the self-service oriented group?
Ra: I am Ra. In this case this was not necessary for some of your time due to the orientation of the entities.
Questioner: What was their orientation?
Ra: I am Ra. The orientation of these entities was such that the aid of the Confederation was not perceived.
Questioner: Since it was not perceived it was not necessary to balance this. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
What is necessary to balance is opportunity.
When there is ignorance, there is no opportunity.
When there exists a potential, then each opportunity shall be balanced, this balancing caused by not only the positive and negative orientations of those offering aid but also the orientation of those requesting aid.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 22
Questioner: Was all of their information given to them in the same way that we are getting our information now, through an instrument such as this instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. There were visitations from time to time but none of importance in the, shall we say, historical passage of events in your space/time continuum.
Questioner: Was it necessary for them to have an unified social complex for these visitations to occur?
What conditions were necessary for these visitations to occur?
Ra: I am Ra.
The conditions were two:
the calling of a group of people whose square overcame the integrated resistance of those unwilling to search or learn;
the second requirement, the relative naiveté of those members of the Confederation who felt that direct transfer of information would necessarily be as helpful for Atlanteans as it had been for the Confederation entity.
Questioner: I see then.
What you are saying is that these naive Confederation entities had had the same thing happen to them in the past so they were doing the same thing for the Atlantean entities. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
We remind you that we are one of the naive members of that Confederation and are still attempting to recoup the damage for which we feel responsibility.
It is our duty as well as honor to continue with your peoples, therefore, until all traces of the distortions of our teach/learnings have been embraced by their opposite distortions, and balance achieved.
Questioner: I see.
Then I will state the picture I have of Atlantis and you tell me if I am correct.
We have a condition where a large enough percentage of the people of Atlantis had started at least going in the direction of the Law of One and living the Law of One for their call to be heard by the Confederation.
This call was heard because, using the Law of Squares, it overrode the opposition of the Atlantean entities who were not calling.
The Confederation then used channels such as we use now in communication and also made contact directly, but this turned out to be a mistake because it was perverted by the entities of Atlantis.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct with one exception.
There is only one law.
That is the Law of One.
Other so-called laws are distortions of this law, some of them primal and most important for progress to be understood.
However, it is well that each so-called law, which we also call “way,” be understood as a distortion rather than a law.
There is no multiplicity to the Law of One.
This will be the final question in length of this working.
Please ask it now.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 23
Questioner: When you started building the pyramid at Giza using thought, were you at that time in contact with incarnate Egyptians and did they observe this building?
Ra: I am Ra. At that time we were not in close contact with incarnate entities upon your plane.
We were responding to a general calling of sufficient energy in that particular location to merit action.
We sent thoughts to all who were seeking our information.
The appearance of the pyramid was a matter of tremendous surprise.
However, it was carefully designed to coincide with the incarnation of one known as a great architect.
This entity was later made into a deity, in part due to this occurrence.
Questioner: What name did they give this deity?
Ra: I am Ra. This deity had the sound vibration complex, “Imhotep.”
The Law of One, Book I, Session 24
Questioner: In the last session you mentioned that in this last 25,000 year cycle the Atlanteans, Egyptians, and those in South America were contacted and then the Confederation departed.
I understand that the Confederation did not come back for some time.
Could you tell me of the reasons, consequences, and attitudes with respect to the next contact with those here on planet Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. In the case of the Atlanteans, enlargements upon the information given resulted in those activities distorted towards bellicosity which resulted in the final second Atlantean catastrophe 10,821 of your years in the past, as you measure time.
Many, many were displaced due to societal actions both upon Atlantis and upon those areas of what you would call North African deserts to which some Atlanteans had gone after the first conflict.
Earth changes continued due to these, what you would call, nuclear bombs and other crystal weapons, sinking the last great land masses approximately 9,600 of your years ago.
In the Egyptian and the South American experiments results, though not as widely devastating, were as far from the original intention of the Confederation.
It was clear to not only us but also to the Council and the Guardians that our methods were not appropriate for this particular sphere.
Our attitude thus was one of
observation, and
continuing attempts to creatively discover methods whereby contact from our entities could be of service with the least distortion and above all with the least possibility of becoming perversions or antitheses of our intention in sharing information.
The Law of One, Book III, Session 73
Questioner: Thank you.
I would like to thank Ra at this time for the opportunity to be of service to those on this sphere who would want to have the information that we gain here.
You stated that free will, one-pointed in service-to-others had the potential of alerting a great mass of light strength.
I assume that the same holds precisely true for the service-to-self polarity.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect but subtly so.
In invocation and evocation of what may be termed negative entities or qualities the expression alerts the positively oriented equivalent.
However, those upon the service-to-others path wait to be called and can only send love.
Questioner: What I was trying to get at was that this alerting of light strength is, as I see it, a process that must be totally a function of free will, as you say, and as the desire and will and purity of desire of the adept increases, the alerting of light strength increases.
Is this part of it the same for both the positive and negative potentials and am I correct with this statement?
Ra: I am Ra. To avoid confusion we shall simply restate for clarity your correct assumption.
Those who are upon the service-to-others path
may call upon the light strength in direct proportion to the strength and purity of their will to serve.
Those upon the service-to-self path
may call upon the dark strength in direct proportion to the strength and purity of their will to serve.
End of Ra's Lessons.
Editor's Comments: Subject to the absolute freewill of the Reader.
The governments of today or the power that "shouldn't" be; will continue to tell us that the UFOs seen in our skies and in various other places are nothing but "weather balloons", "drones" and fictions of our imaginations!
They will continue to be 'tight-lip' about the "full" disclosure or the existence of 'highly advance' lifeforms/Entities in other planets or Creation.
Note: These oligarchs are happy to disclose the foundings of "microbial" or "primitive" lifeforms, but never the "advance types", who are, for the most part, millions and billions of years ahead of us, technologically and spiritually speaking.
This "lie" will continue, unabated, until such time, where the so-called "disclosure" (coming from government) will only be used to further foster the agenda of control and repression, which serves only one thing, the total enslavement of people on Earth and the continuation of distancing the Self (You and I) from knowing the "True Self" and that of the One Infinite Creator.
How else do you keep the masses in perpetual 'mental slavery'; other than to continue to tell them they are alone in the Universe and nothing but a "piece of meat" without any spiritual worth?
In the grand scheme of things, it will not be in their best interest to disclose 'advance lifeforms' on other planets, because it will not serve their overall agenda of "total control" and a 'severe' distance of the 'All Self' from the One Creator.
Why is this so?
Religion, as many would now agree, is also a tool for control and repression, and any notion that we are not alone, and have never been alone dismantles the popular "Adam & Eve" story, and also dissolves the mentality that surrounds various religious doctrines and dogmas.
Think about it, once everyone is privy to highly advance lifeforms in the Universe, the calling on the planet 'dramatically' intensifies (many-folds), and those "highly advance Beings" who hears this call will 'eventually' make their presence felt by rendering services that are in congruent with such a call.
Remember, these advance Entities only operates, for the most part, under the "Freewill Distortion", which has been loosely described as "Prime Directive" in many of our public literature.
Where there's ignorance, there will be no call.
Where there's no call, there's no service to be rendered by these advance Entities.
So, the governments or the power that be; will continue to foster this ignorance in order to prevent this calling from intensifying or manifesting. They will rather let you get lost in celebrity cultures, religious dogmas and economic woes, than let you get awakened, spiritually-speaking. This is why most UFO sightings are immediately suppressed, ridiculed and many times, some of the victims/subjects of such events are immediately labelled as "crazy" or a kook.
Many, if not most of the UFO communities have already been 'heavily' infiltrated and influenced by negative forces (call it "governmental" if you will), and these "communities" have since lost their bearings from their initial/original intended purposes.
Let's not forget, many scientists are also heavily influenced/controlled by external forces as well. Many of these scientists are totally blinded by fame, money, recognition and accolades, that they will get 'squeaky-bum', and dodges or gives vague answers (or be totally disingenuous) when pressed with questions of "UFOs and advance lifeforms" in the Universe. Remember, in the days of old, Scientists are also Priests, but now, they are totally separated by a distance of unimaginable scale.
There are Beings in our 'solar backyard', who are billions and aeons of years ahead of us in terms of spiritual evolution and mental development.
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